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This session provides an overview of how data can be used to effectively communicate needs. It covers different types of data, including unemployment rate, labor force participation rate, education attainment, earnings by education attainment, commuting patterns, and occupation and wages. The session also highlights the elements of a strong story, such as stating the need clearly, backing it up with data, providing examples of those affected, and outlining plans to address the need.
Telling Your Story Using Data to Communicate Needs
Session Overview • What data can tell us • Digging in • I like your story
Types of Data to Help Tell Your Story • Unemployment Rate Over Time • Labor Force Participation Rate • Education Attainment • Earnings by Education Attainment • Commuting Patterns • Occupation and Wages
Unemployment Rate over Time Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics https://www.bls.gov/lau/tables.htm
Labor Force Participation Rate Definition - The percentage of the working age population who are in the labor force (those with a job or actively looking for a job) Bourbon County 15,519 Population 18-64* Population 18-64* 2,732,301 Kentucky 1,953,032 9,435 Employed Employed 456 100,725 Unemployed Unemployed 63.7% Participation Rate Participation Rate 75.0% Source: Population link: http://factfinder.census.govand Employment link: https://www.bls.gov/lau/ *Note: This is an estimate only. The denominator (population 18-64) does not take into consideration individuals who are institutionalized.
Educational Attainment Source: American Community Survey, 2012-2017, Table S1501. https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk
Average Monthly Earnings by Education Attainment Source: Census QWI (Quarterly Workforce Indicators) Explorer https://qwiexplorer.ces.census.gov
Commuting Patterns Source: Census Dept. https://onthemap.ces.census.gov/
Occupations and Wages – A Closer Look Source: Occupational Employment Statistics, Nonmetropolitan Central Kentucky region, https://www.bls.gov/oes/home.htm
Elements of a Strong Story • State the need clearly • Use data to back up the need • Give an example of someone affected • Provide a clear statement of what you plan to do about the need