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Chem 11: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. VIC MARIE I. CAMACHO ( vigesa3 @yahoo.com ). COURSE OVERVIEW. Course Content. Textbooks/Supplementary Materials. Course Requirements. Grading. Course Policies. Foundations The atom, Nuclear Reactions and Periodicity
Chem 11: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry VIC MARIE I. CAMACHO (vigesa3@yahoo.com)
COURSE OVERVIEW Course Content Textbooks/Supplementary Materials Course Requirements Grading Course Policies
Foundations The atom, Nuclear Reactions and Periodicity Molecular Structure and bonding Lewis, VBT, MOT Solids ionic, molecular, network d-Metal Complexes transition compounds Applications COURSE CONTENT
Required texts: Shriver and Atkins (1999). Inorganic Chemistry 3rd Edition. New York: Oxford Press Reference Books Chang, Raymond (2005). Chemistry 8th Edition Singapore: McGraw-Hill Silberberg, Chemistry. Hill,J and Kolb, D (1998). Chemistry for the Changing Times.6th Ed Prentice Hall Inc Masterton and Hurley(1998). Chemistry: Principles and Reactions. USA: Saunders College Publishing Textbooks
Portfolio Power point presentation Plastic Egg Models Journal Reading Reflections Module Field Trip Course Requirements
Grading • Quizzes/Long Exams (25%) • Projects (20%) • Class Performance (155%) • Alternative Learning Outputs (40%)
Course Policies • Attendance is a Must. A student who has incurred twenty percent or 27 hours (9 days) of the total number of hours (108) for recitation, lecture, laboratory or any other scheduled work in one subject for the semester shall be dropped from the class roll. If the majority of absences are excused, s/he might not be given a grade of failure; however, if majority of absences are not excused, the student should be given a grade of failure upon being dropped. The excuse is valid if a student acquired an illness (documented) and attended the death (excused) of his/her immediate family member. Other reasons of excuses will be in the jurisdiction of the professor.
Course Policies • Make –up for missed quizzes and Dropping of Course • A student shall make up for work to meet course requirements within 5 days. Only long exam and finals are to be made up provided that the checked papers were not yet returned. • Any missed quizzes; outputs and other course requirements will be given zero. Incomplete grade will only be given for those who failed to take a final exam. • Dropping this course may still be done before the midterm week (Aug 15) with the approval of the registrar. An “A.W.” (Authorized withdrawal) mark will appear in the record.
Course Policies • Student must exercise Academic HONESTY. Any form of dishonesty and or deceit, especially cheating (e.g. giving or receiving aid on a test, plagiarism on papers, etc.) during examination or any class work, falsification of laboratory data and or any form, copying others work, forging signatures and the likes, will automatically receive 70 (failing mark) and or will be reprimanded or suspended. • Students must always follow the date of submission. Late requirements will not be accepted. Papers must be collected and compiled by the President/Secretary and arrange accordingly. Submit all requirements at the designated shelves at MB 118.