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Eiropas Pilsoņu gads idejas un aktivitātes, teorija un prakse. Andris Gobiņš Eiropas Kustības Latvijā prezidents Eiropas Ekonomikas un sociālo lietu komitejas (EESK) loceklis Rīga, 15.10.2013. Eiropas Ekonomikas un sociālo lietu komiteja.
Eiropas Pilsoņu gads idejas un aktivitātes, teorija un prakse Andris Gobiņš Eiropas Kustības Latvijā prezidents Eiropas Ekonomikas un sociālo lietu komitejas (EESK) loceklis Rīga, 15.10.2013 Eiropas Ekonomikas un sociālo lietu komiteja www.eiropaskustiba.lv, info@eiropaskustiba.lv, Twitter: @EiropasKustibaLV @AndrisGobins
"Civil society is one of the ways in which our human nature can be exercised in itsentirety." Václav Havel "Every citizen shall have the right to participate in the democratic life of the Union. Decisions shall be taken as openly and as closely as possible to the citizen" TEU Article 10 "For months now the Union has been stumbling from one crisis summit to another. Decisions which affect us all are being taken by heads of government behind closed doors," Martin Schulz
wider EU context People go on the streets and ask for more democracy, transparency and participation (not only in Arab countries). 43% say they know what it meansto be a European citizen 43% voted in EP elections 30% believethat they can influence the EU process 37% –dialogue improvement as main priority for ensuring greater respect for citizens' rights by EU institutions
ES realitātes saviedrības acīs LV Latvijai kā valstij šobrīd būtu labāk, ja tā būtu NVS, nevis Eiropas Savienības valsts 36%; 48%; 16% (LV 28%; 66%; 16%; RUS 49%; 37%; 14%) Es pozitīvi vērtēju to, ka PSRS sabruka 47%; 34%; 19% (LV 60%; 24%; 16%; RUS 29% 49% 22%) Man labāk patiktu, ja mūsu valstī pie varas būtu viens līderis ar plašām pilnvarām 54%; 30%; 16% (LV 50%; 34%; 16%; RUS 58%; 25%; 17%) SKDS 2011. g. nov. Eiropas Ekonomikas un sociālo lietu komiteja
Kam pilsoņi uzticas cīņai ar nabadzību? Euroberometer rudens 2009
Kas atbildīgs par nabadzības mazināšanu? Euroberometer rudens 2009
NVO var ietekmēt vietējos lēmumus Eiropas Ekonomikas un sociālo lietu komiteja
NVO var ietekmēt valsts lēmumus Eiropas Ekonomikas un sociālo lietu komiteja
NVO var ietekmēt ES Eiropas Ekonomikas un sociālo lietu komiteja
EY history -short NGOs: European Year of active citizenship EP: European Year of Citizenship EESC Draft: European Year of active and participatory citizenship EC: European Year of citizens Amount of hits on words in the EC text: 54movement/mobility, 8 (+7), participate/participation, 7 democratic/democracy, 0 transparency
EU Year at the EESC, Aim: Active and Participatory Citizenship Objectives: • Organisational aspects of the Year • Sustainable results of the Year • Digg deaper / Research & input • Education and values • The EESC=THE House for civil society
Key partners: EYC Alliance, EP, EC etc. EYC Working groups: 1. Active and participatory Citizenship, 2. Cultural, social, economic dimensions of citizenship, 3. Citizens rights
Events - examples • Open space event lounch of the year and input possibility and partnership building • Eurobarometer • Open days, Civil society day... • Going Local on e-participation, • conflict resolution, diaspora • Visitors, guests lectures etc. • European Integration Forum
TOP6 issues of the event • 1. EU citizenship – education in school • 2. Is 'my' Europe 'your' Europe? • 3. Financial sustainability of civil societyorganisations • 4. How to reduce youth unemployment in the EU? • 5. The cost of non -Europe • 6. Inscrire le traité de Lisbonne dans une architecture constitutionelle efficiente
It is worth to participate! MEP Ms Papadopoulou analyses received comments: 21 ideas taken
Paldies par uzmanību un līdzdalību! Andris Gobiņš www.eiropaskustiba.lv info@eiropaskustiba.lv Twitter: @AndrisGobins Eiropas Ekonomikas un sociālo lietu komiteja