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Alongside International. Nigeria Outreach November 2010. by: Katelyn Makowsky. The Team.
Alongside International Nigeria Outreach November 2010 by: Katelyn Makowsky
The Team Back Row: Dr. John Anyaogy, Liam Robinson, Dr. ChikweNkire, Comfort Nkire, Dr. Emmanuel AgaonuChibuikem, John Olekanma, Iain Sommerville, Donna Makowsky, CorPotma, Jen Richards, Maureen Ahaiwe, ChimdiNkire, Jen Miedema, Mary Miedema Front Row: Katelyn Makowsky, David Umune (Pastor, Reverend), David Miclash (Chief), Linda Miclash (Lolo), Nwafor Promise Onpkachi, David Edward
Missing From Picture: Favour Olekanma, Raymond ChimdiOlekanma, Dr. EzekeilOjimadu, Blessing Ugo-Israel, ObinnaUgo-Israel (BB), Hope Umnue, Comfort Iheme, ChinweAttuama, AuntiJemimahUmune, Godwin Ottahewe (Pastor, Reverend) “This trip has been a small part of the international development of God’s kingdom. We must remind ourselves that this isn’t a short term trip, but the introduction to the new us.”
Thoughts of First Day in Akaeze • “How beautiful to see the church of God spill out into the community, praising Him and engaging with the people.” – Jenny Miedema “From the smiling faces of the children to the strong sense of community, I feel blessed to have had this opportunity to share.” – Donna Makowsky “The energy at the service was amazing, and the excitement was contagious. An all together wonderful experience.” – Liam Robinson “The kids were so cute – the way they latched themselves onto your arms made it hard to leave them behind.” – Mary Miedema
“It was a very special reunion for me. The love, prayers, and encouragement I received from them while ill carried me thru.” – Linda Miclash “Church is always lively and although large groups of children can be overwhelming, their smiling faces are always joy filled.” – Jen Richards “It was very inspirational how the whole church sang and danced through the whole village for an hour, inviting people to join them.” – Cor Potma “It was very encouraging and emotional to receive such a warm welcome, and to see those who obviously remembered us from last year” – Iain Sommerville
TETMIThe Evangelizers Team Ministry International “The people we touch owe us their lives because they have met Christ, because of you [Alongside International].” Established 1985, founder Sunday Umune was a missionary by calling and had a great vision. He wanted to bring the gospel to the unreached people. Reverend David Umune, president, travelled to Canada where he met David Miclash and the partnership between TETMI and Alongside International was born. 14 Alongside International teams have travelled to rural villages in Nigeria and have helped build the 15 churches and numerous schools. Vision clinics, medical clinics, and borehole restoration projects have been a key focus.
“We look forward to seeing the Nigerians in Heaven” People in the villages have benefited greatly. Outreach projects, including education, have helped develop a sustainable future. Up from a dozen 7 years ago, 1300 students are currently enrolled in a TETMI school. Leaders have responded by offering to give land that TETMI had not been able to purchase earlier.
Clinics “Similar to healthcare in Canada, it’s not about how you physically help them, but knowing you have touched their lives in a positive way is fulfilling.” – Donna Makowsky
Triage Doctors
Pharmacy Jen Miedema Mary Miedema Jen Richards Linda Miclash
Education • Iain Sommerville (Dr., Professor) • “Pictures helped teaching immensely, not just information transfer, but implanting the idea that they are smart and can move on and perform well in university. It’s important to motivate them, they can climb higher than they ever thought or dreamt; and that somebody loves them”
Testimonials • “The Alongside team have obviously established life long relationships. The team was made to feel welcome, loved, and appreciated. The seed of faith in God was planted and continues to grow.” – Donna Makowsky • We have had the opportunity to develop friendships that will last forever, you know you can always depend on that person. Imela (Nigerian Song) Imela imela imela Okaka Imela imela imela Chineke Imela Onyeomg Thank you thank you thank you, Great One Thank you thank you thank you God, the Creator Thank you, Good God
Evening Reflections • Tremendously impacting • Rewarding, fulfilling, will change and benefit all of us • I feel stronger than when I started • Singing brings us together • I have made my skills useful by serving God • Thankful to see the Nigerians here with us • The amount of people coming out shows how high the need is.
Evening reflections • We are here because God wants us to be. We have a purpose and there is a higher agenda • I will be stronger because of this trip • Incredibly gratifying, it’s not difficult to make a huge difference • Very encouraging • He’s teaching us
Nigerians This year there were 15 Nigerians on the team. What did they have to say about the experience? • Humbled by the gap between city and rural differences, we should continue to do this. We are one family • Thank God for all of you helping these people, I’m happy to be here, to serve this ministry The long line was a challenge. Thank God I have come to share what I can. Now that I’ve seen this poverty, I feel blessed. Thanks for coming to help us help our people
Nigerians I didn’t realize how much work Alongside International has done for these people. I have seen things in a new way, the gap between the rich and the poor needs to be bridged. Involvement with this team has transformed my life. I have learned new things from everyone on the team and I can see much humility and love in them. I have been humbled and I will continue to reach out. I love to visit Akaeze, and I want to be an agent of change. I will pay half of the tuition for some kids there to keep them in school.
Who is missing? Medical students Billy Favel Daughter Granddaughter Mom Sister Colleagues Son We know that participation in trips like this would have a positive impact on many of our loved ones. When asked “Who do you wish was here now?” The answers plenty. Tom Emily Husband Friends Youth from church Brother Caroline Tobin
What has God done for us during this experience? How is your life changing? • My husband and I knew we were supposed to be doing something for God, turns out working with Alongside International is it. While building this ministry the Nigerians have showed me I am doing the right thing, and I have renewed hope. • I have become more compassionate, daring, gentle, caring, passionate, and stronger. • It has been eye opening. I will more easily seek happiness in the simple pleasures of life. Materialism is tragic.
It is easy to forget what is important. When I return home I will remember this and be more focused. It is a great joy for me to be more aware of what God wants. • I have broke out of my routine. I am stronger, more fulfilled, and have a renewed purpose. • My compassion increases each time I visit. Education must go beyond information transfer, they need the motivation to push past emotion to commitment. • To get so close to poverty is inspiring. I love coming here to interact with the kids and share the skills I have developed in my life. I am thankful to God for the opportunity to serve in this mission. I feel happy and encouraged. My love for kids and others has increased.
Well Restoration Liam Robinson Cor Potma John Olekanma Katelyn Makowsky David Umune
In total 10 borehole wells in numerous rural communities were repaired. Some of the wells had been out of operation for as long as 5 years.
The restoration of these wells has a tremendous impact on the community, and they show their appreciation. It is extremely rewarding to know that a little of our work will touch the lives of so many. It is also very humbling to have the community gather around to sing and dance with joy.
The team’s words of reflectionHow do you feel? Passionate Kinder Stronger inner sense Insightful Gentler Fulfilled Thankful Joyed Openness Kinder Good Connected Amazed Relaxed Great Expanded Commited Blessed Purposeful Directed Leadership Teamwork Motivated Understanding Friendlier Overwhelmed Accomplished Friendship Challenged Flexible Tired Bolder Patience Cultural Exposure Rewarded Empathy Called Generous Worldly
Focused Independent More loving to children and people Simpler Loving Overwhelmed Growing Closer Vision Humbled In touch with God Caring Supernatural Aware Transformed Softer Compassionate Useful Stonger Closer to people Knowing Daring Eye opening Reliable Different Perspective Happier Confident Encouraged Redirected Greatful Faithful Merciful Inspired Reassured
What are you going to do with these changes? Will have a gathering for the people who supported us, will continue to be involved. Will sponsor a child and spread the word of medical outreach to my colleagues. Will continue to do this work and perform evangelism. Will look into sponsoring a child and tell friends about this opportunity. I will continue to do this work and make presentations to bring attention to the places that need it. Will tell people across Canada about how easy it is to get involved. Will work part time and be part time missionaries. I will come back. I will host more pig roasts and make presentations at schools.
Do more outreach. I will work out the details of the coming solar system and make presentations to my youth group to get more young people involved. Look into wholesale medical supplies. Will perform more outreach. Will volunteer more often. Interview with the newspaper.