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This report discusses the collaboration between various regional training centers in New England and Region I, including the AETC, PTC, RTC, and ATTC, to develop and implement training programs on STDs and HIV/AIDS. It highlights existing collaborations, potential new partnerships, and action plans for future collaboration.
Regional Cluster Training Centers Breakout session Report Group I/Region I NY & New England representatives Janine Dyer – STD/HIV PTC of New England Katie Martocci – JSI Research & Training –RTC Sue Anne Payette - NY State STD/HIV PTC (Partner Serv.) Betty Singletary – ATTC of New England Nisha Ahamed – NJMS Global TB Institute Donna Gallagher- NE AETC Durrell Fox – NE AETC
Existing Collaborations and Partners • Since 1991-1992 AETC and PTC collaborated on training programs and initiatives in New England/Region I • In 1994 the ATTC joined in on training collaboration with AETC and PTC • In 1995 the RTC joined in…
Region I connections at 3 & 4TC meetings • 2002 Reps. from PTC-RTC-AETC developed workplan and began work on Prevention and Management of STDs in Persons Living with HIV/AIDS curricula & TOTs • 2004 Reps. (some new) from PTC-RTC-AETC expanded workplan from 2002 including partnering on curricula and training programs
Region I connections at 3 & 4TC meetings (cont) 2006 Reps. (some new) from PTC-RTC ATTC-AETC • Revisited workplan • Discussed updates for ASI curricula • Scheduled a TC collab. planning meeting in the region for 2007 • Confirmed links for all TCs posted on each others web sites…
Ask, Screen, Intervene (ASI) • Supported by a CDC grant, this course was developed by the National Network of STD/HIV Prevention Training Centers in collaboration with the AIDS Education Training Centers (AETC) and the AETC National Resource Center. This course is designed for clinical providers who care for HIV+ patients and is based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the National Institutes of Health, and the HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. The course can be provided in a modular format, or as a single day training.
Potential New Collaborations and Partners • TB Centers connection facilitated by NJMS Global TB Institute • Hepatitis Centers connections being made. Some members of current TC collab. are part of statewide and national Hep. Coalitions • We see a PTC (multiple parts), RTC, ATTC, TB, Hep, AETC partnership solidified by the fall 2008 (six-tee-cee)
Action plans and tasks • Workplan exists that will continue to be a living breathing document shared between all partners • We will create and disseminate a directory with brief description of TCs and contact information for point person(s)
Action plans and tasks (cont.) • June 6, 2008 Infectious Disease & Primary Care in Westport, MA 8am -12 a partnership with 3 TCs – the ATTC of New England, the Sylvie Ratlle STD/HIV Prevention Training Center of New England and the New England AETC
Action plans and tasks (cont.) • Plan to link meeting of TCs to AETC Advisory Bd mtg in early October 2008 • Continued updates to ASI and Prev. & MGT of STDs in HIV+… curricula • PTC-Partner services will develop content slides that can be integrated into all TC collab training programs…
Resource leveraging strategies and successes • Developing real, equitable partnerships and collaborations has fostered an environment that embraces synergy and true collaboration helps to maximize our efforts and resources in the region • Sharing of TC training calendars, the curricula, TOT and other training programs that were developed are some of our successes
Recommendations for 4 to X TC meeting in the future • National 4 to X TC website (year round) • More time for presentation on successful collaborations • Continued work on standardizing data and evaluation tools that capture info needed for all TC partners • More time utilize the bi-annual meeting to share tools-products developed by TC partnerships in the country
Recommendations for 4 to X TC meeting in the future (cont) • More discussion of how TC collab. partners have overcome barriers to success on projects-collab. • Explore possibilty of regional or multi regional X TC meeting meetings in the year between national meetings
The primary theme in the region related to TC’s partnership and collaboration is…