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FY14 budget is scheduled to be presented on the 28th of February. The markets are rife with speculation on what could be the possible measures announced in Budget and their corresponding impact on economy & markets.
Edelweiss (RCM), Mumbai Sample Text Understanding Union Budget 21st February 2013
An Overview FY14 budget is scheduled to be presented on the 28th of February. The markets are rife with speculation on what could be the possible measures announced in Budget and their corresponding impact on economy & markets. The major talk surrounding this Budget deals with macro challenges like curbing a high fiscal deficit and reviving a subdued private investment spending. In this presentation, we take you through major Budget terms.
What is a Budget? • To begin with we answer the most basic question…What is a Budget? • A federal Budget is a financial statement comprising estimates of govt revenues and expenditure for FY. • Budget is presented by Finance Minister on the last day of February. The day of presenting Budget changes in an election year. Eg. In 2014, Budget will be presented post Lok Sabha polls. • Budget is split into two parts – Revenue Budget and Capital Budget. • A Budget is said to be in deficit if govt revenues are less than govt expenditure in FY. Budget deficit is typically financed through market borrowings. • Budget also gives a break-up of revenues and expenditures • What should be the individual / corporate / indirect tax rates in a Financial Year. • Where should government spend its money - Infrastructure, Defense, Education, Healthcare, etc. • How should government balance its spending and income, keeping in mind manageable deficit target. • Finally, what should be the long term sustainable borrowings, since excessive debt sales leads to macro problems like high inflation, high imports and a weaker currency.
Revenues • Revenue’s are the source of income realized by the government and are divided into : • Revenue receipts (FY12RE 8.5% of GDP, FY13BE 9% of GDP) -Which consists of revenue from regular sources like • Taxation revenues; Eg, receipts from Corporate Tax, Income Tax, Excise Duty, Custom Duty, Service Tax etc. • Non-Tax revenues include interest on loans, dividend from PSUs, fees and stamp duties. • Capital receipts (FY12RE 0.3% of GDP, FY13BE 0.4% of GDP) - Capital receipts refer to those inflows to government that are not in the nature of regular income, but are borrowings, repayments/recoveries, or proceeds from sale of assets. Disinvestment income to the government falls under this head.
Expenditure • The expenditure component can be broken down into – • Revenue Expenditure (FY12RE 12.9% of GDP, FY13BE 12.4% of GDP) – It is payments incurred for day-to-day running of government departments and various services offered to citizens. This also comprises of spending towards subsidies, interest payments. This spurs consumption in economy. • Capital Expenditure (FY12RE 1.7% of GDP, FY13BE 2.0% of GDP) – This expenditure spurs asset creation, resulting in increased investment with spending diverted towards cost associated with acquisition of assets that may include investments in shares, infrastructure as well as loans & advances given out by government. • Expenditure is further categorized as Plan & Non Plan : • Plan Expenditure (FY12RE 4.8% of GDP, FY13BE 5.0% of GDP): This expenditure involves funding for programmes and projects covered by the 5-year Plans as decided by the various ministerial bodies. • Non Plan Expenditure (FY12RE 9.9% of GDP, FY13BE 9.3% of GDP): These are ongoing expenditures not covered under the 5-year plans and include interest payments, defence, subsidies, loans & advances given to States & UTs, pension, salaries to govt staff, grants and service expenditure.
Fiscal Deficit A fiscal balance is difference between the total revenue received by government minus total expenditure. If the expenditure by government is greater than the total revenue received by it then this is termed as a fiscal deficit while the reverse situation is termed as a fiscal surplus. A fiscal deficit hence suggests that government is unable to pay for its expenditures through its receipts and hence might need to look for additional sources of funding such as market borrowings. Fiscal Deficit for FY13 is estimated at INR 5.64 lakhcrores, Revenues of INR 9.18 lakhcrores less expenditure of INR 14.82 lakhcrores. Fiscal Deficit is measured as a percentage of GDP, hence INR 5.64 lakh crores / GDP of INR 100.74 lakh crores works out to estimated fiscal deficit of 5.6% of GDP.
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