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Black Friday Holiday Cheer Campaign Manager Reports

Black Friday Holiday Cheer Campaign Manager Reports. Fullerton, CA. Manager Feedback

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Black Friday Holiday Cheer Campaign Manager Reports

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  1. Black Friday Holiday Cheer CampaignManager Reports

  2. Fullerton, CA Manager Feedback Excellent. Perhaps too well in the beginning, because after a few sweeps through the line and the parking ine, our fliers and breakfast items were seriously depleted. It took about 2.5 to 3 hours to pass out all 200 items and then we went back through the line and continued delivering branded messaging and answering questions. The people were actually very receptive and warm towards us. Great promotion I love events like this. Consumer Feedback Consumer feedback was very positive. Quite a few people expressed interest in the Boost Mobile brand, wanted more information about the Black Friday Promotion or the “Shrinkage” unlimited plan. The no contract feature was very well received and the $70 off was a big reason why we had most people’s attention. The breakfast items created a sense of goodwill / openness towards our branded messaging. Consumer Quotes: • “ I think I already have this phone can I have a second orange Juice?” • “ Yes!! Breakfast, you guys rock!” • “ I cant believe these phones and plans are so cheap this year” • “ No more contract phones for me, this is just what I need. • “ Thanks so much for the breakfast” • “ You guys rock, boost all the way”

  3. Oxnard, CA Manager Feedback Despite thanksgiving complications the program went well. We spoke to those we passed out food to and they were beyond grateful. Especially those select few in the front of the line who said they were there for two days. Consumer Feedback Customers were super excited to get food and juice. The customers said that they hadn’t done this in the past and if we expected any other brands to come around. Consumer Quotes: • “ Are other brands giving out food” • “ What time does the store open (over and over again)” • “What a good idea” • “ They didn’t do this for us last year” • “Where can I find out information on plans” • “I wish I had this instead of AT&T” • “Can you get smart phones • “Hot coffee would be better on a cold night, but thanks”

  4. Burbank, CA Manager Feedback The account rep David was a huge help as he showed at up 3am with Virgin branded supplies and really kicked the event into overdrive. We had a lot of fun talking with the endless lines of shoppers ,smiles and breakfast went along way in winning over the approval and getting people t care about Virgin Phones and there offers. Things could not have been better, I really hope we do this again next year as I feel it was a success. Consumer Feedback Consumers were really interested in and appreciative of the snacks and info we had to pass out, several want to buy our sweat shirts off our backs . Everyone was really getting into the holiday spirit when we handed out breakfast Consumer Quotes: • “ Thanks for breakfast Virgin Mobile girls!" • “ I have never seen any do this before, again thanks" • “ I cant believe how good and cheap the phones and plans are these days” • “ Thanks for the snacks and orange juice!" • “ "So its over half off for the LG Rumor Touch today? That's awesome - I've been waiting for it to go on sale!" • “ Virgin saved the day, I was so hungry can I give you a huge” •   “I cant believe I get all this without having to sign a contract” •   “The big company better watch out you guys have the best deals” • “ Sold, you got me hooked”

  5. San Bernardino, CA Manager Feedback I think we nailed it with this promo, I have done many promos like this, this one by far will stand out the people loved us and it really got my whole team in the holiday spirit. I was personally thanked by a manager at the best Buy for “really pumping it up”. I really feel that we got the message across loud and clear, I hope we can do this again. Consumer Feedback They were blown away by the free food without a sales pitch, by starting out each conversation with would you like some free breakfast from boost really made them open up and talk with us. Sense people had nothing but time everyone listened to offers and really accepted what we had to say. Consumer Quotes: • “These prices are to good to pass up, you just saved me so much time looking for gifts” • “ I cant believe these are prepaid phones, the future is here” • “ Can I get a deal if I buy more them one, best family plans out there” • “ Goodbye Verizon” • “You people are doing a good thing, you warmed my heart “ • “Is it really free” • This is the first time I have ever seem this, I been here for the past three years. Thanks”

  6. Los Feliz, CA Manager Feedback Wow, what an experience! These are real deal shoppers out here, and we made them so happy by giving them just what they needed when they needed it the most. I felt like santa, the ba ‘s were having fun and really getting into talking up boost. Consumer Feedback The family plans where a big hit, there were many parents with kids taking turns warming up in cars while hold there valued place in line. Lots of people took out there Boost phones to show there favorite handset with pride. Many shoppers that where going to buy a phone now want boost. Consumer Quotes: “I cant thank you enough” “This is awesome, I can’t believe its all for free!” “thanks for giving all my kids a snake” “Can I have a Santa hat if I help you pass out the flyers” “It brings cheer to my heart to see people that still care” “What time does the store open” “What's the best sale in the store”

  7. Compton, CA Manager Feedback The program ran smoothly, staff arrived on time and were dressed according to promo guideline. I had no issues, and the best buy employees were also welcoming. Consumer Feedback Many customers inquired about family plans and other specific questions related to services staff were not able to answer. We had many families with children who were happy to receive the orange juice and snacks. Everyone welcomed the flyer and asked specific questions regarding the promotion. I would say about a good 40% of people waiting in line was a Boost Mobile account holder. Consumer Quotes: • “I love Boost Mobile, I have a great plan” • “This is awesome, I thought you guys were selling the snack!” • “What is the family plan rate” • “Can I get an extra juices and snacks if I help you pass out the flyers” • “I’ve never seen a company do this for anyone on black Friday, this is great!” • “Store management, Thanks for passing out goodies for the people waiting in line? • “Can I take a picture with the boost mobile Santa girls!

  8. Chula Vista, CA Manager Feedback  I feel that the program was a huge success as I was instantly infused with cheer when I gave away the first breakfast to someone that was online all night, they listened as I spoke about boost and then watched as they took out there list and showed me that pre-paid was on the list and now it was going to be a “BOOST” . Everyone that my team and talked to smiled as we brought cheer to there long wait, we were very well received and even asked if we were going to be here next year as black Friday is part of there holiday tradition. Consumer Feedback The crowd loved us, consumers really got into the holiday spirit as they received breakfast from us when no one was expecting it . Everyone was blown away by a cell phone company giving back at time when shoppers needed it most. Consumer Quotes: • “I have a phone all-ready but I might get a second one!” • “You guys are the best, I really needed a bit” • “Boost knows how to do it” • “You made my buying decision easy this year, there plans are the best I have seen” • “ Are you going to be back next year” • “Is this really free, thanks boost people” • “Can I get a picture with whole boost team” • “Do you have a boost phone I can try out” • “Its good to see companies give back”

  9. San Jose, CA  Manager Feedback Synnora had a great idea next year to give out promotional blankets and/or beanies. People are so cold and shivering they would really appreciate and absorb the brand with this kind of free product. We could have used twice the amount of samples! Consumer Feedback The Shrinkage factor works really well with the price-conscious youth crowd. Formerly disinterested kids perked up when I told them their bill could get cheaper and cheaper. Overall reaction was really positive. Hot drinks would have been preferred in the freezing weather. Some said they had been thinking of switching. Many others were locked into cell phone contracts. Everyone was incredulous at the fact that the phone company would actually reward you for being on time. As soon as the store opened at 5 am people really didn't want to chat (a rush into the store) but they were willing to take flyers despite us being out of samples. The food was really appreciated. Consumer Quotes: “I'm a big fan of Samsung phones, thank you!" “Wow, you guys are cleaning up the trash too? That's remarkable" “No contracts? That's amazing." “That's the first time a company has done anything nice for me." “You girls are troopers, out here all night." “Do we get a free phone with these muffins?" “I like the Santa hats." “Thank you so much for the food, I really needed it."

  10. Los Vegas, CA – Team1 • Manager FeedbackWow was it cold in Vegas. There was all-ready a line of people when we first arrived, and set out to let them know what we would be doing in spending time with them throughout the morning until after the store opened up. We got started quickly with our team and took turns rotating to stay warm as best as we could. The team did a great job! • Consumer Feedback • Everyone seemed really happy to have us around, and most people were pretty open to the Boost packages and thought the shrinkage was great. A bunch of people all-ready had Boost phones and showed them to us! • Consumer Quotes: • “Seems Nextel got it together once they teamed up with Sprint” • “Boost is the best” • “There’s really no plan out there that can touch it” • “I’m glad their finally showing some credit for loyal customers”

  11. Las Vegas, NV (Team 2) Manager Feedback Overall the event went great, considering it was frigid outside and many people were too cold to interact with for long. The team all arrived onsite on-time and ready to roll. By the time everyone finished paperwork and helped to unwrap the muffin containers and juice containers, we could tell how cold it was going to be. We found it best to take turns in groups approaching the early consumers in line and preparing the refreshments to hand out, in order to keep ourselves somewhat warm. The morning of the event, we found that over half of the consumers that were waiting in line had been there for several hours and even set up tents, tables, tv monitors and computers, all hooked up to a generator. There were probably five tents pitched in the front of the store and most of these people were inside sleeping. Those that were out were happy to see us and get some morning refreshments. After a couple hours, one BA staff and myself took a run to get coffee and use the restroom while one stayed onsite, trying to warm up. Unfortunately we missed greeting Tiffany Aldrich, the onsite Virgin Boost Mobile territory representative when she had first arrived but met up with her as soon as we returned. We pitched in to help Tiffany set up a table, with branded giveaways, such as lanyards, t-shirts, mints, bottle openers, and of course pastries and juice. It was nice to have the booth set up in front for those consumers who were approaching the store, and to be able to give them branded promotional items when talking about the phones and plans. After the store opened at 5am, and the rush of people swarmed through, we all pitched in to help clean up the trash from our giveaways, along with the trash from several other items. We filled up three large trash containers and ensured the front was clean. We assisted Tiffany in breaking down her table and boxing up her items as well. The staff did an amazing job, considering it was very “cold” outdoors, and we would be anxious to get some feedback from the rep as well in regards to our performance. Consumer Quotes • “I have a contract with another carrier that is about to expire but I want to keep my number, so do you know if Virgin lets you do that?” • “I’m surprised you guys have so many different phones to choose from” • “Do you guys have any phones like the Android phones?” • “What is included in the unlimited for $50?” • “How long is this special going on for because I still have a few more months with my other contract” • “If I go to another store will they have the same special or is this only good at Best Buy?”

  12. Joliet, IL Manager FeedbackIt was a great Idea. 70% of the people were receptive and really like the free giveaways. Consumer Quotes: “What kind of phones do you have on sale here?” “It ROCKS! I love my phone.” “Oh yeah I have Virgin already. Thanks I’ll take a muffin” “Wow Cool!, THANKS! Free Muffin and OJ.” “Yeah it’s cold outside this will help a little, you guys ROCK!” “This is great thing that Virgin is giving treats out! “OMG Yeah!!!! We would love the treats, Granola and OJ and Muffins!

  13. Burbank, IL Manager Feedback: Overall the promotion went well. All the BA’s and Reserves arrived on time and we put uniforms on right away. Our team maintained cheerful, despite freezing weather conditions, and we all did our best to stay warm. The line of consumers waiting for the store to open was long when we arrived. People thought we were part of Best Buy staff and continuously ask us when store was going to open. Other companies were there promoting their products (LA fitness, Comcast, etc…) We picked up any leftover juice containers, muffin & granola packaging and other garbage that was left on the floor before we left. Consumer Quotes: “ Thank you for being out here doing this for us “ “ Will the store be able to help me with changing my plan ?” “ I am here just to buy this phone” “Yay! The Virgin Mobile People!” “Are you giving away phones?” “Are there any deep discounts on phones?” “I have Virgin mobile!”

  14. Norridge, IL Manager Feedback People seemed open to considering Virgin Mobile and we did not hear any negative comments. Many of our flyers were littered on the ground after we went through the line though so we made sure to pick them all up.  When we arrived, a man in a vehicle pulled up and started asking questions about what we were doing, if management knew we were there, etc. It did not seem very positive; he said he would check on something and drove away. He did not return or bother us during our execution. After security began their shift around 2:30am they told us that if we were fliering we should focus on the end of the line mostly (which was fine because we had already interacted with those closer to the door). They also yelled at us for picking up trash and said that they had a crew hired for that and to stop. When we left at 6am there was still a huge line out the door as only a few people were being let in the store at a time during those first couple hours so that the store could control the crowd. Consumer Feedback Consumers were really interested in and appreciative of the snacks and wanted more free stuff to wear to keep them warm. Some people were buried under blankets and sleeping bags. The weather was REALLY cold (about 22 degrees). People were willing to listen to our speaking points as it was a way for them to pass the time. Consumer Quotes: • "We've been out here since 2pm-- thanks for breakfast Virgin Mobile girls!" • "What Black Friday deals does Virgin Mobile have?" • "Virgin Mobile is prepaid right? The internet and cell phone plans both sound really cheap!" • "I actually already have Virgin Mobile - thanks for the snacks and orange juice!" • "So its over half off for the LG Rumor Touch today? That's awesome - I've been waiting for it to go on sale!" • "Is the LG Rumor Touch an Android phone?" • "Why is Virgin Mobile so cheap and not require a contract?" • "The Virgin Mobile monthly plans sound unbelievably cheap; I'll have to check out the phones!"

  15. Chicago, IL Manager Feedback: The Black Friday event went very well. Overall shoppers were very receptive to hear about the special on the LG Rumor Touch and were amazed to find out they could get such a great plan for $25 and no contract. Many shoppers wanted to know even more specifics about the Virgin Mobile plans (ie: how many anytime minutes, is long distance extra, is there tax on top of the $25 etc) We definitely generated interest in the Virgin Mobile brand and the Black Friday special on the LG Rumor Touch. Many people commented they would check it out when the store opened. The muffins and granola bars were a big hit! Some people had already been standing in the 20 degree weather for three to nine hours by the time we arrived at 12:45am and they were very glad to receive a breakfast snack. Shoppers also appreciated the orange juice, though they hoped we had something hot to help warm them up (Best Buy did set out a table with hot coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts around 4am.) Between 1am and 5:30am we were able to speak to everyone standing in line to enter the Best Buy and the last half hour we made sure that the area was clean of all trash and debris. All in all it was a successful event ! Consumer Quotes: “Wow, $80 is a great savings!” “I will check it (LG Rumor Touch) out.” “That’s cool that there’s no contract!” “Can I have a Virgin Mobile sweatshirt?” “My girlfriend has Virgin Mobile so this (LG Rumor Touch) would be a great Christmas gift for her!” “I love Oats n Honey Nature Valley!” “Ooooo, come over here with those muffins.” “I’d like to know more about the plans, $25 & no contract sounds great!” “Unlimited messaging and data too?! Wow!” “LG makes great products.” “This is so nice that you all are out here in the cold doing this!” “I am under contract but when it’s up I will definitely switch!” “Thank you so much for cleaning up our garbage.” “Only $25 for ALL that?!”

  16. McHenry, IL Manager Feedback One of those days where we had to work really hard in regard to turning a negative into a positive. 18 degree temperatures, with howling winds was tough. Consumers as bundled up as much as possible. We worked the lines heavily and were really able to build solid relationships with consumers. Both the Operations Manager and Department Managers at this location were really excited to see us. They mentioned how awesome it is when vendors like Virgin Mobile choose to be on-site for such an event. The store even offered us the lobby space to take breaks from the freezing cold and offered to help us in our clean-up efforts on their busiest day of the year! Overall the program went very well considering the challenges we faced up-front upon our arrival. We had so many quality interactions and did an outstanding job piggy-backing on the overall eagerness of consumers who opted to remain in their vehicles until it got closer to the store actually opening; in an effort to remain as comfortable as possible. We had so many people approach us asking specifics regarding the BestBuy mailer that was sent out. Asking all kinds of questions. In each instance we did an outstanding job deferring those questions to the Virgin Mobile brand and offered virtually no information on the store hours or ticketing questions. The santa caps proved to be an outstanding tool to generate awareness to people driving by and to those who waited to get into line. And of course those people who virtually camped out overnight. Welcomed us with open arms. Consumer Feedback They don’t call it the Windy City for nothing. Perhaps the most interesting thing to note is that those people who came prepared. Tents, blankets, heaters, chairs, in vehicles and in layers were the consumers who were the most responsive. Especially parents looking for deals on technology as it pertained to their children. Consumers were really excited about the huge savings being offered and surprised to hear how hassle free the plans were especially when put into perspective against the price of the product. Consumer Quotes: • “ I would have thought the Samsung handset would be more expensive than the other.” Male Mid 30’s. • “What kind of deal can Virgin Mobile offer that beats the plan I am currently contracted with? Where are the hidden fees?” Female – Early 50’s • “ I get rewarded cost wise just for paying my bill on time? What if I decide to prepay the bill will I get even more savings” Female 50’s • “ Do the Rumor or the Touch operate on Sprint’s 4G network?” Male Mid 30’s • “ Are the two phones your offering the huge savings on the only two to choose from?” Male Late 20’s • “ We love it when you vendors do things like this for our customers. Out here. Many of these people are our regular customers who shop here regularly so thank you. Kyle – BestBuy Operations Manager & Kristen – BestBuy Department Manager.

  17. Merrillville, IN Event Manager: Roshanda Payne Manager Feedback: Overall I felt the Black Friday campaign at Best Buy for Virgin Mobile was a success. I couldn’t have asked for a more professional and energetic staff, who did not complain about working in 20 degree weather. We were able to see the line grow from approximately 50 customers to well over 200++ with a median age range of 18-35 years old. I would like to suggest that Best Buy utilize the front and the side of their building to allow room for the customers of the other two stores who share the same building with them. (Best Buy customers covered the other store entrances and left garbage on the ground after the store opened, which we then cleaned up). The breakfast was truly appreciated, however because of the freezing temperatures, customers would have especially loved a hot beverage. The staff received good feedback in regards to the $25.00 per month contract and the discounted prices being offered for the LG Rumor Touch for Black Friday. Consumer Feedback: The customers in line were really appreciative of the mini breakfast we offered. They were really interested in learning more about the $ 25.00 unlimited service plan offered by Virgin Mobile and the fact that no contract was necessary. Consumer Quotes: “We love the Virgin Mobile Crew” “Thank you so much for breakfast” “I can’t believe the service is only $ 25.00 a month” “I have Virgin Mobile now” “That’s a really nice phone for $69.99” “This would be a great phone for my son, he can afford to pay for it on his own every month” “OMG unlimited everything and just $25.00, that’s cheaper than what I pay now” “Thanks for thinking of us this morning”

  18. Framingham, MA Manager Feedback The brand ambassadors we had were a stand up team! They were beyond amazing and very outgoing, even with the weather made us all wet and freezing! We spoke with every person on-line throughout the morning and could probably tell you one interesting fact about each of them. Consumer Feedback There were a group of people that had been on line since 2:00pm Thanksgiving, the line of close to 100 people seemed frozen and comatose until we arrived and distributed the snacks and beverages which helped them perk up and become more lively. Right away we came across people who were very excited to see us and were huge advocates of Virgin Mobile, one woman exclaimed “I HAVE THAT PHONE!” she then became a partner in demonstrating the phone’s features and capabilities to other consumers waiting in line. Many people were asking if they could buy our sweatshirts to keep warm in. Everyone was extremely cold, and wet from the freezing rain, yet they remained in shivering high spirits. Best of All, once we had completed the program and were finishing cleaning up the area, one of the women who had been at the front of the line and was now coming out of the store showed us that she had just purchased a Virgin Mobile phone and plan and gave us each a hug saying “thank you, I love this phone!”

  19. Saugus, MA Manager Feedback This was a great time to promote this plan because everyone was in line for “deals” and was actually interested in listening to the specials. They had many questions about the phones and services and were exceptionally happy about the snacks and drinks. Interesting fact: The first couple people in line got in line at 8am on Thanksgiving! Consumer Feedback Consumers were very grateful and absolutely loved the snacks and drinks. They were very curious about the deal and some even committed to purchasing the plan today. They especially loved that it was “No Contract” and on the “Sprint Network.” They also loved the phone that was being featured. Consumer Quotes: • Wow, Its really only $25? What’s the catch? • Wow, they have the LG?? That’s a great phone • This is an amazing deal • It’s basically free. I pay over 150 for ATT • I’m changing today. Id save enough for a vacation!

  20. Brockton, MA Manager Feedback Consumers were really happy to see us! The people at the front of the line had been there since 6pm the night before, they even had a sign that said “Yes, we’ve been here for over a day, yes we are cold, yes we have food coming, and YES WE ARE GETTING THE LAPTOPS EVERYONE WANTS.” At 1am, people were still sleepy and not as receptive, but towards 5am, people got really excited about their complimentary breakfast items and wanted to learn more about Virgin Mobile’s great deals on phone plans! Everyone there was looking to save money so it was the perfect audience! Females age 15-23 were the most interested party. I think the promotion was extremely successful. It helped generate a large amount of good will towards Virgin Mobile and everyone, even people that did not want a breakfast item, were very nice and took a flier, and welcomed the engagement with the brand ambassadors. The outfits stood out and made each BA noticeable and memorable. It was extremely cold and perhaps hand warmers or other warm items would be a good bonus gift, as people would’ve loved some kind of heat. Consumer Feedback “I was thinking of getting an iPhone but if I get the TV I want today I won’t have enough money. This deal from Virgin Mobile is great! So affordable!” I keep seeing the crazy Virgin Mobile commercials - they are really great! i never know what’s going on but I always remember them! I have Verizon and it’s so expensive. I live in Boston I’m pretty sure any coverage will be good.” This plan would be perfect for my daughter. We were going to get her a pre-paid but she would much rather have a plan like her friends. I always have the impression that Virgin mobile is for younger people. I’m too old for the ‘hip’ companies. I’ve had Virgin Mobile for years! I’ve stuck by you guys! I knew it would pay off, free breakfast has never sounded so good after being in line for hours!” This is the nicest thing ever! I’m here by myself and I’m afraid to leave the line, lest i lose my spot. Thank you Virgin Mobile!!” You guys are all like Santa’s little helpers giving out delicious gifts to the poor and weary. Wow, Black Friday makes me awfully dramatic.

  21. Salem, NH Manager Feedback The event went very well, the weather turned really nasty after we arrived. My team worked hard and very well together, no one complained about the weather, they all showed up on time and gave 100%. A real pleasure to have worked on this event. Consumer Feedback Most people were very happy to hear about the product, most had been standing in line for so long, they were very friendly and very, very grateful for the drinks and snacks. One lady gave me a big kiss, on the lips!!! Consumer Quotes: • “You guys rock!” • “Virgin Mobil is the bomb sweet!” • “I have had this service for a long time, and love it no complaints!” • “Virgin Mobil in the house!” • “Awesome phone and rate plan!” • “My roommate just opened up an account and she loves it!” • “Nice, sleek and sexy phone” • “I know what Santa better bring me!”

  22. Grand Rapids, MI • Manager Feedback • This promo was well received by the consumers and provided a positive image for Boost Mobile. We had many consumers that couldn’t believe that they could have a free snack and drink. The only thing that would have been an improvement would be to have a hot beverage to give instead of juice since it was 20 degrees out. T $70 discount on the Rant was a great deal and people loved that they could get their bill down to $35. The Boost Buy manager, Marcus was awesome and thanked us for being there and for providing the consumers with a positive start to the day. • Consumer Feedback • People loved the fact that Boost would go out of their way that early in the morning. About 50 people at 1:00 am had been there since 11:30 pm and were cold and hungry so they appreciated the effort. • Consumer Quotes • “I love my Boost” • “I love Boost cuz their givin’ me juice” • “Boost is awesome” • “Boost just made my morning better” • “This is really nice of Boost to do this” • “Man $35 is cheap I like that” • “I have the Rant and love it” • “Where’s T-Mobile? I don’t see them out here, thanks for the snack Boost”

  23. Comstock Park, MI Manager Feedback  This was one of the most fun marketing experiences I've had!! The team was a blast to work with and each individual was a great team player, even at 1-6AM on black Friday! I felt every consumer we encountered and offered our services to, was extremely grateful! Consumer feedback The great majority of consumers complemented and thanked us for the snacks we provided! Many of them reacted with much enthusiasm when hearing about the boost mobile Black Friday promotions offered!  Consumer Quotes:  • "Is this stuff really free?" • "Thank you! You guys are Awesome!"  • "Wow that's a great deal for that phone!" • "Oh yeah! My brother uses Boost Mobile and he loves it!" • "What's the catch?" •  "You guys are angels!" •  "We really appreciate your snacks out here in the cold!" • "That sounds like a great deal... I'll have to check it out inside!"

  24. Okemos, MI Manager Feedback   I found this promo very interesting . I felt that the change in the weather prevented more interest from the consumers . Everyone seemed very interested in the rates offered by Boost Mobile. Consumer Feedback A Large amount of people were very happy to have us around. Consumer Quotes “ Is the service available everywhere?” “There's no way it's only $35” “My brother has boost can he get the rant?” “ Thanks for the sunny D, but I already have a phone.” “Is the rant like the HTC Evo?” “That's a pretty good price, what's the catch?”

  25. Lansing, MI Manager Feedback Upon arrival, 12:45 am there was under 50 consumers in line, and most were in their cars. Later around 3:00 am the weather had turned into full flurries. The line had nearly doubled and many people were taking turns with family/friends waiting in line Most consumers, 75% in line were happy we were there that early smiling, cheery and handing out food. Others declined the refreshments, 15% stating they were too cold and that we should be handing out coffee, not orange juice! The remaining 10% of consumers accepted the refreshments, only later we would find the unopened & uneaten packages discarded on the sidewalk. Consumer Feedback “The customers in line were very pleased to see us out there so cheerful despite the freezing weather! Many though seemed unhappy with the choice of beverage we had to offer them because of how cold the weather had become. More than half of those in line were there to purchase a lap top or television. Overall the promotion went very good and most of the people in line were happy and listened to what we had to say about boost mobile regardless of how cold they were. ” Consumer Quotes “I can’t wait to see the new phones!” “Can you change my Blackberry over?” “$80.00 off? Wooohoooo!” “Originally I just came for the laptop, but I’m going to have to check out the phones!” “I’m here to get the Rant.” “I’m freezing, where’s the hot drinks?” “I hope all the hype on these phones and discounts are worth waiting in line for.” “You guys are very nice and cheery so early in the morning.”

  26. Roseville, MN Manager Feedback FREEEEEZING! We had a great team, and everyone kept composure even with the frigid temperatures. There were a lot of smiles and shivering, overall people loved that we were there and offering breakfast! Consumer Feedback The line of people were very bundled up in blankets and jackets and huddled together, they were really happy to get some orange juice and snacks as well as hear all about Virgin Mobile. A lot of people were pleasantly surprised with the low cost of the unlimited plans. They also really liked the specials, a few people actually bought the phones from BestBuy that very morning! Consumer Quotes: • “The phone is really that cheap?” • “I’m getting rid of my phone as soon as the contract expires, and may buy one of these right now!” • “This is perfect for my son” • “Thanks for bringing us some great uplifting spirits for the holidays”

  27. Richfield, MN Manager Feedback I think the event was a success.  Quite honestly it was unbearably cold - I am sure it dropped to below zero.  We rotated in and out of the car to try and keep warm.  Everyone was really friendly and many asked what we were doing there.  If you do this again, I would suggest more food and beverages - it didn't take us that long to hand out everything. Consumer Feedback We received very positive feedback.  Everyone thought is was so nice that we were there and they loved the food and beverages!  Many people were in their cars because it was extremly cold.  Many of the people in cars even came out to see what we were doing. Consumer Quotes: • “I have Virgin Moble“ • “Thank you very much - we appreciate you being here“ • “Who can I talk to about my phone“ • “I love my Virgin Mobile Phone“ • “Does Best Buy Carry Virgin Phones?“ • “Thanks for being out here in the cold with us"

  28. Bloomington, MN Manager Feedback Very very cold morning, we did a great job and passed out all of the fliers, snacks, and juice, as well as spoke with as many people on the line as we could. It seemed everyone was happy that we were there Consumer Feedback Virgin Mobile was a big hit as no one could believe they were able to get hundreds of minutes, unlimited web, email, and messaging for just $25! The phones being on sale was super as well! Consumer Quotes: • “yay Virgin Mobile!” • “thank you for the orange juice” • “I’m going to call my wife and see if we should get these for kids” • “my grandparents can finally have a better alternative to trac and prepaid by the minute”

  29. Yonkers, NY Manager Feedback A sense of the holiday spirit was in the air, my team and I were very well received by all the early bird shoppers waiting in line. All brand ambassadors really put there heart into the event and made it fun to anyone they interacted with. The event was a success, we got the message across and really did bring holiday cheer to those in line.   Consumer Feedback Many shoppers showed strong interest in the new rate plans, shoppers stated that Boost phones would make the perfect gift for someone on there list. Everyone liked having us there, bringing them juice and muffins when they had been in the rain and cold for so long, they were interested the phones and rate plans boost had to offer. Consumer Quotes: • “I Love you guys” • “Boost Boost Boost (chant)’’ • “I am getting one for each of my kids” • “You people are doing a good thing” • “Boost knows how to hook it up” • “Thank you so much, this is just what I needed”

  30. Mount Vernon, NY Manager Feedback I think overall the program was a success. We were able to interact directly and engage with about 75% of the audience for roughly a minute each at the event. Almost everyone was receptive to the food and beverages, and even after the food was gone, people were still taking the flyer and wanting to know what we knew (EVERYONE was looking for a deal). I think maybe partnering with a bigger lunch truck next time around or bringing out a branded vehicle with signage and possibly entertainment would have gone a long way to connect and really create a Virgin Mobile experience; some had been standing out front since 630pm Thursday night. Most of the folks seemed to be interested in only computers and TVs, so having the phones be up-front with a way to take their mind off the horrible conditions (i.e. cold and wet) and made an even larger impact. 99% were friendly and listened to what we had to say about the brand. Consumer Feedback • - Do they have the phones inside? • - I’m definitely looking for a phone, this is good to know • - That's so nice you guys have food! • - Do you guys have any coffee or hot chocolate? • - Virgin mobile is a good carrier, and LG makes good phones • - Do you guys have tickets for inside? • - What time are they opening the doors? • - So I don't need a plan to have a phone? Why do i have ATT then? • No thanks, I have an iPhone Consumer Quotes: • “What are the plans like?” • “Can I really get all that plus good service for $25 a month?” • “Why aren’t you guys here promoting more often?” • “Is there a limited supply inside today?” • “Is this on the flyer they are giving out and how do I get one?”

  31. Westbury, NY Manager Feedback Our team worked like soldiers to get people to try to enjoy. We led cheers and gave out paper towels! The weather was near freezing and it was raining heavily. The line was long and somewhat tense as cutters and thugs and a bunch of intoxicated guys were out. Security was doing a great job of keeping people from cutting the line. Two families had large tents and they invited us in to discuss the phone plans. People were very responsive to the juice and muffins. My team was working like champs all the way till open. Consumer FeedbackWe had several customers that had Boost and Virgin phones and they both tried to spread the word. Consumer Quotes: “I already have this and I love it” “ Thanks for all the Hospitality” “ I will get one inside” “Can I buy one of these phones inside?” (Me: Yes, you can). “SWEET!” “Oh Awesome, I hate contracts”.

  32. Valley Stream, NY Manager Feedback The program was a successful campaign and was helped by how good the deal was for the consumer. The snacks and drinks were accepted by most shoppers with gratitude. Many shoppers that did not take any food or drink were still interested in the deal and some of the people who had the most questions were the ones who only looked at the flyer and were not interested in the food. Consumer Feedback Most consumers were extremely surprised at how in-expensive the phone and the monthly plans were. A lot of consumers were looking for phones or considering getting a phone which made them very interested in what we had to say. Most questions were regarding the plans and not the phones, although most found the phones to be nice looking. People who were more concerned with the phone liked that it had a slide-out keyboard and a touch screen. General reception for both the phone and the plan were positive. Consumer Quotes: “This is a great deal. I’ve been looking for a phone for my kids and this is perfect.” “I can’t believe how low the price is for unlimited data and texting.” “I don’t like typing on a touch screen so it’s good that there is a slide-out keyboard.” “Thanks so much for the snack and drink. My kid really needed something.” “I need a phone for my teenager, but I don’t want to spend that much money on a plan. This is exactly what I have been looking for.”

  33. Oklahoma City, OK Manager Feedback Our team “broke the ice through” with everyone we could. It was (far) below freezing for the first time this year and this is not something people in Oklahoma deal with very well. 20 degrees before the wind chill was a tough experience for people in the south. Once it warmed up, people responded very positively to the juice and granola. It is this kind of positive response that creates a positive emotional connection to the company, so that even if they’re not a customer now, they can at least think positively of the company and consider switching over – or switching their kids over (since the unlimited multimedia seems to be more of interest to the younger generation than the older generations). Consumer FeedbackWe had a lady who was incredibly exuberant about how well the phone had worked for herself and her son and wanted me to know that where T-Mobile failed her on a weekly basis, she never had a single problem with Virgin Mobile. Consumer Quotes: “I already have this and I love it” “Wow, geez … I’m paying $60 a month for mine. Yeah, I’ll check it out” “Can I buy one of these phones inside?” (Me: Yes, you can). “SWEET!” “I don’t want another contract (Me: There’s no contact. Quit when you want). “Oh Awesome, I hate contracts”.

  34. Houston, TX (Center Mall) Manager Feedback With a total of four ambassadors working  for hours we were able to interact with 400+ Black Friday attendees. Everybody that was waiting in line was very eager to hear about any deals that were going on, and were very happy to get a drink and something to snack on. Overall it was successful event in which we were able to capture and communicate to price conscious consumers that were very happy to be rewarded by boost with a snack and a drink.Even the cold weather and rain was not enough to keep the crowds at home. Consumer QuotesI love boost mobile, that fifty fifty thing you guys have is the best.Thanks Boost for coming out we appreciate it.I have always been skeptical about Boost mobile's coverage, but everyone I know that has it say the coverage is very reliable, so i need to get one.I seen you guys are sponsoring UFC, that's pretty cool.Whatever happened to Fat Joe, I haven't seen him in any Boos mobile commercials.You guys need to find better phones with better battery life.

  35. Houston, TX (Richmond Ave) Manager Feedback We had a great promotion. We set up directly in front of the store until they opened and we had to shift to one side, where the radio remote was taking place. Everyone was upbeat, snuggled up and happy to see us. We gave out juice, water, muffins, and granola bars. Some thought there was a gimmick or that they had to pay for the food/drinks. They were happy to see us cleaning up the trash and were very gracious. Overall, excellent promotion! Consumer Feedback I spoke to a group of people visiting from out of the country and they were interested in buying quite a few phones in bulk and taking it back to their country. Most were VERY intrigued by the discounted price of the phones. Many also did not know that this was a no contract basis situation. They asked about monthly payments, which phones were the best, does the phone work outside the market area, and how much they would safe in the long run. Consumer Quotes: • “Are the phones unlocked?” • “Thank you for coming out here and giving us something to drink and eat” • “I have AT&T, how can I change to Boost Mobile?” • “Is there a limit as to how many phones I can buy?” • “Are there areas where the phone may not work? What is their coverage area?” • “What is the best phone and does it come with internet?” • “Is there a Virgin/Boost Store in Houston, or is this the only place I can buy it?” • “I think that is really cool that you are out here keeping us entertained and passing out treats”

  36. Round Rock, TX Manager Feedback The Program ran smoothly and time went faster than expected, consumer response was great and they appreciated the food and premium items. Weather was harsh, people started to get anxious when it started hailing! Consumer Feedback Some people where standing in line for up to 14 hours!! They where crazy about the sale, particularly about laptop computers and TVs. They had camping tents, generators, electric blankets, and b-b-q grills to stay warm. Consumer Quotes: “If it’s on sale I am going to buy it”. “Are you giving away free phones?” “Can I see the photo online?” “I need to get on this type of (phone) service, AT&T it’s bleeding me!”

  37. McAllen, TX • Manager Feedback • In my opinion, I think this was a great program! One of the main reasons is that we have all the attention from consumers, as they are waiting and don’t have much to do. They asked us a lot of questions regarding the products being promoted and showed honest interest. • Consumer Quotes: • “Wow, BOOST is giving us free breakfast!” • “Thank you for the cool BOOST shirt” • “I love BOOST, they have great service” • “BOOST is my favorite cause you don’t need to sign a contract!” • “I cant wait to read the new BOOST offers” • “I wish BOOST had more variety of cell phones to choose”

  38. Hurst, TX • Manager Feedback: • I have to say that the Promotion went very well. We had a lot of fun while we promoted Virgin Mobile. The People loved us being out there with them and were happy we had product knowledge and answered all their questions. It was freezing, but we all made the best of it, mingled with everyone and did an awesome job promoting Virgin Mobile. • Consumer Feedback & Quotes: • Many of the individuals that we spoke to were very pleased that we were out there with them and informed them about the great deals that we had on the phones. We honestly promoted the product to a lot of consumers that had never heard of Virgin Mobile and really got the information across. There were many people that came out of the store and had bought a Virgin Mobile phone with the plan we were promoting! All very interested and loved the muffins and juice/ granola bars we were giving out. • “Wow, is it really that cheap? I am so glad you guys are out here because I had no idea that this type of deal was going on.” • “What a great deal! Are you sure that this deal will not change on me in the next couple of months? With this type of price something’s got to be wrong with the offer, there is no way it can be this cheap. “ (Reassured them that it is what we advertised no false advertisement on our end but their end they have to get it while they can because it is an offer they cannot get from any other company) • “Awesome! I’m here to line up for my laptop and I even get a good deal on a phone too, awesome sweet deal.” • Simple… “OOk wow, where can I sign up.” • “Man if this is really true, T-Mobile and AT&T are going to be out of business. What a good deal!” • “Are there going to be more phones with good deals like this?” • “This is with Sprint on their 3G network that’s great news; it’s not on some cheap plan that’s going to drop my calls every minute that is reassuring.”

  39. Plano, TX Manager Feedback The program went great we did an excellent job and informing the consumers about all kept points. We were able to start at the front of the line and take our time in going to each person in line and talk to them about the special offers Best Buy had today. Channel 8 was also onsite and was able to take video of us handing out the breakfast with fliers. Since we ran out of items mid-way through, I ran to Wal-Mart to pick up some more items since people were expecting us to give them something that had already seen us. Consumer Feedback Consumers where very thankful that we were handing out breakfast to everyone that early in the am. It was extremely cold and they were appreciative. Consumers were very well informed by the brand ambassador about the specials that included the Samsung Rant for only $49.99 and the unlimited plans. We let them know that there is no contract with boost mobile so they really were excited about that. Consumer Quotes: • “Thanks guys, you are out here as well in the cold” • “Yall have sure positive energy and it is great to see a dynamic team” • “Wow, this is free, I was so hungry and did not want to get out of line” • “Next time sell phones out here or have them so we can use them to call our family” • “What special offers do you guys have today? • “I wish you guys where here for every Black Friday” • “Great way to promote your phones, do you know what type of coverage you have? • “Do you have the new Iphone or any android phones?

  40. Denton, TX Manager Feedback The promotion went well. Most people were inquisitive of what we were giving away and open to listening to the things Virgin offered because they were camped out there anyway. No one left so it was a great time in having plenty of one on one time. Consumer Feedback Consumers were happy we were there. They were curious about the products Virgin offered as well as the phones.(wireless cards and which towers we bounced off of.) Consumer Quotes: • “The snacks were very thoughtful” • “Virgin has very competitive deals” • “Those are great deals for phones” • “The amount of phones that Virgin carries is surprisingly large” • “Flexibility is key and Virgin provides it” • “This was a great way to reach me; I normally don’t look at fliers but since I’ll be here for a while, now I need something to read”

  41. Fort Worth, TX • Manager Feedback • The program went incredibly smooth. All of the Brand Ambassadors and Back-Ups were there on time; and we immediately got to work getting ready! We had a very long line of consumers to distribute our products to, and we handled it very efficiently. Everyone had a task at hand from distributing fliers, to collecting garbage to chatting with people on the line. Although it was very cold they continued performing their duties with high energy and a smile on their face! • Consumer Feedback • Consumers were mainly cold, but nonetheless appreciative of our incentives provided by Virgin Mobile. • We were able to appeal mostly to the 18-25 consumers. Many metro pcs users were very interested in Virgin Mobile due to their competitive $25/month rate. Due to the variety in our team, we were able to appeal to all age groups and felt very welcomed at the Best Buy site. • Consumer Quotes: • “Just what we needed [referring to the snacks & refreshments]” • “You guys are way to awake for us right now” • “When does Best Buy open?” • “What kind of phones does Virgin Mobile offer” • “25 dollars, WHAT?!... That’s awesome” • “Ya’ll must be freeezzinngggg!” • “Yummy yummy muffins [5 year old]” • “THANK YOU!”

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