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Waterproofing: Types of Waterproofing Methods for Buildings

Simply taking care of your construction project is not enough; you have to actively take up steps that help you waterproof your building. Waterproofing simply means any methodology you execute to save your construction project from water infiltration or leaks.

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Waterproofing: Types of Waterproofing Methods for Buildings

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  1. WATERPROOFING T Y P E S O F W A T E R P R O O F I N G M E T H O D S F O R B U I L D I N G S info@econstructionmart.com www.econstructionmart.com

  2. Imagine – buying a great laptop for your business. You use this laptop for all your business purposes – writing emails, making decks and updating spreadsheets. Since it is so important for you, you take great care of it – you charge it now and then, clean it with a soft cloth, punch the keys as smoothly as possible. You believe you are taking great care of it and in return, it will take great care of your work. Suddenly, one day, you find a virus in your system which corrupts every single file you have had and creeps through all your data. Not getting waterproofing done, is equal to not putting a solid antivirus system in your laptop. Simply taking care of your construction project is not enough; you have to actively take up steps that help you waterproof your building. Waterproofing simply means any methodology 2 www.econstructionmart.com

  3. you execute to save your construction project from water infiltration or leaks. Now, depending on your construction project and the needs for waterproofing itself, there can be the following broad types of waterproofing methods: 1. Preventive Measures. These are measures you take for new projects in order to prevent any water leaks through the structure and walls in the future. There are several ready made solutions available like Dr Fixit Waterproofing which can be helpful here. You simply apply the coat of the product or the construction chemicals as an added layer and continue with the construction. If you are not looking for specific branded solutions, you can simply get in touch with a construction chemicals supplier who can provide you with an entire cohort of materials for waterproofing your entire house. Remember, waterproofing is not just for a specific corner of your ceiling but is meant to cover floors, walls and even adjacent corners in the house. 2. Structural Measures. Unlike preventive measures where you simply coat a chemical or an extra layer of a solution, structural measures require 3 www.econstructionmart.com

  4. more planning in terms of construction and design itself. What you do is look at the possible loopholes in the design while keeping in mind the climatic conditions and water flow in the region and then take special precautions or redesign these areas to immune them from any possible leaking in the first place. Such measures may include re-installing new plumbing systems, redesigning the project’s drainage and plumbing to keep it out of the sensitive areas and several other engineering design methods. 3. Repairing Measures. Finally, these are the measures you take once you have already diagnosed a leak in the project or the building. You attack right at the crack or the surface which is leaking and mostly put up a preventive coat. You can buy construction chemicals online for these solutions and take care of the leaks as soon as you see them. 4 www.econstructionmart.com

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