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Area Trend in Oilseeds

Area Trend in Oilseeds. Production Trend in Oilseeds. Productivity Trend in Oilseeds. Scenario of Oilseed Crops in TamilNadu-2012-13. Major Oilseed Producing Districts. Constraints in Oilseeds Production and Productivity. Predominantly grown under rainfed condition.

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Area Trend in Oilseeds

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Area Trend in Oilseeds

  2. Production Trend in Oilseeds

  3. Productivity Trend in Oilseeds

  4. Scenario of Oilseed Crops in TamilNadu-2012-13

  5. Major Oilseed Producing Districts

  6. Constraints in Oilseeds Production and Productivity • Predominantly grown under rainfed condition. • Lack of sound seed chain. • Poort adoption of technology by farmers due to rainfed nature. • Groundnut crop is highly capital intensive and the resource poor farmers switch over to other crops. • Non availability of farm labour. • Lack of storage facilities.

  7. Strategies to increase Oilseeds Production and Productivity • Supply of high yeilding quality certified seeds to farmers in time. • Increased area under oilseeds in irrigated conditions. • Adoption of moisture conservation practices like broad bed furrow system in rainfed cultivation • Use of labour saving implements especially for sowing and harvesting of Groundnut.

  8. Strategies contd…. • Maintenance of optimumum plant population using seed drill. • Protective irrigation using water saving equipments like sprinklers and pipes carrying water. • Gypsum application and combined nutrient spray for Groundnut crop. • Timely plant protection measures against pest and diseases • Capacity buliding of farmers and extension officers through training.

  9. AREA EXPANSION No Scope for area expansion in Paddy fallows in TamilNadu only farmers go for Pulses.But there is scope for area expansion through inter-cropping as follows

  10. Initiatives to improve Productivity of Oilseeds. NMOOP-Mini Mission-I-Oilseeds: • To increase area under irrigation- Pipes carrying water and Sprinklers are distributed at subsidized cost . • Plant protection chemicals and Sprayers are distributed to adopt control measures against pests and disease. • Bio-fertilisers and Micronutrients are also distributed to provide essential nutrients. • Rotavators are distributed for tillage operations to enhance Oilseeds production. • Transfer of improved production technologies to farmers through demonstrations and training. • Capacity buliding of extension workers by providing training. • Gypsum as a source of sulphur distributed at subsidized cost. • Seed drill for line sowing to maintain optimum plant population. NADP-Oilseeds Misssion:

  11. Availability of Seeds and other Inputs Seed: • Rabi Target- 3.2 L.Ha. • Seed requirement as per SRR-7420 Mt. • Seed supply through Department-3160 Mt. • Stock on hand -1089 Mt. • Balance will be distributed by procuring seeds from registered seed farms. Gypsum • Procured through open tender system. • During 2014-15 tender approved for the supply of 16190 Mt • Requirement-7500 Mt • Gypsum will be stocked at AEC’s for utilization during Rabi 2014-15

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