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CALIBRATION 3-PG – Pinus pinaster

CALIBRATION 3-PG – Pinus pinaster. Elemer Briceño. Approach for this model overview 3-PG Description - main characteristics - main modules - structure - inputs and outputs 3-PG Use sites for Pine - why and where has been used - Portuguese case study. 3-PG - Process-based model.

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CALIBRATION 3-PG – Pinus pinaster

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  1. CALIBRATION3-PG – Pinus pinaster Elemer Briceño

  2. Approach for this model overview 3-PG Description - main characteristics - main modules - structure - inputs and outputs 3-PG Use sites for Pine - why and where has been used - Portuguese case study 3-PG - Process-based model

  3. 3-PG – Basic structure Climate data 3-PG Biomass production Biomass allocation Conversion into variables of interest to forest managers Initial stand Site factors 15/07/2008

  4. 3-PG – Biomass allocation (I) NPP is partitioned into biomass pools (tDM ha-1): • Foliage(WF), • Above-ground woody tissue(WS) • Roots (WR) Partitioning rates (F, Rand S) depend on growth conditions and stand dbh. Litter-fall (gF) and root-turnover (gR) also taken into account. Thus:

  5. 3-PG – Biomass allocation (II) Increasing DBH decreases foliage partitioning and increases stem partitioning. Graphs show response when: pFS(2) = 1, pFS(20) = 0.2

  6. 3-PG – Biomass allocation (III)

  7. 3-PG – Structure • Structure without the module for conversion into variables of interest to forest managers

  8. 3-PG – Inputs • Climate data • Monthly data temperature, radiation, rainfall, VPD • Either observed values either means from several years • Site and soils • Latitude • Soil texture & maximumASW • Fertility rating • Stand data • Biomasses: Foliage, Above-ground woody tissue , Roots • N – number of trees per hectare

  9. 3-PG – Outputs • There is a group of outputs useful for foresters and less common in process based models : • V, G, N, MAI, etc. • There is a group of outputs which are common in process based models : • GPP, NPP, allocated biomasses, etc.

  10. 3-PG – Quick summary

  11. 3-PG - Application 3-PG has been applied to many environments: Australia; New Zealand EUA Brazil; Chile South Africa United Kingdom; Sweden; Portugal; Finland China 3-PG has been applied to many species: Eucalyptus globulus; E. pilularis; E. grandis; E. delagatensis Picea abies; P. sitchensis Pinus radiata; P. taeda; P. patula; P. ponderosa; Pseudostuga menziesii

  12. 3-PG – Application in Portugal (I) 3-PG Calibartion and validation for Eucalyptus globulus in Portugal Initial test with 3-PG validated for Eucalyptus globulus in Australia (Sands & Landsberg 2002) with FER trial data: Reasonable estimates for Ws and bad estimates for Wf SLA, wood density, allometric relationships 3-PG calibration with FER trial Test of calibrated 3-PG with a stocking trial Validation with Eucalyptus globulus permanent sample plots On going research is being carried out with Pinus pinaster.

  13. 3-PG – Application in Portugal (II) 6 scenarios – Eucalyptus plantations in Aveiro region 1. To reduce by 30% the rainfall per year and concentrate the remaining by 15% in November and December 2. To reduce by 30% the rainfall per year and concentrate the remainingby 15% in November, December and March 3. To rise the mean monthly temperature by 1ºC 4. To rise the mean monthly temperature by 3ºC 5. To reduce by 30% the rainfall per yearand to rise the mean monthly temperature by 1ºC 6. To reduce by 30% the rainfall per yearand to rise the mean monthly temperature by 3ºC

  14. 3-PG – Application in Portugal (III)

  15. 3-PG – An overview Thank you!

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