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EPS - Electric Power Industry of Serbia: Upgrade and Future Plans

Learn about the Electric Power Industry of Serbia's infrastructure upgrade, production capacities, investment activities, and future plans. Explore their focus on energy efficiency, modernization projects, and prospective developments up to 2020.

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EPS - Electric Power Industry of Serbia: Upgrade and Future Plans

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  2. EPS - Structure, Ownership & Activities • Structure • Vertically organized companycomprising of 11 corporateenterprises • Ownership • 100% ownedby theRepublic of Serbia • Activities • Electricitygeneration • Distribution and distributionsystem control • Electricitytrading • Coal production,processing and transport • Steamand hot water generation incombined processes www.eps.rs PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia 2

  3. EPS - Overview 2009 Installed Capacities Hydro Power Plants 2,835 MW Thermal Power Plants 5,171 MW Combined CH Plants 353 MW Total * 8,359 MW Production 2009 Production 36,112 GWh Production with K&M 41,122 GWh Coal Production** 37.8 mil.T Gross Consumption** 33,292 GWh Number of Customers** 3.4 million Number of Employees* 35,800 Business Assets ~ EUR 6.5 bil. Turnover ~ EUR 1.6 bil. * Including K&M** Excluding K&M Asof June 1999, EPS cannot manage its facilities on theterritoryof Kosovo and Metohija (K&M) www.eps.rs PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia 3

  4. Status of generating capacities 2009 • Average working hours of EPS TPPs is more than 180,000 • Average operating life of HPPs is 35 years PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia www.eps.rs 4

  5. Production & Consumption 2000 - 2009 • Gross Consumption increased for 13% • EPS Production increased for 11% • Import decreased 8 x PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia www.eps.rs 5

  6. Rehabilitation & Modernization • Primary focus on thermal power capacities PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia www.eps.rs 6

  7. EPS – Energy Efficiency Improvement in TPPs In the period 2001-2008, modernization and general overhauls done on almost all TPPs: • TPPs electricity production increase of 30% • Thermal units reliability increase of 11% • Coal specific consumption decrease www.eps.rs PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia 7

  8. EPS – Ongoing Investment Activities • Ongoing rehabilitation and modernization of HPPs will increase power capacity, production, efficiency and extend operational lifetime • Increase of HPPs annual production • HPP Djerdap + 80 GWh • HPP Bajina Basta + 60 GWh • HPP Zvornik + 70 GWh • HPP Potpec + 13.5 GWh • HPP Vlasina + 25.5 GWh • Rehabilitation, modernization of network and improvement of metering in distribution system will generate additional energy savings • Participation in the promotion of energy efficiency on demand/consumers side www.eps.rs PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia 8

  9. Production & Consumption up to 2020 • In the period 2010-2020, EPS forecast indicates 13% increase in overall consumption www.eps.rs PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia 9

  10. Introduction of High Efficiency Technologies • System efficiency improvement after decommissioning of outdated and introduction of new TPPs • SPECIFIC HEAT CONSUMPTION (MJ/kWh) www.eps.rs PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia 10

  11. Prospective aging of EPS TPPs PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia www.eps.rs 11

  12. EPS – Planned Investment Activities Investment Plan • Investment plan up to 2015 envisages over EUR 9 billion • Strategic partnership ca. EUR 2 billion, loans ca. EUR 3.5 billion, own fundsEUR 3.5 billion • Within Investment Plan • Amount of EUR 1 billion is allocated for primary environmental protection measures • Amount of EUR0.5 billion is allocated for investments into renewable sources www.eps.rs PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia 12

  13. According to the estimates up to 2015, in order to continue with the investment activities in the construction of new capacities and to maintain existing generation, some EUR 9 billion is needed: Maintenance of existing system performance (ca. EUR 4 billion) HPP revitalisation ca. EUR 0.4 billion TPP revitalisation ca. EUR 1.3 billion Revitalisation and replacement of open cast minesca. EUR 1.5 billion Modernisation of ED network and meter replacementca. EUR 0.7 billion Other investments (TMS, IT, etc.)over EUR 0.1 billion Generation increase (new capacities - ca. EUR 5 billion) HPPsca. EUR 0.6 billion TPPsca. EUR 2.5 billion Coal minesca. EUR 0.6 billion Other investmentsca. EUR 1.2 billion Investment projects for further development of electricity trade Investment projects for GHG trading development Investment Activities up to 2015 www.eps.rs PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia 13

  14. EPS – Priority Investments in New Capacities • Projects with strategic partners selected on the basis of tendering procedures TPP Nikola Tesla B3, Kolubara B, CHP Novi Sad • Projects based on the international agreement with Italy (SECI) HPP Ibar, HPP Kupinovo • Projects based on the Cooperation Memorandum with RWE HPP Velika Morava, PSHPP Djerdap III • Projects with the Republic of Srpska HPPs Upper Drina – (EPS andRWE) HPPs Middle Drina – (EPS and SECI) • Independent project construction Kostolac B3 • Projects with Romania and Bulgaria on Danube HPPs upstream from Olta www.eps.rs PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia 14

  15. EPS - Financing sources • Anticipated funds over EUR 9 billion by 2015: • EPS funds ca. EUR 3.4 billion • Loans and anticipated loansca. EUR 3.8 billion • Strategic partner ca. EUR 1.8 billion • Other funds up to EUR 0.2 billion • Investments in the new facilities by 2015 do not include: • TPP Kostolac B3 • CO2 measures • Some hydropower projects (Ibar, Velika Morava, Middle Drina, DjerdapIII) www.eps.rs PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia 15

  16. EPS - Intensive Investment Activities Main reason for initiation of PE EPS intensive investment cycle is to: • Secure supply under conditions of electricity demand • Average growth rate of ca. 1% annually in the period up to 2025 • Replace the old, inefficient facilities at the end of operation life • Meet environmental standards • Achieve economic and financial sustainability • High efficiency with increase of competitiveness www.eps.rs PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia 16

  17. Romania Croatia Bosnia & Herzegovina SERBIA Montenegro Bulgaria FYR Macedonia Actual Regional Investment Overview Hungary: Operating since2009: RES 94 MW, NPP 126 MW Under Construction: CCGT 2134 MW, Gas 232 MW, RES 148MW Approved: CCGT 1200 MW, RES 158 MW, TPP 440 MW Operating since2009: CCGT 372 MW, HPP 36 MW Under Construction: Gas 56 MW, HPP 311 MW, Wind 725 MW Approved: CCGT 3912 MW, TPP 1000 MW, HPP 94 MW, NPP 1413 MW, Wind 338MW, Other thermal 110 MW Operating since 2009 Wind 10 MW Under Construction: CCGT 565 MW, HPP 84 MW, Wind 59 MW Approved: HPP 300 MW Operating since 2009: No Under Construction: HPP 644 MWApproved: TPP 500 MW, HPP 141 MW, Wind 117 MW Operating sc. 2009: TPP404 MW, Gas 9MW,Wind 177MW Under Constr:TPP1570 MW, HPP 176MW,NPP 4000MW Wind 103 MW Approved: RES 109 MW, CCGT 50 MW,TPP 230MW, Operating since 2009: NoUnder Construction: No Approved: No Operating since 2009: Gas 30 MW Under Construction:CCGT 440 MW, HPP 73 MWApproved:TPP 75 MW Greece: Operating since 2009: No Under Construction: CCGT 3079 MW, HPP 796 MW, Wind 725 MW Approved: CCGT 2415 MW, Gas 60 MW, HPP 186 MW EIEE POWER PLANT TRACKER APRIL 2010 SOURCE: www.platts.com PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia www.eps.rs 17

  18. Romania Croatia Bosnia & Herzegovina SERBIA Montenegro Bulgaria FYR Macedonia Perspective Regional Investment Overview Hungary: Applied: CCGT 8480 MW, TPP 710MW, HPP 100 MW,RES 680 MW Proposed Projects: CCGT 400 MW, NPP 2200 MW, Gas 50 MW, RES 35 MW Applied: CCGT 120 MW, TPP 500 MW, HPP 4110 MW, NPP 707 MW, Wind 1874 MW Proposed Projects: CCGT 800 MW, HPP 440 MW Applied: HPP 53 MW, Wind 67 MW Proposed Projects: TPP 500 MW, HPP 797 MW, Wind 232 MW, Solar 60 MW Applied: TPP 2510 MW, HPP 242 MW, Gas 250 MW Proposed Projects: TPP 1250 MW, HPP 1774MW, Wind 532 MW Applied: HPP 171 MW, Wind 203 MW Proposed Projects: CCGT 880MW,TPP 1240 MW, HPP 705 MW, NPP 1000 MW,Wind 261 MW Applied: NoProposed Projects: TPP 610 MW, HPP 3182 MW, Wind 96 MW Applied: CCGT 300 MW, HPP 1580 MW, Wind 198 MW Proposed Projects: HPP 465 MW Greece: Applied: CCGT 880 MW, TPP 1500 MW Proposed Projects: CCGT 840 MW, Gas 60 MW EIEE POWER PLANT TRACKER APRIL 2010 SOURCE: www.platts.com PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia www.eps.rs 18

  19. Current Regional Investment Activities • Electric power sector in the SEE region* with 76 GW installed capacity and 280 TWh production cannot meet present regional demand. • Historical energy deficit in the SEE; • Power flow into the region - (15 TWh imported in 2007) • Due to energy deficit in the region, investment in the new generation facilities is priority • Current regional situation according to Platts Power Vision is: • In operation since 2009: 1.562 MW • Under Construction: 16.712 MW • Approved: 16.267 MW • * Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, B&H, Serbia, Montenegro, FYR Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania www.eps.rs PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia 19

  20. The Future of SEE Energy Sector • Provision of energy security requires greater diversification of energy resources by type, sources and suppliers, active role of the regional energy market and maximizing the possible use of domestic resources • The structure of the electricity sector is changing in many countries of the region with the privately backed initiatives for the construction and operation of new power stations. • The availability of natural gas, which allows the operation of easy to construct CHP’s is playing a key role in the development of the sector • Development of regionally cooperated and coordinated investments and trading strategy is a challenging task for EPS and all national and commercial participants in regional energy market • According to conservative estimates, a total of EUR 60 billion is estimated for infrastructure projects in the energy sector of SEE region from now until 2015 • EPS is not only taking into consideration investments in Serbia, but also in the region www.eps.rs PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia 20

  21. THANK YOU PE ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY OF SERBIA Balkanska St. № 13, 11000Belgrade, Serbia Phone: +381 11 3610580 PE Electric Power Industry of Serbia 21 www.eps.rs

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