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Particle Astrophysics (3). John Carr Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (IN2P3/CNRS). CERN Summer Student Lectures, 24 July 2002. High Energy Astronomy. Cosmic Ray Observations Gamma Rays Astronomy Neutrino Astronomy.
Particle Astrophysics (3) John Carr Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (IN2P3/CNRS) CERN Summer Student Lectures, 24 July 2002 High Energy Astronomy Cosmic Ray Observations Gamma Rays Astronomy Neutrino Astronomy neutrino
GeV: atmosphere Dark matter Neutrinos (MeV: sun, SN GeV: atmosphere PeV: CR accelerators) Axions Cosmic ray particles -> 1020 eV Gravity waves Electromagnetic radiation -> 100 TeV (W. Hoffmann)
Thermal Radiation from Stars Flux watts/m2 106 102 10-2 10-6 10-12 T=10000K T=6000K radio i.r. u.v. X ray gamma rays-> 103 105 107 109 1011 1013 1015 frequency(MHz) Normal Stars surface temperature ~3000 to 30000K thermal radiation: radio ultra-violet non-thermal radiation: X-rays, gamma rays ( higher in energy more extreme is the source)
The Crab in Multi-Wavelengths Photons Radio Infrared Optical X-ray
Galactic Co-ordinate System +90° +180° 180° 90°
Multi-Wavelength Photons Radio Infrared Visible light X-ray Gamma Ray ?
Production Mechanisms of Photons e- e e e+ magnetic field e e Hot plasma (surface of stars) Annihilation of matter/antimatter interstellar matter Bremsstrahlung / Synchrotron Radiation Inverse Compton Scattering + High energy showers p 0 interstellar matter
Non-Photonic Astronomy Antares (Toulon) Gravitational Waves Virgo (Pisa) Neutrinos Auger (Argentina) High Energy Cosmic Rays
Acceleration of High Energy Particles p accelerated in shock waves: non-relativistic supernova remnants relativistic quasars/microquasars p interact with interstellar matter and produce showers : p/A + p/g p0 + p + ... g gnmm nm nee Simulations indicate can get ~ 50% of energy of supernova explosion Cosmic Rays by ~1000 yrs
Types of Cosmic Ray Detectors KASCADE KASCADE p,N 0.3-100PeV p,N 0.3-100PeV Compton Gamma Ray Obs. 0.1-10GeV BATSE EGRET Satellites top of atmosphere Ground based telescopes looking at light produced in atmosphere ground level Whipple >1 TeV Array of particle detectors on ground Arrays of particle detectors
Charged Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum Satellite, ballons AMS satellite Ground, Air Shower Arrays CCGO, GLAST CASA - KASCADE - AGASA - AUGER telescopes Whipple-CAT-HEGRA-CELESTE H.E.S.S.-MAGIC-VERITAS Space observed Shower telescopes EUSO AMANDA, ANTARES Why these features ? ‘knee’ ‘ankle’
Features of Cosmic Ray Spectrum R B E <1018 Z G kpc Ingredients of models: propagation source dN/dE E = 2.0 to 2.2,.. Source acceleration: E2.7 eV Source cut-off E2 dN/dE [cm-2 s-1 sr-1 eV] knee Diffusion models = 0.3 to 0.6 E3.2 E 7 1019 eV GZK cut-off on CMB ankle ‘Conventional Wisdom’: Galactic SNR E2.8 isotropic E < 3 1018 eV Mass composition ? Galactic losses E > 4 1014 eV Extragalactic E > 3 1018 eV exotic E > 7 1019 eV E [eV/nucleus]
Cosmic Rays Spectrum: Knee and Ankle Flux E3 Flux E2.7
Explanations of knee (E~3.1015 eV) Astronomy type explanations • Galactic de-confinement • Single dominant source • Single SNR acceleration multiple SNR acceleration • Absorption on massive neutrinos in galaxy • New interaction effects in atmosphere Particle Physics type explanations Various interactions invoked to give threshold at E = 3 1015 eV. eg. p + e n + e, with M(e) = 0.1 eV p + + ,, with M() = 100 eV
Mass composition at knee Average shower depth and ratio N / Ne sensitive to primary mass (NB. Mass composition extracted is very sensitive to Monte Carlo simulation) Flux E2.5 Mean ln(A) KASCADE <ln A> KASCADE 3.5 2.5 1.5 CASA-BLANCA 0.5 1015 1016 1017 Energy eV KASCADE series of knees at different energies: p,He,..,C,..,Fe. E(Knee) Z knee due to source confinement cut-off ?
‘GZK cutoff ’ HE cosmic rays Interaction with background ( infrared and 2.7K CMBR) p N Sources uniform in universe 100 Mpc HE gamma rays 10 Mpc Mrk 501 120Mpc e+ e Mrk 421 120Mpc
Explanations of Ankle/ E > 1020 eV events Astronomy type explanations • ‘Bottom-Up’ : acceleration - pulsars in galaxy, - radio lobes of AGN (proximity a problem due to GZK, also should see source) • ‘Top-Down’ : decay of massive particles - GUT X particles with mass > 1020 eV and long lifetimes - Topological defects- Neutrinos as messenger particle • New Physics Particle Physics type explanations
Cosmic rays cannot be used to image the Universe... PeV proton M. Masetti
But we try anyway…. 308/242.5 in 20 E> 4 1019 eV 8 1017 <E<8 1018 eV galactic plane See events from same place in < 2.5 3 doublets and 1 triplet Are these sources? Or random chance coincidences? Probability < 1% that is chance anti GC Galactic source ? GC Sun SNR
AUGER experiment 2 sites each 3000km2, E > 5.1018eV Southern site, Mendoza Province, Argentina Water Cherenkov Tanks (1600 each 10m2) Fluorescence Telescopes (6 telescopes each 30 at 4 sites) 3.5m mirrors
AMS Experiment Detailed measurements on Cosmic Ray composition: anti-matter ? International Space Station 2004 Space Shuttle June 1998 limit on anti-helium/helium ratio < 106
Gamma Ray Astronomy XMM Integral GLAST Low Energy Gamma Astronomy from satellites High Energy Gamma Astronomy from ground STACEE CAT CELESTE CELESTE
Gamma-Ray Burst Story Gamma Ray Burst were first detected by the Vela satellites that were developed in the sixties to monitor nuclear test ban treaties. 1st GRB
Gamma Ray Bursts 1-2 per day observed by BATSE Isotropic sky distribution Burst duration Two types ? Some evidence for GRB on sites of previous supernova Redshifts measured for about 20 extragalactic distances
Imaging Gamma Ray Telescopes
Future projects in high-energy gamma-ray astronomy MAGIC VERITAS H.E.S.S. CANGAROO
Flares from Markarian 421 TeV X-Ray Correlation of flares at different wavelengths Timescale of flares indicate solar system dimensions of source
Black Hole at Galactic Centre Sgr A* Radio Black Hole horizon ? VLBI 6 mm VLA 2cm Black Hole mass Infrared 1” = 0,04 pc
Galactic Centre in Multi-Messengers Cosmic Rays E ~ 1018 eV Cosmic Rays AGASA “4.5” effect SUGAR “<0.5% fluctuation” Cosmic Ray Source 7 from Galactic Centre GeV Gamma rays Galactic centre (EGRET sources) RXJ 1713.7-3946 TeV Gamma rays
Neutrino Telescope Projects ANTARES La-Seyne-sur-Mer, France ( NEMO Catania, Italy ) BAIKAL: Lake Baikal, Siberia DUMAND, Hawaii (cancelled 1995) NESTOR : Pylos, Greece AMANDA, South Pole, Antarctica
Neutrinos weakly interacting in matter 109 Neutrino interaction length (km water equivalent) 106 Equivalent Earth diameter 103 106 1 103 E (TeV) Interaction length of neutrinos vs energy Low cross-section good : Astronomic sources and universe transparent to neutrinos Earth transparent up to 100 TeV bad : Need massive detector
Why in deep sea / glacier ? Need enormous mass detector : ~ 30 M tonnes , Calorimeter in iron > 5000 Meuro for iron alone, H2O matter free, detector system ~ 20 Meuro Tank in a cavern eg SuperKamiokande 30 K tonnes Mega projects discuss 1 M tonne for few 100 Meuro Need to have > 1000 m depth to absorb light and cosmics rays
AMANDA AMANDA > 50GeV South Pole: glacial ice 1993 First strings AMANDA A 1998 AMANDA B10 ~ 300 Optical Modules 2000 ~ 700 Optical Modules ICECUBE 8000 Optical Modules
AMANDA Search for Neutrino Point Sources vertically up horizontally ~ 300 events Events consistent with neutrinos produced in atmosphere, No evidence yet for astrophyisical sources of neutrinos
Future in telescopes: ANTARES 1996 Started 1996 - 2000 Site exploration and demonstrator line 2001 - 2004 Construction of 10 line detector, area ~0.1km2 on Toulon site future 1 km3 in Mediterranean Angular resolution <0.4° for E>10 TeV
ANTARES 0.1km2 Detector Shore station Optical module 13 strings 12 m between storeys hydrophone Compass, tilt meter 2500m float ~60m Electro-optic submarine cable ~40km 300m active Electronics containers Readout cables ~100m Junction box anchor Acoustic beacon
ANTARES Deployment Sites Thetys Marseille La Seyne sur Mer Toulon Existing Cable Marseille-Corsica Demonstrator Line Nov 1999- Jun 2000 42°59 N, 5°17 E Depth 1200 m New Cable (2001) La Seyne-ANTARES ANTARES 0.1km2 Site 42°50 N, 6°10 E Depth 2400 m ~ 40 deployments and recoveries of test lines for site exploration 0.1 km2 detector with 900 Optical Modules, deployment 2002- 2004
References Books: Particle Astrophysics, H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus and K. Zuber The Big Bang, J.Silk The Physics of Stars, A.C. Phillips Preprints: Introduction to Cosmology, David H. Lyth, astro-ph/9312022 Cosmological Parameters, Michael S. Turner, astro-ph/9904051 Non-Baryonic Dark Matter, Lars Bergstrom, hep-ph/0002126 Transparencies of School/Workshop: Neutrino Particle Astrophysics , http://leshouches.in2p3.fr Discussion Session, Council Chamber, 11:15 For more details contact me at: carr@cppm.in2p3.fr