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ACUTE RENAL FAILURE IN PREGNANCY. Dr. Mona Shroff, M.D.(O&G) Asst.Prof;SMIMER; SURAT EMOC Advanced Trainer (FOGSI,GOI,JHPIEGO EmOC project) Diploma in O & G Ultrasound (Ian Donald). This presentation covers. BASIC OUTLINE Investigations MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES
ACUTE RENAL FAILURE IN PREGNANCY Dr. Mona Shroff, M.D.(O&G) Asst.Prof;SMIMER; SURAT EMOC Advanced Trainer (FOGSI,GOI,JHPIEGO EmOC project) Diploma in O & G Ultrasound (Ian Donald)
This presentation covers • BASIC OUTLINE • Investigations • MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES • Prerenal Vs ATN Vs ACN • ROLE OF Nutrition Volume & metabolic control Diuretics : helpful or harmful ?? Dopamine : helpful or harmful ?? Dialysis : when & which ?? Renal biopsy ?? Delivery Conditions specific to pregnancy
DEFINITIONS OFARF • The syndrome is characterised by a sudden in parenchymal function (UOP<400ml/d;30ml/hr) which is usually but not always reversible • This produces disturbance of water, electrolyte, acid base balance and nitrogenous waste products& blood pressure.
Physiological changes in normal gestation • Kidney weight and size increase • Dilation of renal calyces, pelves, and ureters • Urinary stasis • Glomerular filtration, effective renal plasma flow, fractional clearance of urate increase • Bicarbonate reabsorption threshold decreases
Clinical relevance • Concentrations of serum creatinine, urea N, and uric acid of 0.9, 14, and 5.6 mg/dl, normal in nonpregnant subjects, are already suspiciously high in gravid women. • Asymptomatic bacteriuria - frank pyelonephritis. • PP reduction in size should not be mistaken for parenchymal loss • Post renal failure difficult to diagnose • S.bicarb lower,PCO2 10 mmHg lower
Causes • Bimodal distribution -peaks in the first trimester (related to unregulated and/or septic abortion,hyperemesis) and the late third trimester (related to obstetric complications APH,PPH,Preeclampsia, Chorioamnionitis,AFE etc).
The RIFLE classification (ADQI group) of ARF: • Risk (R) - Increase in serum creatinine level X 1.5 or decrease in GFR by 25%, or UO <0.5 mL/kg/h for 6 hours • Injury (I) - Increase in serum creatinine level X 2.0 or decrease in GFR by 50%, or UO <0.5 mL/kg/h for 12 hours • Failure (F) - Increase in serum creatinine level X 3.0, decrease in GFR by 75%, or serum creatinine level > 4 mg/dL; UO <0.3 mL/kg/h for 24 hours, or anuria for 12 hours • Loss (L) - Persistent ARF, complete loss of kidney function >4 wk • End-stage kidney disease (E) - Loss of kidney function >3 months
BLOOD CBC Urea,creatinine,uric acid Electrolytes LFT S.proteins Coagulation profile ABG RBS Osmolality URINE sp.gravity osmolality electrolytes proteins pigment casts c/s ECG Investigations
Management • Restore or maintain fluid balance • The maintenance of electrolytes and acid base balance • The maintenance of nutritional support • Prevention of infection • Avoid renal toxins (including NSAIDS) • Instigate renal replacement therapies
Prerenal failure • Adequately replace blood & fluid losses,maintain BP. • Control continuing blood loss • Mannitol (100ml, 25%) trial to d/d b/w reversible prerenal failure & established ATN (provided oliguria <48 hrs & U:P osmolality > 1.05) • If diuresis (>50ml/hr or doubling) established within 3 hrs,maintain NS infusion acc to UOP & replace electrolytes acc to urinary loss estimations. • If unsuccessful –objective is to support the functionally anephric pt till kidneys recover.
Volume control • IP/OP charting daily • State of hydration-wt,hct,protein • Input = Output/24hrs + 500ml(nonfebrile) + 200 ml/ deg C of inc. in Tem Balance : 0.3-0.5kg wt loss/d • Avoid overhydration : Rx diuretics,dialysis • CVP monitoring (b/w 10-15cm H2O)
Diuretics • Diuretics commonly have been given in an attempt to convert the oliguric state to a nonoliguric state. However, diuretics have not been shown to be beneficial, and they may worsen outcomes. • In the absence of compelling contradictory data from a randomized, blinded clinical trial, the widespread use of diuretics in critically ill patients with acute renal failure should be discouraged. • Useful only in management of fluid-overloaded patients Cantarovich F, Rangoonwala B, Lorenz H, Verho M, Esnault VL. High-dose furosemide for established ARF: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial. Am J Kidney Dis 2004;44:402-9. Kellum JA. Systematic review: The use of diuretics and dopamine in acute renal failure: a systematic review of the evidence. Critical Care1997;1(2):53–9.
DOPAMINE • Dopamine traditionally has been used to promote renal perfusion(1-5 mcg/kg/min ) • However, systematic reviews of dopamine treatment in critically ill patients and in patients with sepsis do not support the use of dopamine to prevent renal insufficiency, morbidity, or mortality. In the majority of ARF studies, dopamine was associated only with an increase in urine output. Kellum JA, Decker MJ. Use of dopamine in acute renal failure: a meta-analysis. Crit Care Med 2001;29:1526-31. Denton MD, Chertow GM, Brady HR. "Renal-dose" dopamine for the treatment of acute renal failure: scientific rationale, experimental studies and clinical trials. Kidney Int 1996;50:4-14.
Nutrition INTAKE 1500 cal (protein free) Oral/parenteral If vol limitation-50%D via central vein Essential L-aminoacids: K,Mg,P:Improve wound healing, hasten recovery Protein intake of 0.6 g per kg per day
Electrolyte & acid-base correction Hyperkalemia, which can be life-threatening, should be treated by • decreasing the intake of potassium, • delaying the absorption of potassium, • exchanging potassium across the gut lumen using potassium-binding resins, • controlling intracellular shifts • dialysis. Acidosis- sodabicarb ,dialysis
Treat coagulopathy with FFP for a prolonged aPTT, cryoprecipitate for a fibrinogen level less than 100 mg/dL, and transfuse platelets for platelet counts less than 20,000/mm3 • Timely identification of UTI, proper treatment & prevention using prophylactic antibiotics
Indications for Kidney Replacement Therapy • Acidosis unresponsive to medical therapy • Acute, severe, refractory electrolyte changes (e.g., hyperkalemia) • Encephalopathy • Significant azotemia (blood urea nitrogen level >100 mg per dL [36 mmol per L]) • Significant bleeding • Uremic pericarditis • Volume overload
Allows more liberal fluid, protein & salt intake. Prevent hyperkalemic emergencies. infectious Cx. Improves comfort & survival Early “Prophylactic” Dialysis
Limited usefulness if hypotension C/I in actively bleeding pt. Controlled anticoagulation reqd Volume shifts-careful Faster correction Can be used in preg/PP pt. Easily available Simple,inexpensive Lower Cx rate Minimises rapid metabolic pertubations & fluid shifts Insert cath high direct vision Hemodialysis Vs Peritoneal dialysis
Delivery • Development of ARF in obs pt is indication of delivery in majority cases. • Deliver if UOP<20 ml/>2hrs despite adequate vol expansion & immediate delivery not expected • Redistribution of CO – better renal perfusion. • Remove fetus from hostile environment. • Neonate urea –osmotis diuresis -dehydration
Renal biopsy • Potentially v.risky in pregnancy • Defer until postpartum even if ACN( for prognostication). • Rare indication sudden renal failure before 32 wks with no obvious cause.
Preeclampsia A decrease in the GFR occurs secondary to intrarenal vasospasm. This may manifest as a "prerenal" picture. Acute renal failure (ARF) may develop, and acute tubular necrosis (ATN) may ensue if this hypoperfusion persists.
Pre-eclampsia: ManagementRenal problems • Hyperuricaemia and proteinuria are NOT indications for delivery per se • Consider delivery for progressive renal impairment (creatinine >0.09 mmol/L) • Care with fluids (pulmonary oedema can kill!) • Kidney Function is Criticalfor Drug Elimination
Pre-eclampsiaInvasive monitoring • CVP monitoring may NOT be helpful! • poor correlation between CVP and PCWP • PA catheters have risks! • rare indications: • pulmonary oedema resistant to diuretics • oliguric renal failure despite volume expansion
Idiopathic postpartum renal failure • Associated primarily with microangiopathic processes • Postpartum hemolytic-uremic syndrome. • These were often irreversible and were associated with substantial mortality. • Now improved outcome with plasma exchange,dialysis,prostacyclin infusion, correcting coagulopathy
ACUTE FATTY LIVER OF PREGNANCY • Associated with acute renal failure in up to 60 percent of cases. • The diagnosis should be suspected in a woman with preeclampsia who has jaundice,hypoglycemia, hypofibrinogenemia, and a prolonged PTT in the absence of abruptio placentae.
KEY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRACTICE • Identify & prevent at prerenal phase as early as possible • Dopamine should not be used to prevent acute renal failure. (Evidence level A) • Diuretics should not be used to treat oliguria in patients with acute renal failure unless volume overload (Evidence level B) • Early prophylactic dialysis should be strongly considered. • The maintenance of electrolytes,acid base balance & nutritional support plays vital role.