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COMMISSIONERS REPORTS Third Quarter 2015/16. October to December 2015. OVERALL GOAL OF COMMISSIONERS Working towards the realisation of the vision and mission of the CGE by establishing good governance and ensuring that the organisation operates effectively and efficiently.
COMMISSIONERS REPORTSThird Quarter 2015/16 October to December 2015
OVERALL GOAL OF COMMISSIONERS Working towards the realisation of the vision and mission of the CGE by establishing good governance and ensuring that the organisation operates effectively and efficiently
COMMISSIONERS’ OBJECTIVE • To attain this Goal of Commissioners, following objectives must be pursued: • Ensure good corporate governance exists by executing fiduciary responsibility and perform oversight function • Make strategic Interventions and provide leadership in relation to gender equity and equality issues • Ensure the CGE organisational policies and practises are consistent with its vision and organisational values • Preserve institutional autonomy and independence • Strengthen institutional systems by serving on statutory, theme and any other Committees as allocated by Plenary
COMMISSIONERS’ OVERSIGHT WORK Following structures exist to oversee the work of Commissioners. Plenary:- Meeting of Commissioners and CEO convened on Quarterly basis to coincide with secretariat quarterly reporting on the implementation of the Annual performance Plan and Budget. Plenary took place on 21-23 October 2015 Tele-Plenaries are called to consider urgent business :- Tele plenary took place on the 19 November 2015 Extra ordinary Plenary: In between Plenary meetings, certain issues might arise that need Plenary attention. It is a face to face meeting of commissioners.
CGE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEES Established in accordance with Good governance Principles and Commissioners’ fiduciary responsibilities: these include :- • Strategic Planning Monitoring and Evaluation (SMPE) • Finance Committee • Human Resources and Remuneration Committee (HR&R) • Information Technology and Communications Committee (ITC) • Good Governance and Social Ethics Committee (GGSE) • Adhoc Committee:- Plenary establishes additional adhoc Committees as required to lead on addressing a particular issues requiring decision or deliberation by plenary . Section 6 committee is established as committee to provide a platform for deliberation and guidance on substantive matters of gender equality. The functioning of this committee is being reviewed by Plenary
ROLE OF COMMISSIONERS IN CGE COMMITTEES • Assist with conceptualising planning and development of recommendations for the thematic areas • Perform an oversight role in overseeing the implementation of agreed upon programmes • Perform a support role in the implementation of agreed upon programmes as required • Provide a link between committee and Plenary, taking forward any issues requiring decision or guidance from Plenary
ROLE OF COMMISSIONERS IN PROVIDING SUPPORT TO PROVINCES a. Each Province is assigned a lead Commissioners and a back up Commissioner to lend support to provincial interventions; b. Commissioners support and participate in provincial interventions and activities as requested by Provincial Coordinator. c. Strengthening networking with key state, private sector and civil society organizations in the province. d. Meeting and presentation with Provincial Gender Machinery and other structures like Provincial Legislature, House of Traditional Leadership and Civil Society Organization. e. Identify key issues of gender equality emanating from the work of provinces, and work with Provincial Coordinator to strategize on the take up and resolutions of issues, either through engaging with relevant provincial stakeholders, or referring this for national intervention, through the office of the Chairperson and CEO
1. Mr M SHOZI - CHAIRPERSON • 1. Strategic Objective Number One: To ensure the creation and implementation of an enabling legislative framework that promotes the attainment of Gender Equality. • 1.1Birth Registration Indaba - aimed at taking stakeholders on board in ensuring that early registration of all births in our country takes place within 30 days’ period after birth. • 1.2 Office of the Judge for the Complaints Mechanism for the Directorate for Priority Crime – has requested to enter into MOU with CGE. • 1.3 The Arts and Culture and Heritage Sector Indaba (ACH Indaba) - invited CGE on the development of the new White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage. • 1.4 CGE Transformation Hearings in institutions of Higher Learning- held on the 23-24 November 2015 (Pretoria, North West and Tshwane Universities) • 1.5Memorandum of the Khoi and San Council to CGE: CGE handed the memo to SAHRC to investigate the matter.
2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. 2.1 Launch of Dr Bam’s Book: “Democracy more than elections” - conversation organized by SAWID. 2.2The 2015 Africa Peace Award -The award was presented to the AU Commission Chairperson. 2.3 Ilitha Labantu’s Interactive Women Dialogue – CGE made a presentation on its mandate utilising its research reports, education campaigns and complaints received to the eradication of GBV. 2.4 Establishment and Nomination of the Men’s Forum Committee Members – CGE was invited to present on Gender Equality Issues by Dept of Justice and Mineral Resources. 2.5 2nd Higher Education Transformation Summit– held on the 15-17 October 2015,
2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. Continues 2.6 Public dialogue on the Role of the Chapter Nine Institutions: Have they fulfilled their constitutional mandate - The Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR), Cape Town, invited me to address a public dialogue on “the Role of Chapter Nine Institutions: 2.7 The State of Human Rights in SA Seminarby Amnesty international South Africa - CGE presented the State of Gender Equality in South Africa. 2.8 Meeting with IEC Chairperson - discussed the issue of Women Representation in Political parties, focus on Election observation and areas of collaboration between the two institutions 2.9 Masiqhakaze Women’s organisation– CGE was invited to outreach programme addressed by the President of the Republic of South Africa.
3. Strategic Objective Number Three: To monitor state compliance with regional and International conventions, covenants and charters which have been acceded to or ratified by the Republic, relating to the objects of the Commission. 3.1 Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women: Mission to South Africa - CGE had a meeting with UN Special Rapporteur with other chapter 9 institutions. 3.2 Meeting with Refugees who reside in Hope Farm - CGE together with the Kwazulu-Natal Christian Council (KZNCC) responded to a meeting request. (139 refugees - Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda). The Commission found: (Leadership disagreements, unequal treatment amongst refugees by the farmer and death threats). The office of the Chairperson has written to a number of relevant department who are expected to deal with these issues.
4. Strategic Objective Number Four: To build an effective, efficient and sustainable institution that will fulfil its constitutional mandate on gender equality. 4.1 CEO Performance assessment 2014-2015 will be conducted during the fourth quarter. 4.2 Meeting with the Former Chairperson, Ms Gasa- to be finalised in the four Quarter. 4.3Plenary Meeting of Commissioners - was held on the 21-23 October 2015 and Special Tele-Plenarywas held on the 19th of November 2015. 4.4. CGE Standing Committee Meetings -Strat Plan, Monitoring & Evaluation, Legal, Human Resources and Good Governance 4.5. Office of the Chairperson had a meeting with CEO – to discussing issues that relate to the two offices. 4.6. Met with the Minister of Women and Special Adviser– discussed the amendments to the CGE Act and PEPUDA; Condonation of the irregular expenditure that took place in 2007, 2008 and 2009; Specific complaints in the North West where elderly women have been abused and killed.
2. Ms NFT MPUMLWANA - DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON • 1. Strategic Objective Number One: To ensure the creation and implementation of an enabling legislative framework that promotes the attainment of Gender Equality. • 1.1. Reviewed submission on Sexual Offences Amendment Bill. • 1.2. Attended the National Disability Rights Policy Peer Review Panel towards finalizing the National White Paper on Disability. White Paper has been engendererd and approved by Cabinet. • 1.3. National Workshop on Audit of Compliance with Legislation on Disability in South Africa. The meeting was attended by critical national government departments like the Dept of Justice and Correctional Services, Social Development, DPME, SAHRC, FHR, and UN Human Rights - Office of the High Commission in which CGE formed part of the task team.
2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. 2.1 Delegated by the Chairperson to meet with Mr Mxolisi Nyuswa Director for KwaZulu Region Christian Council (KRCC) towards collaboration on gender mainstreaming. 2.2 Participated in the meeting with the Namibian Employment Equity Commission delegation being hosted by the South African Employment Equity Commission. The purpose of the visit was to share notes on how employment equity issues mainstream gender in Namibia and South Africa. 2.3 Briefed the parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Affairs to discuss the ‘One Woman One Hectare Of Land’ campaign. What also emerged is that the department is launching the ‘One Family One hectare of Land’ Campaign.
2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. Continues 2.4 Workshop on Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) in the Social Sector held at the University of Pretoria convened by Prof Christi Van der Westhuizen of The Centre for Sexualities, AIDS and Gender UP. 2.5 FISD meeting - 2016 is 20 years of the Constitution. C9’s and 10” should consider jointly and severally having events that celebrate that milestone. 2.5 Women’s Ministry breakfast closing the 16 Days campaign period in 2015 - Led the CGE delegation. 2.6 Met with the new Head of EU Ambassador Marcus Cornaro from Austria. 2.7 Attended a two-day workshop of South Sudan Women and to make an input as a South African
3. Strategic Objective Number Three: To monitor state compliance with regional and International conventions, covenants and charters which have been acceded to or ratified by the Republic, relating to the objects of the Commission. 3.1 Noted that the SADC Gender Protocol is under reconstruction by SADC organisations recommendation that CGE to follow up. 4 Strategic Objective Number Four: To build an effective, efficient and sustainable institution that will fulfil its constitutional mandate on gender equality. 4.1Facilitated the process of organising 2015CGE Strategic Planning Session. 4.2CGE Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for Commissioners – invited the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in the Presidency Office to facilitate the workshop.
4. Strategic Objective Number Four: To build an effective, efficient and sustainable institution that will fulfil its constitutional mandate on gender equality. Continue 4.3 CGE Parliamentary briefing on SAFA Report - to the Portfolio Committee on Sport and Recreation. 4.4 Parliamentary briefing on CGE Annual Report 2014 - to the Portfolio Committee on Women in the Presidency. 4.5 Attended the FISD meeting 4.6. CGE Standing Committee Meetings -Plenary and Tele-Plenary, SPM&E, Finance, Human Resources, education and research.
3. Mrs L BATA - COMMISSIONER EC and MP • 1. Strategic Objective Number One: To ensure the creation and implementation of an enabling legislative framework that promotes the attainment of Gender Equality. • 1.1 Meeting between the CGE and the CRL – to deal variety of issues emanating between the two Institutions. • 2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. • 2.1 Stakeholder Engagement in MP - presented the CGE mandate and discussed Early childhood forced marriages, Widowhood, customary marriages and succession, brothel in the Mpumalanga Taxi Rank, cross border trafficking of young girls and immigration and permits.
2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. Continue 2.1 Independent Electoral Commission Summit - participated in the IEC Summit in Mpumalanga the launch to illustrate the state of readiness for the 2016 Local Government Elections. 2.2 Eruption of Xenophobic attacks in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape – SAHRC and CGE intervened and conducted Stakeholder meetings also with Minster's fraternal and the Municipality to investigate the matter and mediate to ensure that the warring factions come together and emerge with a reintegration plan. 2.3 Local Government and Traditional Affairs Women`s celebrations- Guest speaker and presented gender mainstreaming training for all Municipalities prior 2016 Elections. 2.4 Bisho Massacre Commemoration and March – CGE was invited to the Commemoration at the Bisho Stadium addressed by the Deputy President.
2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. Continue 2.5 Participated atSteve Biko Commemoration and March 2.6 SAPS Gender Based Violence Event - a door to door campaign (a 91 year old grandmother was raped by her 27 year old grandson and a 54year old woman raped by her 16 year old son).
3. Strategic Objective Number Three: To monitor state compliance with regional and International conventions, covenants and charters which have been acceded to or ratified by the Republic, relating to the objects of the Commission. 3.1 SAPS Women`s Network and Men for change Celebrating Heritage - Guest Speaker and presented the CGE mandate and lifted possible collaborative and cooperative levels. 3.2 Commemoration of the National Day for Older persons: Office of the Premier - presented an address on Gender and Agriculture: Making Agriculture work for Older Persons. 3.3 Buffalo City Older Persons Commemoration – providedkeynote address and participants raised concerns on service delivery, pension pay-outs, witchcraft, safety, security, neglect, abuse by their own children and grandchildren. 3.4 Attended Meetings with Chapter 9/10 institutions and EC legislature.
3. Strategic Objective Number Three: To monitor state compliance with regional and International conventions, covenants and charters which have been acceded to or ratified by the Republic, relating to the objects of the Commission. Continue 3.5 Facilitated the Provincial Legislature Portfolio Committee on Special Programmes Strategic Planning Session and render technical advice towards the Strategic Planning of the newly established Portfolio Committee responsible for Gender, Youth, Older Persons and People with Disabilities. 3.6 SAHRC Public hearings on Khoi - San Complaint - CGE presented its research report and possible interventions and solutions towards ensuring integration of the Khoi- San communities into the mainstream of development in our country. 3.7 Media Engagement - Daily Dispatch, New Age and participation on the radio programmes.
4 Strategic Objective Number Four: To build an effective, efficient and sustainable institution that will fulfil its constitutional mandate on gender equality. 4.1Participated at 2015CGE Strategic Planning Session, CGE Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for Commissioners by the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in the Presidency Office. 4.2 CGE Standing Committee Meetings -Plenary and Tele-Plenary, SPM&E, Human Resources, Education and Research, Section Six etc.
4. Mr M BOTHA - COMMISSIONER LIM and NW 1. Strategic Objective Number One: To ensure the creation and implementation of an enabling legislative framework that promotes the attainment of Gender Equality. 1.1 UN Women Workshop which focused on understanding the Intricacies of Article 325 (Women and conflict) its implementation and its relevance. 2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. 2.1 Prayer Meeting against GBV in QwaQwa organized by Free State House of Traditional Leaders involving men as agents of change.
2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. Continue 2.2 Presentations - Anglican and Methodist Churches in Soweto; International Men’s Day in Witbank organized by CGE and different CSO’s; National Department of Water and Sanitation; TUT Conference on Disability, Gender and Empowerment; National Disability Audit Compliance Conference on CGE mandate, programs and its work. 2.3 Men’s Seminar in Commemorating International Men’s Day Campaign – delivered keynote address on initiative by CGE in collaboration with Provincial Department of Agriculture – Limpopo 2.4 Dialogue with Women Traditional Leaders at Ga Moloi Village – delivered a keynote address on CGE mandate and had a conversation on issues of Human Rights and Gender Equality. Limpopo
2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. Continue 2.5 Media Engagement – ENCA interview on the Oscar Pistorius Case, Lesedi FM on the launching of various CGE Reports, Capricorn FM and JACARANDA on the commemoration of International Men’s Day, continuous work with Radio Motsweding FM, UKHOZI on CGE MANDATE AND 16 days of activism 2.6 Continuous work on CGE Editorial Committee which focuses on Media, Press Statements and related matters such as interviews.
4 Strategic Objective Number Four: To build an effective, efficient and sustainable institution that will fulfil its constitutional mandate on gender equality. 4.1Participated at 2015CGE Strategic Planning Session, CGE Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for Commissioners by the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in the Presidency Office. 4.2 CGE Standing Committee Meetings -Plenary and Tele-Plenary, Finance, Education and Research, Section Six etc.
5. Ms J HICKS - COMMISSIONER FS and KZN • Strategic Objective Number One: To ensure the creation and implementation of an enabling legislative framework that promotes the attainment of Gender Equality. • 1.1 Maternity Benefits - CGE to prepare and make a formal submission to Parliament, the Women’s Ministry and DIRCO for the ratification of IOL Convention on MB. • 1.2 Decriminalisation of Sex Work- developed a presentation on the CGE’s response to Embrace Dignity’s petition to Parliament, and travelled to present same in Parliament before the Petitions Committee on Law Reform. • 1.3 Strengthening state gender mainstreaming interventions- continued to drive the gender mainstreaming of the KZN Provincial Growth and Development Plan (PGDP) and AgriBusiness Development Agency, Free State PGDP to engender provincial planning and service delivery. • 1.4 50/50 and political parties- Presented the CGE’s Political Party study findings to IEC KZN Party Liaison and participated in NDI-SA SADC Women in Political Parties’ Summit, on 6-7 December.
2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. 2.1 Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE)- prepared a presentation on EE, Gender Transformation in the Workplace for eThekwini Municipality, KZN Spousal Office and presented the same at a Breakfast Briefing for management on 4 November. 2.2 Collaborations with civil society- delivered two lectures to UKZN Law Students on EE and WEE and on Cultural practices and gender equality. Presented on EE, gender and disability to LRC conference on 12 November 2.3 Media Engagement - Revised media statement on One Woman One Hectare and provided comment for The Mercury on size-ist remarks made against a US actress on social media witness. Participated in SABC and other radio interviews (East Coast, Power FM etc)
2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. 2.4Participated in 1000 Women launch on 26 November 2.5 Participated in partners’ meeting lead by McGill’s university, on girl-led responses to GBV, on 14 November 2.6 Met with Students’ International Training (SIT) students to be supervised in research projectson domestic violence, sexual assault at IHLs, and attitudes towards township girls’ participation in soccer
3. Strategic Objective Number Three: To monitor state compliance with regional and International conventions, covenants and charters which have been acceded to or ratified by the Republic, relating to the objects of the Commission. 3.1Ensured that where appropriate, analysis of state compliance with Regional and International Conventions is used to frame analyses of state interventions. 4 Strategic Objective Number Four: To build an effective, efficient and sustainable institution that will fulfil its constitutional mandate on gender equality. 4.1Participated at 2015CGE Strategic Planning Session, CGE Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for Commissioners by the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in the Presidency Office. 4.2 CGE Standing Committee Meetings -Plenary and Tele-Plenary, ITC, SPME, Legal, Education and Research, Section Six etc.
4 Strategic Objective Number Four: To build an effective, efficient and sustainable institution that will fulfil its constitutional mandate on gender equality. Continue 4.1 Reviewed CGE LGBTI Report to FHR 4.2 Reviewed TOR for CGE 20 Years Study briefing 4.3 Reviewed and provided feedback on CGE Annual Report presentation to Parliament, CGE Plenary Resolutions and CGE 16 Days Campaign concept note etc.
6. Dr N MAPHAZI - COMMISSIONER CPT and EC 2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. 2.1 16 Days of Activism – made presentations to NMBMM, NMMU etc. and attend other events. 2.2 16 Dec Day of Reconciliation - hosted by the Minister and EC government and was delegated by the Chairperson. 2.3 Formed WC Gender Task Team meetings and there is a need to develop a programme to engage all stakeholders in CT Metro and arrange a workshops with the Traditional leaders. 2.4 Jayde Panayiotou Murder Case – observed the case. 2.5 Participated at the African National Congress Women’s League (ANCWL) March December 2015
4 Strategic Objective Number Four: To build an effective, efficient and sustainable institution that will fulfil its constitutional mandate on gender equality. 4.1Participated at 2015CGE Strategic Planning Session, CGE Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for Commissioners by the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in the Presidency Office. 4.2 CGE Standing Committee Meetings -Plenary and Tele-Plenary, Finance, SPM&E, Good Governance, Education and Research, Section Six etc.
7. Mrs N MAZIBUKO - COMMISSIONER NW and GP • 2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. • 2.1 Attend the 4th National General Council of the ANC held on the 08th to 11th Oc 2015 in Johannesburg. • 2.2 Attended the Launch of 16 Days of Activism 2015 – held in North West, Naauwpoort Mahikeng with the pre- vent happening the night before. “Taking back the night” prayer • 2.3Attended the Launch of SAHRC Disability Tool kit - to raise awareness of the right of a persons with disabilities in the private/private sector. • 2.4 Media Engagement - engaged in a number of television and radio interview on different subject matters. However, the breakfast Briefing with Minister S Shabangu and CGE has to be one of the highlight’s during this quarter.
2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. Continue • 2.5Thobeka Madiba Zuma Foundation and UNAIDS -UNAIDS Executive Director, Mr. Michel Sidibé, appointed the First Lady of South Africa, Tobeka Zuma, as UNAIDS Special Advocate for the health of women and children and youth. • 2.6. Global Conference on Gender Responsive Public Services -ActionAid held a Global Conference on Gender-Responsive Public Services (GRPS), which was co-hosted with Oxfam, the Centre for Citizens' Participation on the African Union (CCPAU) and Southern Africa Trust. • 2.7 Gender Based Violence Dialogue in Tigane - As a province we identified Tigane as one of the areas that needed intervention and ideal for a dialogue. There has been an increase of cases in the province.
4 Strategic Objective Number Four: To build an effective, efficient and sustainable institution that will fulfil its constitutional mandate on gender equality. 4.1Participated at 2015CGE Strategic Planning Session, CGE Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for Commissioners by the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in the Presidency Office. 4.2 CGE Standing Committee Meetings -Plenary and Tele-Plenary, Education and Research, Section Six, FISD etc.
8. Dr WA MGOQI - COMMISSIONER NC and CPT • 1. Strategic Objective Number One: To ensure the creation and implementation of an enabling legislative framework that promotes the attainment of Gender Equality. • 1.1 There is on-going work of monitoring legislation that emanates from Parliament, subjecting it to some gender lens, to ensure that it is free from any gender discrimination or gender oppression. • 2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. • 2.1 Visited the following areas in the Western Cape: Mebekweni, Paarl, Moreesburg, West Coast , Elandskloof, Citrusdal, Napier, Caledon area, Robertson/ Worcester, Red Hill, near Simonstown.
2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. Continue • 2.2 Initiated a document detailing cases of Femicide which have been taking place in the Northern Cape, around and outside Kimberley, in the Northern Cape. • 2.3 Attended meetings with Senior Managers in the NC Provincial Government, on issues such as the marginalization of gender focal persons, in general. Also had the opportunity to share a presentation on the Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation System, as a public management tool, to advance , in our context, gender equality and equity. • 2.4 Visited a project in Napier, near Caledon, where an Afrikaner farmer has demonstrated an incredible mind-shift, of saying farmers should love people first, and take care of the land, as against loving the land so much, as to hate the landless and the indigenous of the land.
2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. Continue • 2.5 Attended an event hosted by Ilitha Labantu, an NGO which mobilizes people and financial resources, to combat violence against women, as well as women economic empowerment initiatives. • 2.6 Present on “One Woman One Hectare”of Land to Portfolio Committee on Land and Rural Development and to Portfolio Committee on Women following a challenge in Limpopo, on what CGE is doing or not doing in the area of Women and Land. • .
9. Ms L NARE - COMMISSIONER GP and LIM • 1. Strategic Objective Number One: To ensure the creation and implementation of an enabling legislative framework that promotes the attainment of Gender Equality. • 1.1 Gender Transformation Hearings - Discussions on Women and workplace were held with University of Pretoria, University of North West and Tshwane University of Technology. • 2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. • 2.1 GP Provincial STAKEHOLDER Forum - how the CGE can partner and coordinate with the forum on Community struggles of courts and information sharing sessions on women and gender rights.
2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. Continue 2.2 GP Legislature Oversight Committee on the Office of the Premier – to explore Collaboration and Support in terms of their Annual Plans and Training sessions on Gender budgeting with CGE will continue into the fourth quarter. Oversight a part on OSW GP. 2.3 GP SALGA Dialogue - had meeting with the Speakers of both Municipalities JHB and Ekurhuleni on Developing Gender policy and how to strengthen women’s role in during the Local Government Election 2016 – oversight work on Local Governmnet Gender Framework. 2.4 GP Gender Youth Stakeholder Seminar – to strengthening its role and its effectiveness. 2.5 Media Launch of CGE Reports - held on CGE research findings on Women in Political Parties and other policy briefs. 2.6 Participated at Wits University Debate on the Plight of Teenage mothers Access to Paternity test – Women's Rights and Reproductive Rights especially of Young Girls/Women
3. Strategic Objective Number Three: To monitor state compliance with regional and International conventions, covenants and charters which have been acceded to or ratified by the Republic, relating to the objects of the Commission. 3.1 Collaboration forum on Gender and Governance in Africa – focus on Peer Review Report. 4 Strategic Objective Number Four: To build an effective, efficient and sustainable institution that will fulfil its constitutional mandate on gender equality. 4.1Participated at 2015CGE Strategic Planning Session, CGE Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for Commissioners by the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in the Presidency Office. 4.2 CGE Standing Committee Meetings -Plenary and Tele-Plenary, HR & R, ITC, Section Six etc. 4.3 Media Engagement - Radio interviews on SDG’s with EC Community radio station True FM.
10. Ms F NZIMANDE - COMMISSIONER MP • Strategic Objective Number One: To ensure the creation and implementation of an enabling legislative framework that promotes the attainment of Gender Equality. • 1.1 Worked on the CGE Submission on the Sexual Offences Courts Bill • 1.2 Analyzed the Department of Justice Gender Based Violence documents. • 2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. • 2.1 Participation in the EE Awards • 2.2 Attended the CGE presentation on “One Woman One Hectare” to Portfolio Committee on Land and Rural Development. • 2.3 Worked on the Mpumalanga Program of Activities (stakeholder engagements)
3. Strategic Objective Number Three: To monitor state compliance with regional and International conventions, covenants and charters which have been acceded to or ratified by the Republic, relating to the objects of the Commission. 3.1 Reviewed presentations prepared by the CGE for engagements with the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women (SRVAW). 4. Strategic Objective Number Four: To build an effective, efficient and sustainable institution that will fulfil its constitutional mandate on gender equality. 4.1Participated at 2015CGE Strategic Planning Session, CGE Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for Commissioners by the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in the Presidency Office. 4.2 CGE Standing Committee Meetings -Plenary and Tele-Plenary, Finance, ITC, Section Six etc. 4.3 Reviewing of Plenary Resolutions; the CGE Annual Report; the CGE Transformation Hearings Code of Conduct.
11. Ms P SOBAHLE - COMMISSIONER KZN • 2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. • 2.1 Media Launch of CGE Report - Women and Political Parties in South Africa (2014); From Rhetoric to Gender Reality (Women’s Participation and Representation in South Africa’s 2014 Elections) and Mainstreaming Gender in the Public Service (2013) (Reviewing Progress in the Departments Police and Technology). • 2.2Gender Transformation Hearings – attend the discussions on Women and workplace with UP, NW and TUT Universities.
2. Strategic Objective Number Two: To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. Continue 2.3 Western Cape End of the Oppression of Prostitution and Sex Trafficking Hearing- attended hearings of the Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings and requested CGE to assist in responding to a petition. 2.4 Eruption of Xenophobic attacks in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape – SAHRC and CGE intervened and conducted Stakeholder meetings also with Minster's fraternal and the Municipality to investigate the matter and mediate to ensure that the warring factions come together and emerge with a reintegration plan. 2.5 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children - participated at the event that was held in Ndevana in the Province of the Eastern Cape
4. Strategic Objective Number Four: To build an effective, efficient and sustainable institution that will fulfil its constitutional mandate on gender equality. 4.1Participated at 2015CGE Strategic Planning Session, CGE Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for Commissioners by the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in the Presidency Office. 4.2 CGE Standing Committee Meetings -Plenary and Tele-Plenary, Education & Research, Legal, Good Governance and Section Six. 4.3 Reviewing of Plenary Resolutions; the CGE Annual Report; the CGE Transformation Hearings Code of Conduct
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