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CS430 Computer Graphics

CS430 Computer Graphics. Vectors Part II Application of Linear Combination. Topics. Lerp and Tweening Double Buffering Quadratic and Cubic Tweening. Lerp and Tween. Linear interpolation (lerp) of two points: P = A (1 - t ) + Bt = A + ( B – A ) t

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CS430 Computer Graphics

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  1. CS430 Computer Graphics Vectors Part II Application of Linear Combination Chi-Cheng Lin, Winona State University

  2. Topics • Lerp and Tweening • Double Buffering • Quadratic and Cubic Tweening

  3. Lerp and Tween • Linear interpolation (lerp) of two points: P = A(1 - t) + Bt = A + (B – A)t • Lerp: affine combination of A and B • P : “tween” at t of points A and B • lerp(a, b, t) returns the fraction t of the way from a to b float lerp(float a, float b, float t) { return a + (b – a) * t }

  4. Tweening for Animation • Morphing • Interpolation between corresponding vertices of two polylines • Fig 4.22 and 4.24: interpolation • Fig 4.25: interpolation and extrapolation

  5. Tweening for Animation

  6. Tweening for Animation • Generation of key frames • Compute a smooth path to move the camera between key frames

  7. Tweening Routines - Tween • Tween: returns the tween at t of two points A and B Point2 Canvas::Tween(Point2 A, Point2 B, float t) // code of Tween is similar to lerp

  8. Tweening Routines - drawTween • drawTween: draws the tween polyline at t of two polylines A and B of n vertices void Canvas::drawTween(Point2 A[], Point2 B[], int n, float t) { Point2 P = Tween( A[0], B[0], t); moveTo(P); for (int i=1; i<n; i++) { P = Tween( A[i], B[i], t); lineTo(P); } }

  9. Tweening Routines - drawAll • drawAll: draws all the tween polylines of two polylines A and B of n vertices on canvas cvs void drawAll(Point2 A[], Point2 B[], int n) { for (float t=0.0f; t<=1.0; t+= 0.01f) { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); cvs.drawTween( A, B, n, t); glutSwapBuffers(); } }

  10. Double Buffering • To generate an animation we can erase the current picture and then draw a new picture • Problem: Process of drawing new picture could be seen  bad visual effect • Solution: double buffering • Draw the new picture in an off-screen buffer and then display it by swapping the on-screen and off-screen buffers

  11. Double Buffering in OpenGL • Initializing display mode glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE|GLUT_RGB); • Swap buffers when a new picture ready glutSwapBuffers();

  12. Quadratic and Cubic Tweening • Quadratic tweening • 1 = ((1 – t) + t)2 = (1 – t)2 + 2(1 – t) + t 2 • Bezier Curve for 3 points A, B, and C • P = (1 - t)2A + 2t (1 – t)B + t 2C • Cubic tweening • 1 = ((1-t)+t)3=(1-t)3 + 3(1-t)2t + 3(1-t)t 2 + t 3 • Cubic interpolation between 4 points A, B, C, and D : • P = (1-t)3A + 3(1-t)2t B+ 3(1-t)t 2C + t 3D

  13. Quadratic and Cubic Tweening P(t) P(1) P(t) P(0)

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