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„Info-incluzion for the Delelopement of Educational Action”. Urgent: de stabilit ora la care plecam din Buzau si cu ce mijloc de transport. Raspunde Toma Alina termen : miercuri 5 mai 2010. LA ORA 10 TREBUIE SA FIM PREZENTI PE AEROPORTUL OTOPENI
Urgent: de stabilitora la care plecam din Buzau si cu cemijloc de transport.RaspundeTomaAlinatermen: miercuri 5 mai 2010 LA ORA 10 TREBUIE SA FIM PREZENTI PE AEROPORTUL OTOPENI PLECARE DE PE AEROPORTUL OTOPENI 17 MAI 12.00 SOSIRE PE OTOPENI 28 MAI 11.20 Cu ce ne vomintoarce din Bucuresti? RaspundeTomaAlina , termenmiercuri 5 mai 2010
bagaj • Bagajgratuit, dimensiunebagaj 55X40X20 • 10 kilograme • Contine: haine, incaltaminte, sandwich-uri • Interzis: recipiente cu lichide ( tot ce tine de igiena se vorbaga in bagajele de cala) AM PLATIT 2 BAGAJE DE CALA :15 GK PT FETE SI 15 KG PENTRU BAIETI DACA FETELE DORESC BAGAJ MAI MULT, SE POT UNI CATE 2 SAU 3 LA UN BAGAJ DE CALA. ( 15 Kg =26 euro) TERMEN DE REZOLVARE VINERI 7 MAI 2010, RASPUNDE PERSINARU RADITA
ActivitatiPortugalia • 1.( o zi) Prezentarifacute de elevii din Romania desprescoalanoastra, judetulnostru, taranoastra, cevremnoisafacem in viitor. ( fiecareelevindrumat de profesor)- in limbaengleza. 2.( o zi) Prezentareachestionarului . Documentulvafirealizat de profPetrideanuLiviusiprezentat de 2 elevi. RaspundeprofPetrideanuLiviu
3.( 2 zile) Prezentareaplanului de initiere a unorpersoanevarstnice in utilizareacalculatorului. • Material realizat de Gina Posirca. Vorfiimplicatitotielevii. • 4. Asistente la ore alaturi de elevii din Portugalia • - engleza • -sport • -chimie • (raspundtotiprofesorii)
4. Prezentareamodului cum am invatatlimbaportughezafaraprofesori. Material realizat de PopinaMirela . Prezentarea o vor face elevii,cate un elev din fiecaregrupa. • 5. prezentareadiseminariisivalorizariiactivitatilorproiectului. Material realizat de prof Andrei Petresiprezentat de elevi. • 6. Introducereaactivitatilorproiectului in curriculum scolar. Impactulsirezultateleproiectului. Material realizat de prof Elvira Andrei, siprezentat de elevi.
PLANUL ACTIVITATILOR DIN PORTUGALIA • DAY 1 – Arrival and reception • 17th May.(Monday) • Afternoon (06:55 p.m.) • - Getting visiting partners from airport and directing them to school • Evening (08:00 p.m.) (school) • - Presentation of the students,somestaff and theschoolheadmaster • - A short musical break – TUNA FEMININA (Faculdade de Letras) • - Dinner at school - Typical food of Portugal offered by the Portuguese families / teachers/school management • - Takingvisitorstotheir lodging place
18th May/(Tuesday) • Morning (10:00 a.m.) • -Guided tour aroundtheschoolfacilities • - Romanian students /teachers get divided into 4 groups, each one having a Portuguese student as their guide, and visit other classes to introduce themselves and the project, inviting them to attend a session about Romania tomorrow. The classes will also ask the Romanian students/teachers questions about their school, country ... (+/- 30 min in each class) • Afternoon (1:30 p.m.) • - Conclusion of the visit and invitation to other classes. • 5.30 pm -(schoolauditorium): Visiting partners check the school session they have prepared about Romania (Romanian students/teachers alone)
DAY 3 – Cultural sessions + joint lesson • 19th May (Wednesday) • Morning (10 a.m.) (school auditorium) • - Portuguese students present Portugal to their visiting partners. • Afternoon (1:30 p.m.) (school auditorium) • - Sessions about Romania (Portuguese students assist the Romanian students) • - Romanian students/teachers attend the last lesson the Portuguese students have on Wednesday (Physical Education, at the gym or pitches)
DAY 4- Survey • 20th May/(Thursday) • Morning (9 a.m.) (school auditorium) • - Analysis of the results of the survey on info-inclusion in the two countries • Afternoon • FREE AFTERNOON FOR ROMANIANS • Dinner – Lodging place ( depending on the time the students are back) – meeting point for families – METRO Castêloda Maia
DAY 6 - A Visit to Oporto city • 22nd May/(Saturday) • Morning (8.30 a.m.) - meeting point for Portuguese and Romanian students – Metro Castêloda Maia. Romanian teachers get in Metro Maia • - Torre dos Clérigos (a visit to the tower and the church)- 9.30 am • - Short walk in centre of Oporto • - Oporto Wine Cellars – visit at 11.30 am • - Quick lunch - picnic in Ribeira - each student / teacher ( Portuguese and Romanian) brings food and drinks. • - Visit to Sé Porto • Afternoon • - Casa da Música –visit at 3 pm • - Snack in a Café • - Dinner out – Maia ( Mister Churrasco)- 7.30 pm
DAY 7 – A visit to Matosinhos (Portuguese parents / families are also invited to participate) • 23rd May/(Sunday) • Morning (9.30 am) – Portuguese and Romanian students/families meet at Metro Castêloda Maia. Romanian teachers - Metro Maia • - Matosinhos and its beaches (beach games) • - Lunch in the City Park – each student/teacher ( Romanian and Portuguese) / family brings food and drinks. • Afternoon • - A visit to Sea Life Centre- Matosinhos 1.30 pm • - Shopping centre- Norte shopping – time for shopping and dinner
DAY 8 – TPP + documentary • 24th May/(Monday) • Morning (9 a.m.) (school auditorium) • - Work on the TPP (register, attendance and assessment sheets) • Afternoon (2.00 p.m.) • - Romanian students and teachers prepare a documentary about their days in Portugal (difficulties felt; main differences between both countries regarding school life, family life and the country itself) - (in the Language Club)
DAY 9 – TPP + Free afternoon for Romanians • 25th May • (Tuesday) • Morning (9 a.m.) • - Work on the TPP (material for the development of the 1st session) • - Noon: Lunch in theschool canteen • Afternoon (2 pm) • - Romanians visit Park St. Pedro de Avioso accompanied by Portuguese teachers. • - meeting point – School at 6.pm • - Dinner – Lodging place
DAY 10 – A visit to Guimarães + joint lessons • 26th May/(Wednesday) • Morning (8 a.m.) • - A visit to Guimarães (castle) • Afternoon (3:10 p.m.) • - Romanian students attend lessons with the Portuguese students (English in theschool auditorium; P.E. in the gym or pitches)
DAY 11 – Report on the 1st mobility • 27th May /(Thursday) • Morning (08:30 a.m.) • (school auditorium) All students and Romanian teachers write a report on the week spent in Portugal and exchange films and recording. Saying goodbyes. • Afternoon • Visiting partners leave for their home country.