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Exploiting Literary Texts to Enhance Critical Thinking

Exploiting Literary Texts to Enhance Critical Thinking. Использование отрывков из произведений художественной литературы для развития критического мышления. Why NOT use literature?. 'You need to be an expert' 'It must be "proper" literature' 'It's too hard for the students'

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Exploiting Literary Texts to Enhance Critical Thinking

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  1. Exploiting Literary Texts to Enhance Critical Thinking Использование отрывков из произведений художественной литературы для развития критического мышления

  2. Why NOT use literature? • 'You need to be an expert' • 'It must be "proper" literature' • 'It's too hard for the students' • 'There's not enough time!'

  3. HIGH CULTURE • no specialist training • brief, contemporary and relevant • enhance, supplement and complement • speaking and reading skills + all • revision purposes • critical thinking

  4. Critical thinkingdefined • considering something carefully and decidingwhat the good and bad aspects are • Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, 2007

  5. Critical thinking taxonomies

  6. Комплекс навыков и умений • Поиск информации • Соотнесение с собственным опытом • Сравнение полученных знаний с другими работами в данной области и других сферах знания • Способность подвергать сомнению достоверность и авторитетность информации, проверять логику доказательств, • Умение делать выводы, • конструирование новых примеров для использования теоретического знания, • Умение принимать решения

  7. Why?? Here’s one reason:

  8. Over to you:

  9. How about a critical look at … pragmatics modality rhetorics stylistics

  10. How about a critical look at … intonation modalverbs conjunctions I wish

  11. Gandalf & intonation […]

  12. Gandalf & intonation

  13. intonation ??? conjunctions I wish

  14. ‘I Robot’ & modals

  15. intonation modalverbs ??? I wish

  16. Obama& conjunctions

  17. veni, vidi, vici • theFather, the Son, and the Holy Spirit • liberte, egalite, fraternite • government of thepeople, by thepeople, for thepeople Dr Max Atkinson

  18. a list of THREE • Puzzle – SOLUTION • CONTRAST

  19. intonation modalverbs conjunctions ???

  20. Hemingway & I wish

  21. So, we’taken a CT look at … pragmatics modality rhetorics stylistics

  22. HIGH CULTURE The power of literature

  23. Guest authors Charles Dickens Mary Shelley Zadie Smith Margaret Atwood Nick Hornby Toni Morrison George Orwell J R R Tolkien

  24. A bridge …between learner readingand authentic literature

  25. The Macmillan literature collections

  26. The collections offer support Linguistic • before reading: lightening the lexical load • during reading: footnotes and glossary • after reading: noticing patterns and features of style Cultural • information about the author • background information • cultural footnotes Literary • before reading: identifying main themes • after reading: guided literary discussion

  27. What’s in it for me? • author, genre, time • audio at onestopenglish • stories for films – watch the film, compare the structure and content • move on to longer works P.S. maybe even start a book club

  28. INTRODUCTION About the author About the story Summary

  29. Pre-reading • Key vocabulary* • Main themes

  30. Post-reading • Understanding the story* • Language study • Literary analysis

  31. Language studyexamples • Perfect aspect • Adverbs of manner in dialogue • Omitting the verb be • Inversion after so • Upper-middle-class speech • Ellipsis • Fronting in informal speech

  32. Literary analysis • PLOT • CHARACTER • NARRATION • STYLE

  33. EVEN MORE • suggested Essay questions - Language study - Literary analysis • a comprehensive Glossary*

  34. the READERS’ website www.macmillanenglish.com

  35. macmillanglobal.com macmillan.ru macmillanreaders.com www.macmillanenglish.com Even more ideas…@

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