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Geo - earth

Geo - earth. Greek Geography-draw the earth (make maps) and write about it George- one who works the earth; a farmer. Terra- land. Latin Territory- land under control of a government or owner Extraterrestrial- outside the earth’s atmosphere. Dormio, dormitum- sleep. Latin

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Geo - earth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Geo - earth • Greek • Geography-draw the earth (make maps) and write about it • George- one who works the earth; a farmer

  2. Terra- land • Latin • Territory- land under control of a government or owner • Extraterrestrial- outside the earth’s atmosphere

  3. Dormio, dormitum- sleep • Latin • Dormant- sleeping • Dormitory- place for sleeping

  4. Hypnos-sleep • Greek • Hypnosis- sleep-like state controlled by a hypnotizer • Hypnophobia- fear of sleep

  5. Annus - year • Latin • Perennial- through the years • Annals- historical events recorded year by year

  6. Lithos- stone • Greek • Paleolithic- ancient stone age after the eolithic period • Megalith- large stone • Lithograph- picture drawn on stone so the stone can “draw a picture”

  7. Petros- rock, stone • Greek • Petrified- made into stone • Petroglyph- rock carving

  8. Astron- star • Greek • Astronaut- star sailor • Disaster- separation from the good influence of friendly stars

  9. Stella- star • Latin • Constellation- group of stars • Stellerid- a star fish

  10. Dendron- tree • Greek • Rhododendron- evergreen shrub with large flowers • Dendriform- having the shape of a tree

  11. Arbor, arboris- tree • Latin • Arboretum- public garden where trees are cultivated and exhibited • Arborvitae- an evergreen tree of the cypress family bearing cones; literally “tree of life”

  12. Chronos- time • Greek • Synchronize- do at same time • Chronic- over a period of time; “from time to time”

  13. Tempus, temporis- time • Latin • Extemporaneous- speak or act at (or out of) the time without preparation • Tense- verb forms which indicate past, present or future

  14. Para- beside, along with • Greek • Parallel- lying along side of another line but not touching • Parable- to throw a story in for comparison while teaching a lesson or moral

  15. Inter- between, among, amid • Latin • Intergalactic- between stars in the Milky Way • Interlude- light entertainment in the midst of serious activities; a break

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