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Sustaining Food grain & Oilseed production growth with focused Crop Planning & Resource Management under Challenged Climate. The West Bengal Way. The West Bengal Way. Identified Weather Aberrations in Agril. Production System of West Bengal. Rainfall Analysis (m.m.) for the year 2012 to 2014.
Sustaining Food grain & Oilseed production growth with focused Crop Planning & Resource Management under Challenged Climate The West Bengal Way The West Bengal Way
Identified Weather Aberrations in Agril. Production System of West Bengal
. Rainfall Analysis (m.m.) for the year 2012 to 2014
West Bengal ….. An Overview • WB is the fifth largest state in terms of GSDP after Maharashtra, UP, TN, and AP • It is the third largest contributor in agriculture Sector of Real GDP . • In area it is the 12th • In population it is 4th
West Bengal has 3% of India’s land mass and 8% of the population, with population density 1029 per sq. km. • Majority of the population live in rural areas, most of whom are dependent on agriculture for their livelihood. • Agriculture accounts for about 17% (2013-14) State Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and provides employment to over 55% of workers. • There is little scope for further increasing the current cultivable area. It was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain the growth rate in the absence of adequate infrastructure support, crop diversification, and market access.
Resource Planning & Management issues : • About 64% of the geographical area is engaged under cultivation with the Population Density of 1029/Sq Km, this brings even sub-optimal Land Resource under cultivation. • Yet, Area, Yield & Production under Rice, wheat, Pulses, Oilseed, Maize, Groundnut & Potato have increased during 2013-14. • Eight(08)districts having most fertile land having 42.27% of Cultivable Area & C.I. of about 198% is affected by vagaries of monsoon to a great extent for the last 3-4 yrs. • Total No. of Agril. Holding is 71,23,000 with av. Holding size of 0.77 ha. • Gap between IPC & IPU, • Historically, Market Demand & Farmer’s profit are less integrated with Crop & Resource Planning & Management. • About 75 % of total Pulse area & 70.5 % of total Oilseed area of the State is occupied during Rabi season only,
Resource Planning & Management Thrust : • Major thrust with Good Agril. Practice (GAP) for Rice, Pulses, Wheat, Oilseed, Maize, Groundnut & Potato through Demonstration & Training. • Inclusive Farmer’s Training Programme with ICT in 6 Pilot districts, KrishiMela in each Block, TV & Radio Programme with dedicated time slot & other extension tools like literature, meeting etc. helps boosting yield even in poorer land. • Intensified thrust on KCC coverage has resulted in better cash support to the resource poor farmers. • To ensure better Marketing support, Block Krishakbazars had been planned & 65 of these already launched . • Thrust on Increased Integration of Agriculture with Irrigation, Marketing, Cooperative, Power, Finance Dept. have yielded better production & income to farming community.
Planning Initiatives & innovative Way forward: • West Bengal divided in three Vulnerable Zones on resources: 1. Less fertile 6 dists of Sub-Himalayan West Bengal: Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar, Uttar & DakhsinDinajpur & Maldah. Av. C.I. is 174.5%. Rainfall variability is lesser. Initiatives: i) GAP of major crops with cluster D/C approach, ii) Targeting low lying Rice fallows in rainfed areas with lentil, Khesari & Toria, Mustard as Poira crop, iii) Targeting Boro areas with inadequate irrigation with crops like maize, groundnut & Sesame & reducing the gap of IPC & IPU & growing Rabi Mustard, Sunflower & Pulses. iv) Linking potential market of Pulses & Oilseeds by providing small Oil Mills & Dal Mills to SKUS & Farmer’s Groups to encourage extension of areas.
Planning Initiatives & innovative Way forward: 2. Eight(08) fertile dists of West Bengal: Murshidabad, Nadia, PGS(N) & (S), Burdwan, Howrah, Hoogly & PurbaMedinipur. Av. C.I is 198.01%, Rainfall variability is wide. Initiatives: i) Promoting GAP in major crops with cluster D/C approach, ii) Targeting low lying Rice fallows in rainfed areas with lentil, Khesari & Toria, Mustard as Poira crop, iii) Targeting reduced irrigated Boro areas with crops like maize, groundnut & Oilseed like Sesame & reducing the gap of IPC & IPU & growing Rabi Mustard, Sunflower & Pulses. iv) Extending Dal & Oil Mill to farmer’s Groups for integrating market. 3. Four(04) less fertile dists in Red & Lateritic zone of West Bengal: Birbhum, Bankura, Purulia & West Medinipur. Av. C.I. is 155.85%. Rainfall variability is very high. Initiatives: i) Promoting GAP in Alternate crops along with Paddy during Kharif season. ii) Targeting low lying Rice fallows in rainfed areas with lentil, Khesari & Toria, Mustard as Poira crop, iii) Extending Dal & Oil Mill facilities to farmer’s Groups for accessing market .
linking Potential Market with Crop Diversification Mission by Sunflower Oil Mill
Extending Dal & Oil Mill to farmer’s Groups for integrating market, an experience Khirsol SKUS, Bankura, Dal Mill Radhamohanpur SKUS, Bankura, Dal Mill Bikrampur SKUS, Sunflower Oil Mill Malbona, SKUS, Sunflower Oil Mill ** Area under Lentil, Black gram, Sunflower increased & farmers of their own, established Flower Mill, Spices Mill etc at Burdwan district.
Production of Rice & Food grains ………Comparative Status (L MT)
Co-ordination with Line Departments • 36,55,581 nos. KCC had been distributed from 2009-10 to 2013-14 involving Rs 70717 Crores. • 151800 ha Additional Minor Irrigation Potential had been created in the State from 2011-12 to 2013-14. • Rs 500 crore have been sanctioned for dedicated feeder line for Agril. Installations. • To ensure better market support, Krishak Bazar at each Block have been planned, 65 Bazars already launched & rests are under construction • Rehabilitation support to natural calamity affected farmers (6,41,528 nos.) under SDRF for agricultural input to the tune of 38.47 Crore during 2013-14
Strategies & Innovatives • Agriculture and Allied sector growth beyond 4%. • Construction of KrishakBazar (Mandi) at all blocks in a phased manner with scientific facilities and advisory system. • Infrastructure for Agriculture and allied sectors. • Self sufficiency and timely availability of quality seeds and other agricultural input. • Topmost priority on expansion of area and production of pulses, oilseeds and maize. • KCC for all eligible farmers. • Special emphasis on farm mechanization. • Crop diversification, alternate crop, Integrated crop management prioritized. • Research extension linkage towards growth enhancement. • Emphasis on Natural Resources Management. • Superior Farmer Advisories. • Adopting Mission approach through AWS. • All Govt. subsidy has been disbursed through KCC/Bank A/c. • Emphasis on Excavation and Re-excavation of Rain water harvesting structure.