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Component-Based Software Engineering

Learn Java's Component-Based Software Engineering principles with added Swing for GUI capabilities. Includes examples on Java foundation classes and creating and displaying interactive dialogs using JOptionPane.

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Component-Based Software Engineering

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  1. Component-Based Software Engineering Java with added Swing Paul J Krause

  2. // file: Welcome.java public class Welcome { public static void main(String[ ] args) { System.out.println(“Welcome to JavaWorld!”); } }

  3. javac Welcome.java • java Welcome Welcome to JavaWorld!

  4. // file: Welcome.java // Always introduce the class public class Welcome { // Class name must match file name for public classes public static void main(String[ ] args) { // So, “args” is an array of Strings. // “void” means no value is returned System.out.println(“Welcome to JavaWorld!”); // System is a class that interfaces to system facilities // “out” is the standard output stream of System

  5. String Handling is Simple System.out.println(“Welcome to JavaWorld\n” + “\tObject-Oriented Programming\n” + “\tPLUS\n” + “\tConnectivity!”); • Java Welcome Welcome to JavaWorld Object-Oriented Programming PLUS Connectivity!

  6. Rectangle length height area circumference A Java Class // Rectangle.java // A straightforward implementation of the Java Rectangle class public class Rectangle { public double length; public double height; public Rectangle(double length, double height) { this.length = length; this.height = height; } public double area( ) { return length*height; } public double circumference( ) { return 2*(length+height); } }

  7. public class MakeRectangle { public static void main(String[ ] args) { double length = Double.parseDouble(args[0]); // parse first argument to double double height = Double.parseDouble(args[1]); // parse second argument to double Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(length, height); double area = rectangle.area(); // calculate area System.out.println(area); // display it to the user } }

  8. javac Rectangle.java • javac MakeRectangle.java • java MakeRectangle 3.0 2.0 6.0

  9. Java Foundation Classes • Provides Graphics and GUI capability for Java applications • See: Java Foundation Classes In a Nutshell, by David Flanagan • Provides a reference, but its not good as an introduction

  10. A Class in Swing that can be used to display simple dialog boxes to the user A method in JOptionPane that displays a simple data entry dialog Data Entry with Swing import javax.swing.*; public class MakeRectangle { public static void main(String[] args) { String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter length");

  11. Modified MakeRectangle import javax.swing.*; public class MakeRectangle { public static void main(String[ ] args) { String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter length"); double length = Double.parseDouble(input); input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter height"); double height = Double.parseDouble(input); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(length, height); double area = rectangle.area(); System.out.println(area); } // This will turn out to be an unsatisfactory termination }

  12. GUI application termination import javax.swing.*; public class MakeRectangle { public static void main(String[ ] args) { String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter length"); double length = Double.parseDouble(input); ... Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(length, height); double area = rectangle.area(); System.out.println(area); System.exit(0); // terminates the program - this is required // for any program using a GUI } }

  13. The message to be displayed Note use of “+” to concatenate strings Parent component if relevant (“null” here) Prettier Output • Swing to the rescue again! • Need to display a different kind of dialog: • present a message • no field for the user to edit • Use JOptionPane again: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The area is " + area);

  14. // MakeRectangle.java // Application with “complete” GUI import javax.swing.*; public class MakeRectangle { public static void main(String[ ] args) { String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter length"); double length = Double.parseDouble(input); input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter height"); double height = Double.parseDouble(input); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(length, height); double area = rectangle.area(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The area is " + area); System.exit(0); } }

  15. The message Title bar string Icon type Improving the dialog • This was the simplest method for creating a message dialog • But we can: • alter the icon • specify the title bar string JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "The area is " + area, "Result", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);

  16. Message dialog types • JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE • Indicates an error to the application user • JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE • Displays an informational message - the user simply dismisses the dialog when ready • JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE • Warns the user of a potential problem

  17. Message dialog types • JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE • Poses a question - normally requires a Yes/No response from the user • JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE • Dialog that simply contains a message with no icon

  18. public class Circle { protected double radius; protected void checkRadius(double radius) { if (radius < 0.0) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Radius must not be negative", "Illegal argument", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); System.exit(-1); } } public Circle(double radius) { checkRadius(radius); this.radius = radius; } public double area() {return PI*radius*radius; } public double circumference() {return 2*PI*radius; } }

  19. More robust Classes • Declare fields as Private or Protected • Protected fields can be accessed by subclasses or members of the same package • Declare public “get” and “set” methods • with appropriate checks on the “set” methods • E.g. public void setRadius(double radius) { checkRadius(radius); this.radius = radius; }

  20. public class Circle { public static final double PI = 3.14159; // a constant protected double radius; protected void checkRadius(double radius) { if (radius < 0.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("radius must not be negative"); } } public Circle(double radius) { checkRadius(radius); this.radius = radius; } public double getRadius() {return radius;} public void setRadius(double radius) { checkRadius(radius); this.radius = radius; } public double area() {return PI*radius*radius; } public double circumference() {return 2*PI*radius; } }

  21. Catching Exceptions • Use the following construction: try { // code that may throw exceptions } catch (AnException e1) { // Code to handle this kind of exception } finally { // Code that will always execute }

  22. Trying to succeed try { // Normally this block of code will be // executed successfully. // However, if an exception is thrown // execution will stop and the interpreter // will attempt to find an appropriate // “catch” statement. }

  23. Catching Exceptions • There may be several “catch” blocks for different kinds of exceptions catch (AnException e1) { // This block will be invoked if an // AnException kind of exception is // thrown, or a sub-type of AnException. // The block can refer to the exception // object by its name “e1” }

  24. And Finally finally { // This block contains code that will // always be run // - even if control leaves the “try” block // because of a return, continue or // break statement. // It will , however, be skipped if there is a // System.exit( ) clause in the “try” block

  25. public class MakeCircle { public static void main(String[ ] args) { // details of input omitted try { Circle circle = new Circle(radius); double area = circle.area( ); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "The area equals " + area, "Not a lot of people know that", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE) ; } catch(IllegalArgumentException e1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Radius must not be negative", "Illegal argument", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE) ; } finally { System.exit(0); } } }

  26. Some kinds-of Exception Exception ClassNotFoundException IllegalAccessException RuntimeException ArithmeticException ArrayStoreException Illegal ArgumentException …

  27. A little bit of formatting • With double precision numbers you may find you get outputs with an unrealistic degree of precision • E.g. 7 figures after the decimal place • This looks messy and the precision is normally meaningless

  28. The java.text Package • As an example, we will use the DecimalFormat class from this package • Create an instance of DecimalFormat with the required format pattern • Invoke the “format” method of this instance to create a formatted string representation

  29. One or more digits in front of the decimal point Only two digits behind the decimal point import javax.swing.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class MakeCircle { public static void main(String[ ] args) { String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter radius"); double radius = Double.parseDouble(input); DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat( "0.00"); try { Circle circle = new Circle(radius); double area = circle.area(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "The area equals " + twoDigits.format( area ), "Not a lot of people know that", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } // Rest of code omitted }

  30. Informing Exceptions • Remember that in the “main” method of MakeCircle, we explicitly included the error message: catch(IllegalArgumentException e1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Radius must not be negative", "Illegal argument", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE) ; } • Should not do this - there may be several different arguments that could throw the same exception type

  31. Inside Circle.java protected void checkRadius(double radius) { if (radius < 0.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("radius must not be negative"); } } • Inside MakeCircle.java catch(IllegalArgumentException e1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e1.toString(), "Illegal argument", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); }

  32. toString methods • Useful to define these for key classes • Provides an easy way of summarising the state of an instance of a class • Can by very useful for debugging

  33. public class Point { // The notes show this class with more extensive commenting protected double x, y; // Coordinates of the point accessible to subclasses public Point(double x, double y) { setPoint( x, y ); } // method sets the location of a point public void setPoint(double xCoordinate, double yCoordinate) { x = xCoordinate; y = yCoordinate; } // conversion of a Point object to a string representation public String toString( ) { return("[" + x + ", " + y + "]"); } }

  34. import javax.swing.*; public class MakePoint { public static void main(String[ ] args) { String input; input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter x Coordinate"); double x = Double.parseDouble(input); input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter y Coordinate"); double y = Double.parseDouble(input); try { Point point = new Point( x, y); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "New point created: " + point.toString( ), "Pointed Message", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } // rest of class definition omitted

  35. Point x y setLocation toString Circle radius plus Extension area circumference Adding properties to Points Location

  36. public class Circle extends Point { public static final double PI = 3.14159; // a constant protected double radius; protected void checkRadius(double radius) { // details omitted } public Circle(double x, double y, double radius) { super(x, y); checkRadius(radius); this.radius = radius; } public String toString( ) { // Override Point.toString to add info. return "This is a Circle object with the following properties\n" + "Location: " + super.toString() + "\n" + "Radius = " + radius + "\n"; } }

  37. main method of MakeCircle public void main(String[ ], args) { // … details omitted Circle circle = new Circle(x, y, radius); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, circle.toString( ), "Something New", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); // and the rest ... }

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