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Introduction to College: Grading Guidelines & Educational Pathways in the U.S.

Learn about U.S. college grading guidelines, educational attainment statistics, course sequences, and transfer agreements for a successful college journey. Gain insights on GE requirements, major courses, and planning for various academic pathways.

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Introduction to College: Grading Guidelines & Educational Pathways in the U.S.

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  1. COUN 50- Introduction to College (1 unit) Pass/No Pass Instructor: Ms. Shireen Luna Woo (408)864-5778 (Direct Line)

  2. Grading Guidelines for Coun 50 • To Pass this Class You Must: • Attend class every class • Complete the online final on my website the last day of class (early/late submissions will not be counted)

  3. Grading Guidelines (Rubric)

  4. Other Class Guidelines • All questions must be asked during class • No question before class or during breaks • Cell phones & electronic devices must be silenced • No tardiness beyond 10 minutes • No leaving early • No absences

  5. U.S. College/University SystemNote: There are actually now 114 Community Colleges in California!

  6. Education Pays! * Median weekly earnings in 2016 Here are some interesting statistics based on the educational attainment level of workers age 25 & older in the US. This information is for full-time wage and salary workers, and comes from the United States Department of Labor. Doctoral degree (Ph.D.) $1,664 Professional degree (J.D., M.D., etc.) $1,745 Master’s degree $1,380 Bachelor’s degree $1,156 Associate degree $819 Some college, no degree $756 High school diploma $692 No high school diploma $504 • Median Value: Half the people in this category make less, and half the people in this category make more than the figure shown.

  7. Unit- college credit given to a course Quarter/Semester- 2 semesters = 3 quarters Prerequisite-a requirement that must be met before enrolling in a course Corequisite-a course that must be taken at the same time with another course. Green Sheet -information about the course (contract) TAA/TAG-Transfer Admission Agreement (or Guarantee). For more info go to the transfer center at: http://www.deanza.edu/transfer/taa_tag_main/index.html Advisory-knowledge advisable before course entry GE- breadth requirements In various subject areas. Major-a series of courses in a specialized area of study. Articulation Agreement- listing of DA courses equivalent to corresponding courses at another school (www.Assist.org) GE Certification-verify completion of GE prior to transfer My Portal- De Anza College portal where you can add/drop classes and receive important information to help you navigate the system Some Common College Terms

  8. Placement Test • Placement tests required for specific courses: English, ESL, Math, Chem 1A, Biol 6A & Biol 40A • Transcript/AP scores -used for placement must be brought to Evaluations (Admission & Records drop box) prior to registration

  9. Placement into EWRT 1A is based on 1 of the following: • Qualifying score on De Anza English Placement exam 2. Score of 3 or higher on AP English-eligible for Ewrt 1B, Ewrt 2, Phil 3 & Spch 9 3. Completion of AA degree or higher in the US 4. Completion of ESL 5 with “C” or better • Satisfaction of UC subject “A” requirement or CSU EPT test for EWRT 1A equivalent.

  10. English Course Sequence Ewrt 1A (5) Ewrt 1A (5) LART 211 (10 units) Or Ewrt 211(5) Read 211(5) Ewrt 200 (5) Read 200 (5) Or LART 200 (10 units)

  11. ESL Course Sequence ESL 6(5) ESL 5(5) EWRT 1A (5) ESL 272(5) ESL 273 (5) Students must complete ESL 261/262/263 before taking 273 ESL 261(3) ESL 262(3) ESL 263(4) ESL 251(3) ESL 252 (3) ESL 253 (4) ESL 244 (10) ESL 234 (10) ESL 200 (10)

  12. Math Course Sequence Math 43 Pre-Cal III (5 units) Math 1A (5 units) Math 10,11, 44, or 46 (5 units) Math 1B (5 units) Math 42 Pre-Cal II (5 units) Math 1C (5 units) Math 114 (5 units) Math 41 Pre-Cal I (5 units) Math 2A Math2B (5 units ea) Math 212 (5 units) Math 1D (5 units) Math 210 (5 units)

  13. Chemistry Course Sequence(no expiration date ) Chem 12A,B,C Organic Chem (5 units each) Chem 1C (5 units) Chem 1B (5 units) Chem 1A (5 units) Chem 25 or Chem 30A Math 114 + Chem./Biol. Placement Test & Math 114+ Or

  14. Vocational/career Degree Transferring to CSU Transferring to UC or undecided where to transfer Transferring to a private school Transferring to a UC in a high-unit major AA/AS pattern http://www.deanza.edu/counseling/pdf/ge_aaasdac.pdf CSU pattern Must complete Area A & B4 before transfer with ‘C’ or better http://www.deanza.edu/transfer/pdf/ge_csu.pdf IGETC pattern ‘C’ grade or better in all classes http://www.deanza.edu/transfer/pdf/ge_igetc.pdf Campus Specific pattern 7-course minimum GE pattern Which GE pattern to follow?

  15. G.E. Group Exercise • In small groups, take a few minutes to review all 3 GE patterns. • List 2 to 3 things about each pattern that are different from the other patterns. • Be prepared to tell the class what you discovered

  16. Homework • www.Assist.org find your major requirements (for transfers) • www.Deanza.edu find major requirements (for AA/AS degree students) • Be prepared to report your findings about the 3 GE patterns

  17. Minimum UC Transfer Requirements • 90 UC transferable units (#1-49) • 2.4 GPA (2.8 GPA for non-resident) • EWRT 1A • EWRT 2 or PHIL 3 or SPCH 9 (for IGETC) or EWRT 1B (for some major or college which do not accept IGETC) • Math course above MATH 114 (10,11,41,43,1A,etc.) • 4 courses from at least 2 of the following areas: • Arts & Humanities • Physical & Biological Sciences • Social & Behavioral Sciences (IGETC: All courses must be completed with a “C” or better)

  18. Minimum CSU Transfer Requirements • 90 CSU transferable units (#1-99) • 2.0 GPA (2.4 GPA for non-resident) • EWRT 1A or ESL 5 • SPCH 1 or 10 • PHIL 3 or 4 or 5 or 7 or SPCH 8 or 9 or 15 or EWRT 2 • Math course ABOVE MATH 114 (refer to your major & GE pattern)

  19. Requirements for Associate Degree • 90 units • 2.0 GPA at De Anza • 2.0 cumulative GPA • 24 units at De Anza • De Anza GE for AA/AS (CSU or IGETC) • Major requirements listed on DA curriculum guides at: http://www.deanza.edu/counseling/degreecert.html • NOTE: Transfer Associate Degrees require completion of all major courses, in addition to full completion of IGETC or CSU GE’s

  20. Grade Point Average (GPA) Letter GradePoint Value A + = 4.0 A = 4.0 A- = 3.7 B+ = 3.3 B = 3.0 B- = 2.7 C+ = 2.3 C = 2.0 D+ = 1.3 D = 1.0 D = 0.7 F = 0.0 Non Letter Grade I, IP, W, P, NP (These non-letter grades have no point value & do not affect GPA)

  21. How to Calculate GPA? CourseUnitsGradeGrade Points HIST 17A 4.0 B (4x3) 12 KNES 21A 0.5 A (0.5x4) 2 MATH 114 5.0 B (5x3) 15 EWRT 211 5.0 P __________________ KNES 4 0.5 NP __________________ ICS 7 4 A (4x4) 16 ASTR 10 5.0 W __________________ HLTH 21 4.0 D (4x0) 0 17.5(Letter Graded Units) 45(G.P)

  22. GPA Calculation Overall G.P.A= 45 (Graded Points) _____________________________________________________________ 17.5 (Letter Graded Units) 2.57 GPA

  23. ACADEMIC PROBATION This occurs when overall GPA falls below 2.0 There are five levels Level 1, 2, 3, 4 (Pre-Dismissal) and Dismissal Students will remain on academic probation each quarter (excluding summer) as long as their overall GPA is below a 2.0 Students will advance to the next level of academic probation in each consecutive enrolled quarter in which they do not earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0.  Prevent this from happening by: Checking grades at the end of each quarter Repeating courses with “D” or “F” grades Balancing your life (school, work, leisure, etc…)

  24. REPEATING COURSES You may only attempt or enroll in the same course three times. If you receive 2 failing grades or 1 “W” and a 1 failing grade in a course, the system will block you, and you will need to request an override from Admissions and Records to register in it a third time.  Upon your third attempt, you must know that this is the final and last time you will be allowed to enroll in this course at De Anza or Foothill. Also, your instructor will be forced to issue you a letter grade.  After Three Attempts, permission to enroll in a course a fourth time will only be granted due to documented extenuating circumstances, significant lapse of time (5 years) and legally mandated for training/employment. 

  25. Course numbering & lettering • Courses numbered #1-99are transferable to CSU (ex. ICS 7, EWRT 1A) • Courses numbered #1-49are transferable to UC • Recommend using courses numbered #1-49 for private & out of state schools until you contact them about what is required • The letter following the number in a course means it’s part of a sequence (ex. ARTS 2A,2B,2C). You may or may not be able to take courses out of sequence. • Special Topic courses usually include an X (COUN80X) • Z refers to Distance Education courses (ex. COUN100.64Z is taught online) • Y refers to Hybrid Courses (ex. COUN100.64Y is taught part in class and part online)

  26. Non-Transferable & Non-Degree Applicable Courses • Any courses numberedabove # 99 are non-transferable (Example: EWRT 200 211, READ 200, 211, ESL 251,252,253, MATH 210,212,114) • Courses numbered 200 and above are non degree applicable(ex. Math 212, ESL 200) PASS/NO PASS COURSES (P/NP): • You may choose to take a class P/NP instead of for a letter grade. Usually, if you think you may barely pass and want to avoid compromising your overall GPA • IMPORTANT:be sure to check your major requirements and/or transfer institutionto make sure that the course does not need to be taken for a letter grade!

  27. Quid pro quo! (Latin means “this for that”) Usually involve someone in the position of power. Campus contact person Michelle LeBleu-Burns Dean, Student Dev. & EOPS HCC164 (408) 864-8218 Hostile Environment Difficult to define; Can involve anyone. Campus contact person Michelle LeBleu-Burns Dean, Student Dev. & EOPS HCC164 (408) 864-8218 Sexual Harassment Policy

  28. Drug & Alcohol Policy • NO illicit drug or alcohol by anyone on college property or at any college sponsored activities and events!!! • Violation may result in criminal prosecution.

  29. CSU Apply October 1st to 30th, one year prior to transfer To apply, go to www2.calstate.edu/Apply Private and Out of State Colleges Dates vary & Many require the common application: www.commonapp.org UC Apply November 1st – 30th, one year prior to transfer To apply, please go to https://universityofcalifornia.edu/apply Applying to Transfer?

  30. To obtain an AA Degree & Transfer to a UC or CSU You will need to complete: • Major requirements • GE requirements • Competitive GPA (above 2.0 GPA) • 90 Units total (Major + GE + Electives + GPA)

  31. When Do I Apply for my AA/AS degree? • During your last quarter at De Anza or • When you completed the AA/AS degree requirements (GE+ Major+ 2.0 GPA+ 90 units)

  32. When do I apply for GE certification? • When you completed courses for CSU or IGETC pattern and • In your last quarter before transfer to the CSU or UC which admitted you • It is possible to do partial GE certification for the CSU • Download form and submit to Admissions & Records office

  33. My PORTAL • My Portal Registration System: https://myportal.fhda.edu/cp/home/displaylogin • Apply to De Anza • Retrieve your placement tests results • Get your date to register • Add, drop, register or waitlist for classes • Update your contact information • Check your grades • Pay your fees • Obtain your unofficial transcripts • Check your status in “Degree Works” • Complete an educational plan in Degree Works

  34. CareerServices www.deanza.edu/counseling/career/ Disabled Student Programs & Serviceswww.deanza.edu/specialed/ape/ Educatinal Diagnostic Center (EDC) www.deanza.edu/specialed/edc Counseling & Advising Centerwww.deanza.edu/counseling/ Health Serviceswww.deanza.edu/healthservices Assessment Center www.deanza.edu/admissions/placement Transfer Center www.deanza.edu/transfer/ Tutorial Center www.deanza.edu/tutorial/ Student Activities Office www.deanza.edu/studentactivities International Student Office www.deanza.edu/international/ Financial Aid www.deanza.edu/financialaid/ Student Services….

  35. ASSIST • www.assist.org • Student transfer information • UC and CSU lower division major requirements • UC, CSU & CA community college major finder and campus explorer • Access UC & CSU transferable course lists • Access IGETC or CSU GE • Good for many UCs and CSUs but not all.

  36. Register as soon as you are permitted to register You may add in person during first 2 weeks of quarter Show up on the 1st day of class to add course Classes are limited Be flexible with your time You may make changes to your schedule later If you choose to be on a wait list for a course, please check you e-mail regularly. Registering for classes:

  37. Registering cont… • See the Academic Calendar for important dates. • Refer to “My Portal” for your date and time to register • Refer to the Schedule of Classes online before selecting your classes. • Your date to register will be online after your application has been processed. You will receive confirmation of enrollment and other important information via e-mail. • Please make sure your e-mail address is current.

  38. Pay Your Fees!!!!! • You will be informed of your fees during the online registration • To calculate your fees ahead of time, use the Fee Calculation Worksheet online or in the printed Schedule of Classes. • Payment may be made: online, by mail, in our drop box, or in person. You may also split your payment. • Fees are payable at the time of registration, so pay your fees to avoid being dropped from your classes! • Review refund policy for international students

  39. Coun 50 Action Plan Check List • Take Placement Testswww.deanza.edu/admissions/placement • Register for Classeswww.deanza.edu/registration/current.html • Pay your feeswww.deanza.edu/registration/cashier/fees.html • Obtain your DASB Card • Attend Classeswww.deanza.edu/registration/add-drop.html • Complete a 3 quarter Educational Plan

  40. Strategies For College Success • Take no more than 12-15 units your first quarter. • Come early to allow time for parking • Schedule 2 hours of homework per week for every unit you take • Find and get to know one person on campus who cares about your survival • Learn how to use De Anza’s support services and resources such as the Tutorial, Career & Transfer Services. • Set up a daily or weekly schedule and stick to it. Practice good time management skills

  41. Strategies for College Success Cont…. • Join at least one study group with other students • Meet with your instructors during their office hours • Choose friends who share your academic values and goals • If you are undecided in your major, take CLP 70 or 75 • Get involved in campus activities, and/or take a job on campus. Stay connected to the campus in some other way besides the classroom • If you can’t avoid stress, learn how to live with it and reduce stress in healthy ways (exercise, nutrition, adequate sleep) • Attend class regularly, be punctual, and prepared!

  42. Strategies for College Success Cont…. • Recopy your notes and do your homework right after class while the information is still fresh in your mind. • Buy your textbooks the week before the quarter starts to avoid long lines • Learn how to navigate De Anza’s website for the information you need • See a counselor every other quarter to help you with your Educational Plan and academic goals • Enjoy learning and develop a passion for your education!

  43. CLP 70 (4) CLP 75 (2) HUMA 50 (4) HUMA 20 (4) HUMA 10 (4) PE 70A (2) PE 71 (1) ICS 7 (4) Social & Behavioral Sci or Arts & Humanities (4) Ideal 1st quarter schedule: Math (5) EWRT or ESL (5) HUMA 50 (4) or (2-4 unit class of interest) ------------------------------- Total = 12 – 14 units Courses to consider…

  44. The Journey begins….. • De Anza welcomes you! • See a counselor when you need help • Be involved in activities on & off campus. • Make time to adjust to college. • Explore possibilities and enjoy your journey!

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