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It is a very budget friendly option to paint your house on your own. But it requires its own pace and efforts to reach perfection of how a professional painter would do it. Or at least close enough that no one can spot your mistakes.
www.econstructionmart.com 8 HorribleMistakes You’re Making With Paint
Introduction • It is a very budget friendly option to paint your house on your own. • But it requires its own pace and efforts to reach perfection of how a professional painter would do it. • Here’s a guide on some expert painting tips for those who want to paint their homes perfectly and avoid those silly mistakes which would end up wasting a lot of time and money and look ugly as well.
1. Not applying a primer • First things first, before painting your surface no matter what colour was underneath before it is important to generously apply two coats of primer not avoid any dark color underneath to bleed through the surface. • Applying primer while covering doors or wooden surfaces will also help in the wood not tanning by using a tanning blocker primer. • So each surface needs should be considered before considering the kind of primer to be used.
2. Not starting with a smooth surface • It is absolutely necessary that you don’t paint over the already painted paint for a shortcut. • It is necessary to scrape off the previous paint as it won’t give a smooth finish to the new paint, there would be textures showing of the previous paint and we don’t want that at all.
3. Temperatures when you paint • You need to schedule the day properly choosing the right weather to paint you house because the conditions at which the paint gets applied to the wall is going to show a lot of results in long term and short term as well. • Extreme temperatures are not favourable for the paint to stick on the wall. • So schedule your painting day see the weather conditions or make adjustments of dryers or air conditioners.
4. Using the wrong brush • The painting brush you use to apply paint with plays a crucial role in the entire application process. • The brush you choose highly depends on the kind of paint you are using. If you are using oil based paints, apply it with a natural bristle brush. • If you are opting for water-based latex paint you should use a synthetic brush made from polyester or nylon. • This will ensure that water isn’t absorbed in the brush itself but applies evenly on the surface.
5. Using Painters tape correctly • If you leave the painters tape on the edges for too long. • When you will remove it, the paint will also come off with the tape. • So ideally the tape should be left for about an hour to ensure that it peels off easily without damaging the paint and giving it smooth edges like required.
6. Painting on a glossy surface • Again, scraping off here is of utmost importance, because it is extremely difficult for another paint to stick neatly over a glossy surface. • So, there needs to be some hold provided for the paint to stick on it. • So, we use a sandpaper to get rid of the smoothness and provide grip to the new paint to stick.
7. Not layering more coats of paint • It isn’t possible to have a flawless finish in just one stroke. • The color doesn’t always show in its natural form in one stroke, you might see the underneath layer popping up. • So, being generous is the key, should do at least two or more coats.
8. Wearing gloves, goggles and headgear while painting • Last but, The most important thing is to take care of yourself while painting or even scrapping of the wall as dust particles would likely get in to your eyes or mouth. While scraping the paint off make sure the gloves are chemical resistant. • Your safety comes first which you are doing any such work, so make sure to gear up properly. • May you achieve beautifully painted walls, doors and furniture by keeping in mind these points whilst painting on your own.
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