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Discussing the sustainable workforce role of Further Education and work-based learning. Challenges, improvements needed, and supporting Welsh Government ambitions.
GrŵpTrawsbleidiol – AB a Sgiliau Dyfodol Cross Party Group – FE and Future Skills 22.05.2018
John Griffiths AC/AM Cadeirydd / Chair Aelod Cynulliad, Plaid Llafur Assembly Member, Labour Party
Gweithlucynaliadwy: rôlAddysgBellach a dysguyn y gweithle A sustainable workforce: role of Further Education and work-based learning Sue Evans PrifWeithredwr / Chief Executive
Our strategic aims Ein nodaustrategol
Y gweithlugofalcymdeithasol a blynyddoeddcynnar 93,000 yngweithiomewnswyddigofalcymdeithasol a blynyddoeddcynnar Mae gofalcymdeithasolargyferoedolionyncyflogi 83,500 (mwyna GIG Cymru) Adoylgiadaugan Estyn a Cymwysterau Cymru yndangosangengwellacymwysterau • Social care and early years’ workforce • 93,000 people employed in social care and early years • Adult social care employs 83,500 (more than NHS Wales) • Estyn and Qualifications Wales reviews highlighted need for improvements to qualifications
Y galw’ncynydduiddelio ag anghenionmwycymhleth Rhaigwasanaethau’nfregys – effaithar y GIG FfyniantiBawb YrAdolygiadSeneddol CefnogiuchelgeisiauLlywodraethCymru • Demand rising to meet more complex needs • Some services fragile – impact on NHS • Prosperity for All • Parliamentary Review • Supporting Welsh Government ambitions
Rhoihyderi’rcyhoedd – sut? Codi’rproffil Cofrestrugweithwyrgofalcymdeithasol Ystyriedaddasrwyddiymarfer Defnyddiotystiolaethiwellasgiliau ac ansawdd • Provide public confidence – how? • Raise the profile • Register social care workers • Consider fitness to practise • Use evidence to improve skills and quality
Datblygu’rgweithlu – sut? Rheoleiddiodrwyosodsafonauigwrdd ag anghenion y sector GweithiogydaCymwysterau Cymru, y sector a chyrffdyfarnui ail-wampiocymwysterau Gweithiogydadarparwyrdysgu • Developing the workforce – how? • Regulate by setting standards to meet sector needs • Work with Qualifications Wales, the sector and awarding bodies to re-design qualifications • Work with learning providers
Heriau Ariannuprentisiaethau, a throsiant Strwythurargyferdarparu’rcymwysteraunewydd Galludarparwyrgwasanaethauiryddhau staff argyferasesiad a dysgu Awyddgweithwyrcofrestredignewyddiddysgu a datblygu – ofncymwysterauffurfiol • Challenges • Apprenticeship funding and turnover • Infrastructure to deliver new qualifications • Capacity of service providers to release staff for learning and assessment • Desire of new registrants to learn and develop – fear of formal qualifications
In summary Social care and early years provision - vital and positive role in Welsh society Demand for skilled care workers is increasing Supporting Welsh Government vision to raise profile and status of workforce Rôlbwysig a phositifdarpariaethgofalcymdeithasol a blynyddoeddcynnaryngnghymdeithasCymreig Galw am weithwyrgofalmedrusyncynyddu CefnogigweledigaethLlywodraethCymruigodiproffil a statws y gweithlu Crynodeb
In summary Creating career pathways to professional and leadership roles across health and social care Working together to raise quality and consistency of qualifications and to support learning and development Further Education/Higher Education and work-based learning providers essential to raise skills and quality of social care and early years’ services Creullwybraugyrfaoeddargyferrolauproffesiynol ac arweinyddiaethar draws iechyd a gofalcymdeithasol Gweithiogyda’ngilyddiwellaansawdd a chysondebcymwysterau, ac igefnogidysgu a datblygu AddysgBellach/AddysgUwch a darparwyrdysguyn y gweithleynhanfodoliwellasgiliau ac ansawddgwasanaethaugofalcymdeithasol a blynyddoeddcynnar Crynodeb
Care makes a long-term difference Mae gofalyngwneudgwahaniaethhir-dymor Llun / Pic: South Wales Argus Amy Davies, Pontypŵl / Pontypool
Panel Mark Jones, Coleg Gŵyr Abertawe / Gower College Swansea Kate Crabtree, Cymwysterau Cymru / Qualifications Wales Stephen Griffiths, GIG / NHS Dr Chris Jones, HEIW Sue Evans, Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru / Social Care Wales Meri Huws, Comisiynydd y Gymraeg / Welsh Language Commissioner
Y Gweinidog Plant, Pobl Hŷn a Gofal Cymdeithasol, Huw Irranca-Davies Minister for Children, Older People and Social Care, Huw Irranca-Davies
Sesiwn Holi ac Ateb Questions and Answers
@colegaucymru@collegeswalescolegaucymru.ac.ukcollegeswales.ac.uk@colegaucymru@collegeswalescolegaucymru.ac.ukcollegeswales.ac.uk Diolch Thank you