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(V)HE-LHC studies & long-term plan

(V)HE-LHC studies & long-term plan. Frank Zimmermann 7 th meeting of CERN Machine Advisory Committee 14 M arch 2013. w ork supported by the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures project EuCARD, grant agreement no. 227579.

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(V)HE-LHC studies & long-term plan

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  1. (V)HE-LHC studies & long-term plan Frank Zimmermann 7th meeting of CERN Machine Advisory Committee 14 March 2013 work supported by the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures project EuCARD, grant agreement no. 227579

  2. Recommendationsfrom European StrategyGroup, January2013 Recommendation #1: … Europe’s top priority should be the exploitation of the full potential of the LHC, including the high-luminosity upgrade of the machine and detectors with a view to collecting ten times more data than the initial design … Recommendation #2: Europe needs to be in a position to propose an ambitious post-LHC accelerator project at CERN by the time of the next Strategy update [2017/18] when physics results from the LHC running at 14 TeV will be available [→ design studies & vigorous accelerator R&D programme] Recommendation #3: There is a strong scientific case for an electron-positron collider, complementary to the LHC, that can study the properties of the Higgs boson and other particles with unprecedented precision and whose energy can be upgraded

  3. projects beyond HL-LHC • LHeCep collider & Higgs factory • SAPPHiREggHiggs factory • HE-LHC/VHE-LHC pp/AA collider • TLEP/LEP3 e+e- Higgs factory ++ • TLHeC/VHE-LHeCep colliders… • …. • … others (ILC, CLIC, neutrino factory, …) – not covered here

  4. Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC) baseline design ERL LHeC: recirculating linac with energy recovery

  5. LHeC Conceptual Design Report LHeC CDR published in J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 39 075001 (2012) ~600 pages

  6. LHeC ERL layout two 10-GeV SC linacs, 3-pass up, 3-pass down; 6.4 mA, 60 GeV e-’s collide w. LHC protons/ions A. Bogacz, O. Brüning, M. Klein, D. Schulte, F. Zimmermann, et al (C=1/3 LHC allows for ion clearing gaps)

  7. X(125) seems to strongly couple to gg LHC ATLAS result (2012) LHC CMS result (2012) TeV Run-II result

  8. a new type of collider? s-channel production; lower energy; no e+source g t, W, … H “most” sensitive to new physics another advantage: no beamstrahlung → higher energy reach than e+e- colliders g ggcollider Higgs factory

  9. ggcollider based on e- combining photon science & particle physics! few J pulse energy with l~350 nm K.-J. Kim, A. Sessler Beam Line Spring/Summer 1996

  10. Reconfiguring LHeC → SAPPHiRE SAPPHiRE* ggHiggs factory LHeC-ERL *Small Accelerator for Photon-Photon Higgs production using Recirculating Electrons

  11. SAPPHiRE: a Small ggHiggs Factory arXiv:1208.2827 scale ~ European XFEL, about 10-20k Higgs per year SAPPHiRE: Small Accelerator for Photon-Photon Higgs production using Recirculating Electrons

  12. LHeC R&D items • high-Q RF cavities & coupler • dedicated ERL RF test facility • IR layout • Sapphire R&D items • ggIR, optical cavity, laser • beam separation scheme, • polarized e-gun

  13. LHC→HE-LHC/VHE-LHC HL-LHC (~2022-2030) will deliver ~9x more H bosons! ECoM=14 TeV,5x1034cm-2s-1 with luminosity leveling LHCis the 1st Higgs factory! ECoM=8-14 TeV,1034cm-2s-1 total cross section at 8 TeV: 22 pb 1 M Higgs produced so far – more to come 15 H bosons / min – and more to come 8 14 TeV: ggHx1.5 • - pushes magnet technology! F. Cerutti, P. Janot VHE-LHC: new 80 km tunnel (2040?) ECoM=84-104 TeV,x1034cm-2s-1 HE-LHC: in LHC tunnel (2035-) ECoM=33 TeV,x1034cm-2s-1 16-T or 20-T magnets 20-T dipole magnet 80 km tunnel 14  33 TeV: HHx6 HHx42 E. Todesco, L. Rossi,P.. McIntyre J. Osborne, C. Waaijer, S. Myers

  14. HE-LHC- studies CERN working group in 2010 published report R. Assmann et al, “First Thoughts on a Higher-Energy LHC” CERN-ATS-2010-177 EuCARD-AccNet workshop HE-LHC’10 Proceedings (ed. E. Todesco, F. Zimmermann) “EuCARD-AccNet-EuroLumi Workshop: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider” arXiv:1111.7188 ; CERN-2011-003 HiLumi LHC WP16 (coord. L. Rossi, dep. F. Zimmermann)

  15. HE-LHC HE-LHC 20-T dipole magnets SPS+ higher energy transfer lines 2-GeV Booster Linac4

  16. VHE-LHC- studies 80-km tunnel study John Osborne, C. Waaijer, “Pre-Feasability Assessment for an 80 km Tunnel Project at CERN” Open Symposium - European Strategy Preparatory Group Contribution ID : 165 European Strategy briefing booklet section in accelerator chapter R. Aleksan, C. Biscari, M. Lindroos, L. Rivkin, F. Zimmermann

  17. VHE-LHC VHE-LHC VHE-LHC-LER =TLEP! (Lucio Rossi)

  18. a new 80-km tunnel for in the Geneva area?

  19. 80-km tunnel in Geneva area – “best” option «Pre-FeasibilityStudy for an 80-km tunnel at CERN» John Osborne and Caroline Waaijer, CERN, ARUP & GADZ, submitted to ESPG even better 100 km?

  20. 80-km Tunnel Cost Estimate • Costs • Only the minimum civil requirements (tunnel, shafts and caverns) are included • 5.5% for external expert assistance (underground works only) • Excluded from costing • Other services like cooling/ventilation/ electricity etc • service caverns • beam dumps • radiological protection • Surface structures • Access roads • In-house engineering etcetc • Cost uncertainty = 50% • Next stage should include costing based on technical drawings John Osborne & Caroline Waaijer (CERN)

  21. (V)HE-LHC parameters – 1 smaller?! (x1/4?) O. Dominguez, L. Rossi, F.Z.

  22. (V)HE-LHC parameters – 2 (s=100 mb) numbers for lifetime and average integrated luminosity need to be updated for ~40% higher cross section at 100 TeV O. Dominguez, L. Rossi, F.Z.

  23. time evolution for VHE-LHC (12 h) O. Dominguez intensity emittances integrated luminosity luminosity

  24. peak luminosity, pile up, radiation are 5x1034 cm-2s-1 and pile up of 135 good targets for HE-LHC and VHE-LHC? it would be easy to get more luminosity

  25. radiation damping • use controlled blow up by noise injection: • longitudinal plane • (constant bunch length, Landau damping) • transverse planes when needed • (constant beam-beam tune shift) • choose round (ex=ey) or flat beams (ex>>ey) • shorter spacing (5 ns): better use of damping

  26. SR heat load HE-LHC: 3.7 W/m beam screen at 40-60 K (instead of 4.6-20 K) + warm photon absorbers for vacuum? + HTS coating on 50-K beam screen?? VHE-LHC: 35.6 W/m dedicated photon stops as developed by FNAL for VLHC by P. Bauer et al. (2001-2003)

  27. collimation challenges • higher energy density • → need for more robust materials • cross section for single diffractive scattering • increases with energy → degraded cleaning efficiency • smaller beam sizes & smaller gaps → higher precision in collimator control • (warm? or shielded SC) magnets in the collimator insertions • VHE-LHC: 99 W/m • dedicated photon stops R. Assmann, HE-LHC’10

  28. VHE-LHC ? quads in parameter plane arc ? IR HE-LHC E. Todesco Operational gradient as a function of coil aperture for LHC and US-LARP quadrupoles (markers), scaling laws for limits in Nb.Ti and Nb3Sn (solid curves) [7], and expected values for HE LHC arc and IR (stars). HL-LHC prepares (V)HE-LHC!

  29. injection scheme: SPS+ LHC  VHE-LHC tooexpensive(50 MW power for cryo) L. Rossi

  30. possible arrangement in VHE-LHC tunnel fromH. Piekarz HE-LHC’10 Proc. p. 101 30 mm V gap 50 mm H gap L. Rossi

  31. circular e+e-Higgs factories LEP3 & TLEP option 1: installation in the LHC tunnel “LEP3” + inexpensive (<0.1xLC) + tunnel exists + reusing ATLAS and CMS detectors + reusing LHC cryoplants - interference with LHC and HL-LHC option 2: in new 80-km tunnel “TLEP” + higher energy reach, 5-10x higher luminosity + decoupled from LHC/HL-LHC operation & construction + tunnel can later serve for HE-LHC (factor 3 in energy from tunnel alone) with LHC remaining as injector - more expensive (?) but synergies w.VHE-LHC (& LHeC)

  32. LEP3, TLEP(e+e- -> ZH, e+e- →W+W-, e+e- →Z,[e+e-→t ) key parameters at the Z pole repeating LEP physics programme in a few minutes…

  33. beam lifetime • LEP2: • beam lifetime ~ 6 h • due to radiativeBhahba scattering (s~0.215 b) • TLEP: • with L~5x1034 cm−2s−1 at each of four IPs: • tbeam,TLEP~16 minutes from rad. Bhabha • additional lifetime limit due to beamstrahlung(1) large momentum acceptance (dmax,RF≥3%), (2) flat(ter) beams, and/or • (3) fast replenishing • (Valery Telnov, Kaoru Yokoya, Marco Zanetti) SuperKEKB: t~6 minutes!

  34. circular HFs – top-up injection double ring with top-up injectionsupports short lifetime & high luminosity A. Blondel top-up experience: PEP-II, KEKB, light sources

  35. top-up injection: schematic cycle beam current in collider (15 min. beam lifetime) 100% 99% almost constant current energy of accelerator ring 120 GeV injection into collider injection into accelerator 20 GeV acceleration time = 1.6 s (assuming SPS ramp rate) 10 s

  36. beamstrahlung lifetime • simulation w 360M macroparticles • t varies exponentially w energy acceptance h • post-collision E tail → lifetime t beam lifetime versus acceptance dmaxfor 1 IP: M. Zanetti

  37. beamstrahlung lifetime beam lifetime vsdmax for various ke=ex/ey LEP3 SuperKEKB will approach ke~400-500 M. Koratzinos

  38. Circular & Linear HF: peak luminosity vs energy LEP3 , TLEP x 4 IPs LEP3/TLEPwouldbe THE choice for e+e- collision energies up to ~370 GeV K. Yokoya, KEK

  39. comparing expected performance on Higgs coupling TLEP has the best capabilities Report of the ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop “Accelerators for a Higgs Factory: Linear vs. Circular” (HF2012) by Alain Blondel, Alex Chao, WeirenChou, JieGao, Daniel Schulte and Kaoru Yokoya, FERMILAB-CONF-13-037-APC,IHEP-AC-2013-1, SLAC-PUB-15370,CERN-ATS-2013-032, arXiv:1302.3318 [physics.acc-ph]

  40. recent comment by eminent German particle physicist: “TLEP is much riskier and its performance highly uncertain; while the ILC performance numbers are very conservative” [?] risk? -extrapolation from past experience

  41. vertical rms IP spot sizes in nm in regular font: achieved in italics: design values by*: 5 cm→ 1 mm LEP3/TLEP will learn from ATF2 & SuperKEKB SAPPHiRE a step towards ILC/CLIC

  42. electroninjector proton injector I=75 kA I =3 kA with I = 115-120 kA Bmax= 2 T low injection field~ 74 G; concern for fieldquality, but consideredpossîble ; alreadytestedat 100 G; nextmagnetwillbetested to 50 G L. Rossi

  43. L. Rossi super-resistivecable 20 mm thickshieldaroundcable Gaps: 2 x V30xH60 mm Cryostat : 60 mm He envelope : 50 mm SC part: 2 layers MgB2(Bi2212)150x1mm Cu innercore 40 mm Coolinghole: 10 mm Cable: innercore of 40 mm Cu (700 mm2) + outercore : 2 layers, 150 strands of MgB2, 1 kA each; Outer size 45 mm. 120 kA =>120 k€/km ! For electrons: Cu water cooled, Jov 2.5 A/mm2 For protons: 800 A/strands 120 kA (for >2.1 T); central copperacts as stabilizer

  44. L. Rossi VHE-LHC+TLEP tunnel LER for e+e- 350 GeV 4 magnets, 8 channels 4 channel P ~50 MW LER p-p injector 1 magnet, 2 channels Top 10 K; Pcryostat< 10 MW second magnetcouldbepowered as return line TBS: 100 K ?, photon stoppers use of 1 or 2 channels for e ring for a 150 GeV e- vs. 7-50 TeV p e- vs. ions also possible

  45. (V)HE-LHC R&D items • tunnel • high-field magnets • super-ferric/-resistive LER magnets • SR handling • TLEP R&D items • high-power RF system • by*=1 mm IR with large acceptance • radiation shielding

  46. possible long-term strategy TLEP (80 km, e+e-, up to ~350 GeV c.m.) HE-LHC (pp, 33 TeVc.m.) PSB PS (0.6 km) SPS (6.9 km) LHC (26.7 km) LHeC & SAPPHiRE (9 km) VHE-LHC (pp, up to 100 TeVc.m.) same detectors! (E. Meschi) also: e± (120 GeV) – p (7 & 50 TeV) collisions ≥50 years of e+e-, pp, ep/A physics at highest energies

  47. tentative time line 1980 2000 2010 1990 2030 2020 2040 Design, R&D LHC Constr. Physics Proto. Design, R&D HL-LHC Constr. Physics LHeC & SAPPHiRE Constr. Design, R&D Physics Design, R&D TLEP Physics Constr. Design, R&D Physics VHE-LHC Constr.

  48. personal conclusions • need to pursue vigorous accelerator R&D to be ready to propose new project by 2017/18 • TLEP, LEP3, SAPPHiRE& LHeC, HE-LHC and VHE-LHC are exciting options with large synergies • TLEP superior in terms of energy & luminosity, and extendable towards VHE-LHC, preparing ≥50 years of e+e-, pp, ep/A physics at highest energies • TLEP comes for “free” (tunnel, magnets, & detectors “the same” as for VHE-LHC; RF system, cryogenics, & TLEP injector from LHeC) • SuperKEKB will be important TLEP demonstrator!

  49. “A circle is a round straight line with a hole in the middle.” • Mark Twain, • in "English as She Is Taught", • Century Magazine, May 1887

  50. Appendix • example parameters for HL-LHC, LHeC, LEP3, TLEP, HE-LHC, VHE-LHC, TLHeC, VHE-TLHeC • references & events

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