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N etball

N etball. By Sophie Faulwetter. Netball is a sport played by mostly girls but boys will enjoy it too. Netball is a sport for all ages but it is not good on your knees. There will be two umpires one to umpire on one side of the court and the other umpiring the other side.

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N etball

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Netball By Sophie Faulwetter

  2. Netball is a sport played by mostly girls but boys will enjoy it too. • Netball is a sport for all ages but it is not good on your knees. • There will be two umpires one to umpire on one side of the court and the other umpiring the other side. • There are three thirds and four courters, each courter goes for about 10 minutes. Fun Facts

  3. Netball is game played with 14 people, 7 on each team. • There are 7 positions GA (goal attack), GS (goal shooter), GD (goal defence), GK (goal keeper), WA (wing attack), WD (wing defence) and C (centre). Positions

  4. In netball you can not step or else it will be a free pass to the opposite team. Another rule is that you are not aloud to defend with in three feet from the person. You are not allowed to touch people that you are playing on or it would be called up as contact. Rules

  5. You will need a netball court to play netball. • You would need two netball postsso each team would have something to shoot at. • Your team would also need a netball to play with and your bibs which have your positions on them. • You would need a netball dress to wear and a pair of supportive runners. Equipment

  6. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=google&rlz=1C1OPRB_enAU543&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=jVkpUqrTNYaqkAXZu4CYAQ&biw=1440&bih=762&sei=klkpUsWCDcPKkwWCrYGABA#hl=en&q=netball&tbm=isch&um=1&facrc=0%3Bnetball%20diamonds&imgrc=_https://www.google.com.au/search?q=google&rlz=1C1OPRB_enAU543&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=jVkpUqrTNYaqkAXZu4CYAQ&biw=1440&bih=762&sei=klkpUsWCDcPKkwWCrYGABA#hl=en&q=netball&tbm=isch&um=1&facrc=0%3Bnetball%20diamonds&imgrc=_ Bibliography

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