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Final Project Plan P0860X (1-5) Eula Dozier’s “Tile Measurer”

Final Project Plan P0860X (1-5) Eula Dozier’s “Tile Measurer”. Paul Gaylo (ME) Ryan Hellems (ME) Cortney Ross (ME) Jeremy Schiele (ME) Reid Williamson (ME). THE VISION: May 2008 Products. Eula Dozier Tile Layout Tool, ready for production Automated Tile Cutter, prototype

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Final Project Plan P0860X (1-5) Eula Dozier’s “Tile Measurer”

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  1. Final Project PlanP0860X (1-5)Eula Dozier’s “Tile Measurer” Paul Gaylo (ME) Ryan Hellems (ME) Cortney Ross (ME) Jeremy Schiele (ME) Reid Williamson (ME)

  2. THE VISION: May 2008 Products • Eula Dozier Tile Layout Tool, ready for production • Automated Tile Cutter, prototype • Redesign of Tile Marking Tool for Mass Production, ready for testing • Manual VCT Measuring Device, prototype • Dual-Function Tool,prototype Future Development: Refine II. ready for production Develop III,IV, & V prototypes

  3. Collaborative Strategy • Unite for initial SD workshops • Share component technology • Develop & share test apparatus • Unified budget request But How? Bi-Weekly Family Meetings

  4. Preliminary Project Plan Feedback • Can they function with tiles smaller than 12x12? - 12x12 is the most common commercial size - Future SD projects should address this opportunity • Can you share team members? • Members can have cross-project responsibilities • What is your budget? • III, IV & V - Autonomous or hand-powered?

  5. Duplication of Eula’s Prototype • Work continues on duplication of Eula’s prototype

  6. P08601Small Production-run Preparation P08601 Project Vector Re-cap: This project is a redesign of the Eula Dozier prototype. The prototype brought to RIT served as a proof of concept but was not optimized. Over 22 weeks a senior design team will engineer a new prototype, and prepare for a production run. Guide: John Wellin This project is intended to run under the “Entrepreneurship and Business Development” headline for Winter/Spring 2008 The project team will engage in the following activities: • Design modifications of an existing prototype for function and production • Generation of several iterations of a new prototype • Design appropriate fixtures for machining • Develop CNC programming and tooling to manufacture the redesign • Create user documentation • Generate a workable marketing plan for the distribution of this product • Conduct a feasibility study to the production run of 100 units i.e. cost, labor, etc

  7. Function & ProductionWhy? • This project is unique amongst previous and up-coming design projects. • This project has a clear deadline and a clear set of deliverables • The project can turn into a commercial product that will ultimately be sold and used by professionals to improve upon a manual process • The project team will have a chance to take a production based mindset and influence the design with respect to that mindset • The team will engage in production processes that would ordinarily be overlooked in a project. • Supplementary information such as user documentation, and parts supply chains will need to be established • A big part of this project is marketability and entrepreneurship

  8. Preliminary Work Breakdown Plan – P08601

  9. P08601This project will succeed because… • With the benefit motivated team, leadership and guidance, this project will be able to exceed expectations and show what a senior design team can do. • Interviews, benchmarking, industry experience, needs analysis and advising, all have been components to the scope of this project • RIT has the facilities to make this project highly successful • The budget of this project is highly flexible. Long lead time and Hi-tech components are not part of this project. Depending on the feasibly of an actual production run the budget has been clearly defined • A thorough, detailed PRP has been generated to prove why this project is valuable, and achievable to a senior design team.

  10. Budget P08601

  11. Potential Issues and Risks - P08601 • Acceptance in the market place (to be determined by the consumer, business advice) • Cost of production (this is a number to be determined by the senior design team in the feasibility study part of project) • Reaching the project goal of a production ready prototype by the end of SD-2 (A concrete goal by which this project will succeed or fail by.) • Money Supply (No industrial sponsors funding this project. Funding looks to be in the hands of RIT)

  12. P08603 Project Justification • A design capable of production will provide the most immediate fulfillment of Eula Dozier’s request from RIT • Focus of high production volumes throughout design process make will for a smooth transition to a sellable device • Current prototype has minimal functionality and is difficult to use • Theory for a working tool exists, but needs to be refined

  13. P08603 Staffing Requirements • M.E.-1 • Project Manager responsible for planning and execution of project and required deliverables for senior design. Other responsibilities include assuring proper design for manufacture and the manufacturing techniques chosen to the end product. • M.E.-2 • Engineer will be responsible for mechanical design work pertaining to functionality of product and assisting in materials selection. Should be familiar with CAD software and proper design considerations for large scale manufacturing. If group size requires it, they may act as the Engineering Lead for the group. • M.E.-3 • Will be responsible for functionality of mechanical systems that allow the tile measurer to function properly, will also be responsible for keeping EDGE website up to date, and any major changes to website. They should have class background or work experience in machine design and be familiar with CAD software. • M.E.-4 (or I.S.E.) • Position will be responsible for assurance of product for high volume production capacity, this may include molding simulations, cycle times, required production equipment. Will aide ID students with proper material selection. Recommended background in plastic production or manufacturing environment. • I.S.E. • Engineer will be in charge of meshing work between industrial designer and mechanical design engineers, production and execution of customer perception testing protocols/reports, aide in hypothesized production flow, and contribute to ergonomic concerns. Industrial Engineer is also eligible for position as Project Manager. • I.D. (1-2) • Design of exterior shell of tile marking product focusing on aesthetic appeal and manufacturability, while keeping functional requirements under consideration. Will provide the mechanical engineers an envelope do design within. Should be knowledgeable about ergonomics and plastic product design and materials selection (desired but not required). NOTE: For all positions, a knowledge or interest in tiling/home finishing is a plus, but not required.

  14. P08603 Project Scope • Deliver a functional, polished prototype capable of marking 6”-12” vinyl & ceramic tile • Include customer/user product impression surveys to decide on final design • Manufacturing needs are known and final design could be given the green light for production, if facilities existed

  15. Work Breakdown Wk. 1 Familiarize team with EDGE, DFM, and tile tool background, populate roles matrix and other weekly deliverables Wk. 2 Begin benchmarking and look into proper design consideration for plastics Wk. 3 Begin design work for functional and aesthetic components, establish client base for customer perception surveys Budget- $750-$1000 Prototyping of multiple iterations of design (labor & materials) Raw materials for functional testing and final prototype Mechanical components needed for accurate marking P08603 Work Breakdown & Budget NOTE: more complete work breakdown structure available on project’s EDGE home node.

  16. P08603 Points to Focus On • Team members will need to be able to communicate with other types of designers and meet at a common ground on issues • Relationship with Mr. Dozier (original inventor) must be maintained throughout project • DFM is crucial to project success, and should be kept in mind when making project decisions

  17. P08601 vs. P08603Small Production Run vs. Large Scale Production 1-100 units >5,000 units Design for Manufacturing Business Plan Production Ready Attention to Industrial Design Jigs and Fixtures Product Testing Customer Appeal Testing Part Supply Chain Ergonomics Multi-sized Tile Tile-On-Point User Manual End Product Optimized Functional Prototype Production Ready, Run of 5-100

  18. P08604Manual VCT Measuring Device= Project Goals • A device that will go along the edge of VCT tiles and measure the distance the device is from the wall • Log and store that data, give to Tile Cutter (P08602) + +

  19. Staffing Requirements – P08604 Mechanical Engineers (3) ME1 (Leader): The project leader will make sure that the rest of the members are doing their work efficiently and effectively. ME2: The first mechanical engineering student will mainly be working on the design of the product. They will also be working with a solid modeling program (Pro-E, SolidWorks, etc.). After design is done, they will help with the assembly of the prototype during SDII. ME3: The second mechanical engineering student will be assisting with the design of the product. Their main function will be machining the parts for that design. After design is done, they will help with the assembly of the prototype during SDII. Electrical Engineers (1) EE: The Electrical Engineer will need to be able to come up with a battery power supply or a plug for the fall to run the device that will measure the distance it is from the wall, and to run the device that will log, store and send the data to the cutter. Industrial and Systems Engineers (1) ISE: The Industrial and Systems Engineering student will be needed to integrate P08602 and P08604 together. They will need to be able to make sure that the tile cutter communicates correctly with the measurer. Computer Engineers (1) CE: The computer engineering student will be working with the data logging, storing and retrieval for the design. They will need to be able to write, read and understand some coding program. They will need to able to manipulate that code to retrieve data from the measuring device and send it to the cutting device (P08602).

  20. Preliminary Work Breakdown Structure – P08604

  21. Justification – P08604 • Current tile measuring and cutting process • Method • Time • Accuracy • Combined with P08602, will cut down on time and labor • Large collaboration with P08602 and P06803 • Acceptance • Manual – must have enough pressure against tile • Corner tiles • Tiles on point Issues and Risks – P08604

  22. Budget – P08604 Comfortable Minimum

  23. P08602: Automated Tile Cutter = (P08604) • Faculty Guide- Professor Tim Landschoot (confirmed) • Project will deliver a device that: • Cut one vinyl tile at a time to fit provided wall profile. • Two axis platform will maneuver rotary cutting tool to • cut straight edges and curves accurately. • Cut tiles faster then they can be cut by hand tools.

  24. 08602- Customer Needs – Quantified

  25. 08602- Quantified Project Value* • Potential savings on hundreds of dollars per job • Biggest complaints are lack of competent help and time/energy spent cutting tiles. • Market/profit opportunities if developed for Ceramics • *All times need to be measured (currently estimated)

  26. P08602- Phase 0: PlanningStaffing Requirements and Responsibilities Mechanical Engineers : 4 Design and develop positioning system for cutter using linear actuators. Design and develop system to hold tiles securely in place for cutting, without interfering with the cutter. Develop system to support bottom of tile without getting cut Design frame to house system, and allow for easy tile insertion/removal, and cutter replacement Ensure design gives proper consideration to 2nd generation project (ceramic). Electrical Engineers: 1 Design and implement power supply from wall to control box, to cutter/router and linear actuators. Return feedback signals from Actuators back to control box to monitor locations. Assess the speed and accuracy needed for electronic system, and purchase system that best meets needs Strong programming skills in a language TBD, based on best interface with hardware. Industrial and Systems Engineers : 1 Systems integration, and collaboration with P08602 Design systems for manufacture Gather data to determine process savings, and MSRP Computer Engineers : 1 (total of 2 between P08602 & P08604 & P08605) Vertically develop software from measurements to storage to cutting Software will be developed to meet needs of projects ‘02, ‘04, & ’05 Program must be versatile to meet all needs of all three projects Controls knowledge needed for CNC coding Create basic GUI to allow for re-cutting of specific tiles out of sequence

  27. P08602- Budget Ideal Budget- $2000 Minimally possible- $1000

  28. P80602- WBS- Week 1-3

  29. Final Project PlanP08605Dual-Function Tile Tool Reid Williamson

  30. FEATURES: Measures gap Cuts VCT tile HOW: Digital sensors Mechanical controls IS NOT: Fully automated Designed with unique components Wireless Production ready Prospectus NEW: Guide = Prof. Wellin Installation Site Visit Quantified Installation Time

  31. Phase 0: PlanningStaffing Responsibilities Mechanical Engineers 3 Structure, cutting tool, cutting tool drive controllers, tile feed system, materials science issues, testing, and additional design concerns Computer Engineer 1 Data processing architecture, sensor integration, mechanical control system, and additional design concerns Electrical Engineers 3-4 Sensors, power system, data processing architecture, integration with mechanical components, signal processing, and additional design concerns

  32. Work Breakdown Structure { Week 0 to 3 }

  33. P08605 - Budget Distance Sensor $300 $600 Cutting Tool $200 $300 Controls System $300 $500 2-Axis Control $400 $600 Structure $300 $400 TOTAL $1500 $2400

  34. Family Budget • P08601 $850 $1400 • P08602 $1000 $2000 • P08603 $750 $1000 • P08604 $1000 $1250 • P08605 $1500 $2400 • Test Apparatus $100 $200 • TOTAL $5200 $8250

  35. Test Apparatus NEED: • Environment testing for ALL projects FEATURES: • 10 ft. section of floor & wall • Re-configurable wall profiles BOTTOM LINE: • $100-$200 material cost • Storage & floor space needed

  36. Additional PRP Information • Interviews • Needs Statement • Quantified Needs • Team Values / Norms • Grading Scheme • Required Resources AVAILABLE on EDGE sites

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