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Measurement of the CKM angle g with a D 0 Dalitz analysis of the B ± →D (*) K ± decays. Nicola Neri INFN Pisa. For the d0k-dalitz team:
Measurement of the CKM angle gwith a D0 Dalitz analysis of the B±→D(*)K± decays Nicola Neri INFN Pisa For the d0k-dalitz team: V.Azzolini, G.Cavoto, J.Garra, M.Giorgi, E. Grauges, Y.P.Lau, L.Li Giogi, N. Lopez-March, F.M-V, D.Milanes, N.N., J.Olsen, S.Pruvot, M.Rama, M.H. Schune, A. Stocchi July 13th 2006
Outline • Theoretical framework • D0 decay amplitude parameterization • Selection of the D(*)K events • CP parameters from the D0 Dalitz distribution • Systematic errors • Extraction of g • Conclusions Nicola Neri - CW Talk
f f Towards g bc transition bu transition If same final state interference g measurement A(B-D0 K-) = AB A(B-D0 K-) = ABrB e i(dB-g) f = KSpp final state strong phase in B decay CKM elements + color suppression Critical parameter Theoretically and experimentally difficult to determine. D. Atwood, I. Dunietz, A. SoniPhys.Rev. D63 (2001) 036005 A. Giri, Y. Grossman, A. Soffer, J. ZupanPhys.Rev. D68 (2003) 054018 Nicola Neri - CW Talk
g from the Interference term Using AD(s12, s13)in B decay amplitude D0 3-body decay Dalitz distribution |AD(s12, s13) |2 A(B-) = AD(s12, s13) +rB ei(-g+dB)AD(s13, s12) Assuming CP is conserved in D decays CP A(B+ ) = AD (s12, s12) +rB ei(g+dB)AD((s12, s13) |A(B- )|2 =| AD(s12, s13) |2 +rB2 | AD(s13, s12) |2 + +2rBRe[AD(s12, s13) AD(s13, s12)* ei(-g+dB)] The method suffers of a two-fold ambiguity If rB is large, good precision on g AD(s12, s13): fitted on from with Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Model Dependent Breit-Wigner description of 2-body amplitudes • Three-body D0 decays proceed mostly via 2-body decays (1 resonance + 1 particle) • The D0 amplitude ADcan be fit to a sum of Breit-Wigner functions plus a constant term, see E.M. Aitala et. al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 770 (2001) • For systematic error evaluation, use K-Matrix formalism to overcome the main limitation of the BW model to parameterize large and overlapping S-wave pp resonances. Angular dependence of the amplitude depends on the spin Jof the resonance r Relativistic Breit-Wigner with mass dependent width Gr where sij=[s12,s13,s23] depending on the resonance Ksp-,Ksp+,p+p-. Mr is the mass of the resonance Nicola Neri - CW Talk
The BaBar Isobar Model BaBar model 16 resonances + 1 Non Resonant term. Use same Isobar Model used in previous analysis presented at EPS’05. Mass and widths are fixed to the PDG 2004 values. Except for K*(1430), use E791 values and for s, s`, fit from data. Nicola Neri - CW Talk
K*(892) r (770) The BaBar Isobar model BaBar Data with BaBar isobar model fit over imposed. Fit Fraction=1.20 390K sig events 97.7% purity Good fit in DCS K*(892) region. K*DCS Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Signal events and DATA sample Rel18c BchToD0KstarAll skim cycle not in time for generic Monte Carlo but fine for data. Run over AllEventsSkim on generic MC with Rel18b. • DATA ON Peak 316.3 fb-1 • DATA OFF Peak 23.3 fb-1 Y(4S) =1 for signal events B- D*0 K- B- D0 K- D0 p0 ,D0 g Ksp+ p- p+ p- Ksp+ p- p+ p- Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Selection criteria for B±D(*)K± decay modes D0K D*0K (D0p0)D*0K (D0g) |cos qT| <0.8 <0.8 <0.8 |mass(D0)-PDG| <12MeV <12MeV <12MeV |mass(Ks)-PDG| <9MeV <9MeV <9MeV E (g) ----- >30 MeV >100MeV |mass(p0)-PDG| ----- <15MeV ----- Kaon Tight Selector Yes Yes Yes |DM-PDG| ----- <2.5MeV <10.0MeV cos aKs >0.99 >0.99 >0.99 |DE | <30MeV <30MeV <30MeV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- efficiency 15% 7% 9% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal events 398±23 97±1393±12 cos aKssuppress fake Ks |cos qT| suppress jet-like events Kaon Tight Selector (LH)and |DE|<30 MeV suppress D(*)p events Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Signal DpBBqq Yields on DATA 347 million of BB pairs at (4S) D0K D*0K D*0D0 D*0K D*0D0g background is >5 times the bkg contribution in each mode. Dp contribution is negligible after all the selection criteria applied in mES>5.272 GeV/c2 and |DE|<30 MeV unless for [Dp0]K. The error on the Dp contribution is large and can be explained as a statistical fluctuation (accounted for in systematic error) Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Background parameterization: Dalitz shape for background events • BB and continuum events are divided in real D0 and fake D0. The real D0 fraction is evaluated on qq and BB Monte Carlo counting: • cross-check on DATA using the mES<5.272 GeV sidebands and fitting the D0 mass. • For the bkg real D0 : D0 Dalitz signal shape For the bkg fake D0 (combinatorial) 2D symmetric 3rd order polynomial asymmetric function : • cross-check on DATA using the mES<5.272 GeV and D0 mass sidebands .BB combinatorics - MC .qqbar combinatorics – MC fit function fit function Asymmetric Asymmetric Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Background parameterization: fraction of true D0 • The real D0 fraction is evaluated directly on DATA using the mES<5.272 GeV sidebands and fitting the D0 mass distribution. The signal is a Gaussian with fixed s = 6 MeV/c2 (MC value) and m = 1864.5 MeV/c2 (PDG value). On Monte Carlo we find the fraction for true D0 to be: MC continuum evt MC BB events MC BB + qq weighted evt . DATA (On-Res) we use this error for conservative systematic error evaluation Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Background characterization: true D0 and flavor-charge correlation D0=KSpp e- e+ cc D0 K- + other particles estimated on Monte Carlo events Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Likelihood for Dalitz CP fit A(B-)= |AD(s12,s13) +rBei(-g+dB)AD(s13,s12)|2 |AD(s12,s13)|2 |AD(s13,s12)|2 From MC and D0 sideband data a=D0,D0 fSig,Dh,Cont,BB from data (extended likelihood yields) True D0 fraction from MC and data (mES sidebands) Charge-flavor correlation from MC Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Dalitz distributions D*K (D0p0)K DK B- B+ B- B+ D*K (D0g)K Dalitz plot distribution for signal events after all the selection criteria applied in mES>5.272 GeV/c2 and |DE|<30 MeV. B- B+ Nicola Neri - CW Talk
CP parameters extraction Fit for different CP parameters: cartesian coordinates are preferred base. Errors are gaussian and pulls are well behaving. x= Re[rBexpi(dg))]= rBcos(dg) , y= Im[rBexpi(dg)]= rBsin(dg) CP parameter Result CP parameter Result x-=rBcos(d-g) y-=rBsin(d-g) x+=rBcos(d+g) y+=rBsin(d+g) x*-=rBcos(d*-g) y*-=rBsin(d*-g) x*+=rBcos(d*+g) y*+=rBsin(d*+g) Main systematics Dalitz model uncertainty. Estimated using alternative models as explained later. PDF shapes , Dalitz plot efficiency qq Dalitz shape Charge correlation of (D0,K) in qq The statistical error dominates the measurement. Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Cartesian coordinate results Likelihood contours from Dln(L)=0.5, 1.921 D0K D*0K B- B+ B+ d d B- Direct CPV Dln(L)=0.5 Direct CP violation d=2 rb(*)|sing| Dln(L)=1.92 Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Experimental systematic errors >> Experimental systematics Dalitz model systematics Statistical error ≳ Nicola Neri - CW Talk
(D0g)K – (D0p0)K cross-feed • From Monte Carlo simulation the cross-feed between the samples is due to events of (D0p0)K where we loose a soft g and we reconstruct it as a (D0g)K. • Since the cross-feed goes in one direction (D0p0)K (D0g)K, it is correct to assign common events to the (D0p0)K signal sample. • After all the cuts and after this correction applied we expect <5% of signal (D0g)K from cross-feed. • A systematic effect to the cross-feed has been assigned adding a signal component according to the (D0p0)K Dalitz PDF and performing the CP fit. • The systematic bias of the fit with and without (D0p0)K has been quoted as systematic error. • Negligible wrt the other systematic error sources. Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Dalitz model systematic error:K*(892) parameters • In PDG those measurements are from 1970’s. Very low statistics ~5000 events • we have ~200000 K*(892) events • If we allow mass and width to float, we get the width 46 +/- 0.5 MeV, mass 893 +/- 0.2 MeV • Partial wave analysis of BJ/psi K p decay (BaBar) can use as control sample • Mass=892.9+/-2.5 MeV • Width=46.6 +/-4.7 MeV • Their values are consistent with our floatedvalues No S-wave! Very clean measurement Consider as systematics compared with PDG Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Dalitz model systematic error:K*(1430) parameters Mass =1.412 +/- 0.006 GeV Width = 294 +/- 23 MeV PDG (from LASS) Current BaBar model for K*0(1430): Mass =1.459+/-0.007 GeV Width = 175 +/- 12 MeV E791 Isobar model for K*0(1430): Mass =1.495 +/- 0.01 GeV Width = 183 +/- 9 MeV BaBar Isobar model [float] for K*0(1430): The Isobar model, the fit prefer small value of K*(1430), both seen in E791 and BaBar, although PDG list the width 294 MeV Mass and width are not unique parameters, depend on the parameterization and Non-Resonant model Nicola Neri - CW Talk
K*(892) and K*(1430) with new parameters Perfect! Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Data Dsppp Data Zemach Tensor vs Helicity model Affects seriously on spin 2 Monte Carlo simulation using f2(1270)pp MC MC In Dsp-p+p+ the non-resonant term is much smaller (5%) in Zemach Tensor while the non-resonant term is (25%) if Helicity model is used D wave systematics Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Dalitz model systematics • pp S-wave: • Use K-matrix pp S-wave model instead of the nominal BW model • pp P-wave: • Change r(770) parameters according to PDG • Replace Gounaris-Sakurai by regular BW • pp and Kp D-wave • Zemach Tensor as the Spin Factor for f2(1270) and K*2(1430) BW • Kp S-wave: • Allow K*0(1430) mass and width to be determined from the fit • Use LASS parameterization with LASS parameters • Kp P-wave: • Use BJ/psi Ks p+ as control sample for K*(892) parameters • Allow K*(892) mass and width to be determined from the fit • Blatt-Weiskopf penetration factors • Running width: consider a fixed value • Remove K2*(1430), K*(1680), K*(1410), r(1450) This is a more realistic and detailed estimate of the model systematics ! Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Procedure for Dalitz model systematics • Generate a high statistics toy MC (x100 data statistics) experiment using nominal (BW) model. • The experiment is fitted using the nominal and each alternative model. • Produce experiment-by-experiment differences for all (x,y) parameters for each alternative Dalitz model. • For each CP coordinates, consider the squared sum of the residuals over all the alternative models as the systematic error. • Since the model error increases with the value of rb we conservatively quote a model error corresponding to ~rb+1s valuethat we fit on data. • This is a quite conservative estimate of the systematics and we believe it is fair to consider the covariance matrix among the CP parameters to be diagonal. Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Bias on x-, x+ for alternative Dalitz models Residual for the x-, x+ coordinates wrt the nominal CP fit. Yellow band is the nominal fit statistical error (x100 Run1-5 statistics) Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Bias on y-, y+ for alternative Dalitz models Residual for the y-, y+ coordinates wrt the nominal CP fit. Yellow band is the nominal fit statistical error (x100 Run1-5 statistics) Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Frequentist interpretation of the results D*0K D0K 2 s 1 s 1s (2s) excursion Stat Syst Dalitz s is to be understood in term of 1D proj of a L in 5D. Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Final results • We have measured the cartesian CP fit parameters for DK (x±,y±) and D*K (x*± ,y*±) • using 316 fb-1 BaBar data: CP parameter Result CP parameter Result x-=rBcos(d-g) y-=rBsin(d-g) x+=rBcos(d+g) y+=rBsin(d+g) x*-=rBcos(d*-g) y*-=rBsin(d*-g) x*+=rBcos(d*+g) y*+=rBsin(d*+g) Statistical error Experimental systematics D0 amplitude model uncertainty • This measurement supersedes the previous one on 208 fb-1 with significant • improvements in the method and smaller errors on the cartesian CP parameters. • Using a Frequentist approach we have extracted the values of the CP parameters: 1s (2s) excursion Stat Syst Dalitz s is to be understood in term of 1D proj of a L in 5D. Nicola Neri - CW Talk
BaBar vs Belle experimental results BABAR'06 - N(BB)=347M CP parameter Result CP parameter Result x-=rBcos(d-g) y-=rBsin(d-g) x+=rBcos(d+g) y+=rBsin(d+g) x*-=rBcos(d*-g) y*-=rBsin(d*-g) x*+=rBcos(d*+g) y*+=rBsin(d*+g) Belle’06 - N(BB)=386M CP parameter Result CP parameter Result −0.13 +0.17−0.15 ± 0.02 −0.34 +0.17−0.16 ± 0.03 0.03 ± 0.12 ± 0.01 0.01 ± 0.14 ± 0.01 given on rb,g,d given on rb,g,d 0.03 +0.07−0.08 ± 0.01 0.17 +0.09−0.12 ± 0.02 −0.14 ± 0.07 ± 0.02 −0.09 ± 0.09 ± 0.01 x-=rBcos(d-g) y-=rBsin(d-g) x+=rBcos(d+g y+=rBsin(d+g) x*-=rBcos(d*-g) y*-=rBsin(d*-g) x*+=rBcos(d*+g) y*+=rBsin(d*+g) Experimental measurement of the CP parameters x,y is more precise wrt Belle even with slightly smaller statistics. Different error on g is due to Belle larger central values. Nicola Neri - CW Talk Statistical error Experimental systematics D0 amplitude model uncertainty
() rB Considerations on the results y Dx≈Dy≈rb·Dq B- s(g) ≈ Dx/rb rb Dq 2g x Dq rb Experimentally we can improve the measurement of the CP cartesian coordinates but the improvement on error of g depends on the true value of the rb parameter. Similar behavior for statistical and systematic error. B+ Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Dalitz: BaBar vs Belle Results HFAG Experiment Mode γ/φ3 (°) δB (°) rB Belle‘06 N(BB)=392M DK–D→KSπ+π–53± +15–18 ± 3 ± 9 146 ± 19 ± 3 ± 23 0.16 ± 0.05 ± 0.01 ± 0.05 D*K–D*→Dπ0D→KSπ+π–53 ± +15–18 ± 3 ± 9 302 ± 35 ± 6 ± 23 0.18 +0.11–0.10 ± 0.01 ± 0.05 BABAR'06 N(BB)=347M DK–D→KSπ+π–92 ± 41 ± 10 ± 13 118 ±64 ±21 ±28 <0.142 D*K–D*→D(π0,γ) D→KSπ+π– 92 ± 41 ± 10 ± 13 298 ±59 ±16 ±13 <0.206 BaBar measurement is very important since it stresses one more time the difficulty to measure g in a regime where the uncertainty on rb is quite large. Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Back-up slides Nicola Neri - CW Talk
(MD0-mp)2 (MD0-mp)2 (mKS+mp)2 (mKS+mp)2 Three-body D decays: Dalitz-Fabri plot • A point of in a three-body decay phase-space can be determined with two independent kinematical variables. A possible choice is to represent the state in the Dalitz-Fabri plot kinematical Mandelstam variables: The A(D0 →Kspp) amplitude can be written as AD(s12, s13). Nicola Neri - CW Talk
CA D0 K*(892)- p+ s13 (GeV2) weight = DCS D0 K0*(1430)+p- DCS D0 K*(892)+p- D0 Ksr s12 (GeV2) Sensitivity tog points : weight = 1 Strong phase variation improves the sensitivity to g. Isobar model formalism reduces discrete ambiguities on the value of g to a two-fold ambiguity. Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Reconstruction of exclusive B±D(*)K± decays Y(4S) =1 for signal events B- K- D*0 B- D0 K- Ksp+ p- D0 p0 ,D0 g p+ p- Ksp+ p- p+ p- Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Signal DpBBqq Background characterization: relative fraction of signal and bkg samples • Continuum events are the largest bkg in the analysis. We apply a cut |cos(qT)|<0.8 and we use fisher PDF for the continuum bkg suppression. Fisher = F [LegendreP0,LegendreP2,|cos qT|,|cos qB*|] • The Fisher PDF helps to evaluate the relative fraction of BB and continuum events directly from DATA. D0K D*0K - D*0D0g D*0K - D*0D0 Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Efficiency Map for D*→D0p We use ~200K D* MC sample D0 Phase Space to compute the efficiency map . 2D 3rd order polynomial function used for the efficiency map. Purity 97.7% Red = perfectly flat efficiency Blu = 3rd order polynomial fit Efficiency is almost flat in the Dalitz plot. The fit without eff map gives very similar fit results. Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Isobar model formalism As an example a D0 three-body decay D0ABC decaying through an r=[AB] resonance In the amplitude we include FD, Fr the vertex factors of the D and the resonance r respectively. H.Pilkuhn, The interactions of hadrons, Amsterdam: North-Holland (1967) D0 three-body amplitude can be fitted from DATA using a D0 flavor tagged sample from events selecting with • We fit for a0 ,ar amplitude values and the relative phase f0 , fr among resonances, • constant over the Dalitz plot. Nicola Neri - CW Talk
Efficiency Map for B->DK (*) • Because of the different momentum range we use a different parametrization respect to the D* sample. We use ~1M B->D(*)K signal MC sample with Phase Space D0 decay to compute the efficiency mapping. • Fit for 2D 3rd order polynomial function to parametrize the efficiency mapping: Efficiency is rather flat in the Dalitz plot. CP Fit without eff map to quote the systematic error on CP parameters Nicola Neri - CW Talk
K-Matrix formalism for pp S-wave • K-Matrix formalism overcomes the main limitation of the BW model to parameterize large and overlapping S-wave pp resonances. Avoid the introduction of not established s, s´ scalar resonances. • By construction unitarity is satisfied SS†=1 S=1+2iT T=(1-iK·r)-1K where S is the scattering operator T is the transition operator r is the phase space matrix K-matrix D0 three-body amplitude F1 = pp S-wave amplitude Pj(s) = initial production vector Nicola Neri - CW Talk
The CLEO model CLEO model 10 resonances + 1 Non Resonant term. Nicola Neri - CW Talk
The CLEO model With >10x more data than CLEO, we find that the model with 10 resonances is insufficient to describe the data. CLEO model 10 resonances + 1 Non Resonant term. BaBar Data refitted using CLEO model. Nicola Neri - CW Talk
The BELLE model Belle model 15 resonances + 1 Non Resonant term. Added DCS K*0,2(1430), K*(1680) and s1 , s2 respect to the CLEO Model.With more statistics you “see” a more detailed structure. Added Added Added Added Added Nicola Neri - CW Talk
BELLE Data with BELLE model fit overimposed. Not very good fit for DCS K*(892) region. The BELLE model DCS region is quite important for the g sensitivity. See plot in the next pages. Belle model 15 resonances + 1 Non Resonant term. Added DCS K*0,2(1430), K*(1680) and s1 , s2 respect to the CLEO Model. Nicola Neri - CW Talk
The BaBar Model BaBar model does not include the DCS K*(1680) and DCS K*(1410) because the number of events expected is very small. K*(1680) DCS K*(1680) Moreover the K*(1680) and the DCS K*(1680) overlap in the same Dalitz region: the fit was returning same amplitude for CA and DCS! Nicola Neri - CW Talk
The BaBar model 2 fit evaluation of goodness of fit: 1.27/dof(3054). CLEO model is 2.2/dof(3054) Belle model is 1.88/dof(1130) Total fit fraction: 125.0% CLEO model is 120% Belle model is 137% The 2 is still not optimal but much better respect to all Dalitz fit published so far. Nicola Neri - CW Talk
K*(892) r (770) The BaBar K-matrix model BaBar Data with BaBar K-matrix model fit over imposed. Fit Fraction=1.11 390K sig events 97.7% purity opens KK channel K*DCS Nicola Neri - CW Talk
K-Matrix parameterization according to Anisovich, Sarantev V.V. Anisovitch, A.V Sarantev Eur. Phys. Jour. A16, 229 (2003) Adler zero term to accommodate singularities where is the coupling constant of the K-matrix pole ma to the ith channel 1=pp 2=KK 3=multi-meson 4= hh 5= hh´. slow varying parameter of the K-matrix element. Pj(s) = initial production vector I.J.R. Aitchison, Nucl. Phys. A189, 417 (1972) Nicola Neri - CW Talk
The BaBar K-Matrix Model BaBar K-Matrix model 9 resonances + pp S-wave term. Total fit fraction is 1.11. pp S-wave term Nicola Neri - CW Talk