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Christianity. Origins. Started around 30 AD Began in Palestine (present day Israel) Based on the teachings and life of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. Born into a humble Jewish family As the Son of God, he came to earth to teach about love and fellowship
Origins Started around 30 AD Began in Palestine (present day Israel) Based on the teachings and life of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ • Born into a humble Jewish family • As the Son of God, he came to earth to teach about love and fellowship • At the age of 30, gathered a band of 12 disciples and began preaching, teaching and healing • Preached a message of love: • God loves you • Love your neighbor as you love yourself. • Taught by example - being loving and forgiving himself, he taught others to be loving and forgiving, especially toward those who were considered outcasts in society
Jesus Christ Believed by his earliest followers to be the Messiah, or messenger, sent by God to free God's people from slavery, sin, and death Jewish leaders of Jesus’ day were threatened by his popularity and worked with Jesus’ friend and follower Judas to betray him He was sentenced to death by religious and government officials and was crucified by being nailed on a cross
Central Beliefs Jesus Christ was the Son of God – fully human and fully divine – and through believing in God and following Jesus’ teachings one can inherit eternal life The Trinity, or the three parts of God: God the Father (Creator), God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit (God's presence in the world) Follow the ten commandments God gave Moses to present to the Israelites Original sin – everyone has sin; Jesus died to free people from their sins and grant them eternal life in heaven
Holy Book • The sacred text of Christianity is the Holy Bible • Two parts: • Old Testament - the Hebrew (Jewish) scriptures of Jesus' time • New Testament - contains writings about Jesus Christ and early Christians; first four sections, or books were written by four of Jesus’ disciples and are know as the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)
Basic Practices Worship together on Sunday, the Lord’s Day Meet in a church, where congregation sings, prays, and hears the word of God together Have religious leaders, such as a Protestant minister or a Catholic priest Recite the Lord’s Prayer, the only prayer Jesus taught his followers Sacrament of Holy Communion – reenacts the events of the Last Supper – is an important ritual to give Christians a feeling of oneness with Jesus Christ
Major Holy Days • Christian celebrations and festivals center around important dates in Jesus' life • Advent - the 4 week season of preparation for the birth of Christ • Christmas - Jesus' birth - often celebrated with nativity scenes, stories, pageants recalling the story of Jesus' humble birth in a stable surrounded by animals • Epiphany - the visit of the three wise ones to Jesus just after his birth and their subsequent spreading of the news of his birth throughout the world • Lent - the period leading up to Easter commemorating the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert fasting and praying. A time for personal reflection and improvement through prayer, fasting, and study
Major Holy Days • Holy Week – the last week of Jesus' life, including Palm Sunday, which celebrates his triumphal entry into Jerusalem the week before he was crucified; Maundy Thursday, a remembrance of the Last Supper with the disciples; and Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified on a cross, which is the most recognized symbol of Christianity • Easter - Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Eggs are a major symbol of Easter since they symbolize new life. Crosses are often covered with flowers to symbolize Jesus' victory over death • Certain passages in an individual Christian's life are marked by celebration and special services, including” • Baptism or birth into the Christian church • Confirmation • First Communion
Christianity Today • Most widely practiced religion, with almost 2 billion followers • Disagreements and struggles for power over the centuries have led to the growth of many different branches of Christianity • Three basic branches of Christianity: • Orthodox • Protestant (Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, etc.) • Roman Catholic