Computer Games This is the 21st century and everyone has access to the internet and many more social media outlets. Because of this we have also created Helmet computer games that can be played for kids in all ages. The social experiment for our computer games is to let our games be played by kids and see if they are affected.
Computer Game Video & InstructionsYOUTUBE LINK: http://youtu.be/od6idmLty2k
The Computer Game EXPERIMENT We set up a section of the schools playground with bikes and helmets scattered around on the ground. A group of Grade 1 students (control group – no exposure to computer games) were invited to the playground and their play was observed. They displayed little curiosity with the helmets and rode the bikes without even attempting to wear them.
The Computer Game EXPERIMENT • Stage 2 of the social experiment involved the group of grade 1 students who had been playing our computer games. They approached the playground in a very different way to the Control Group. They were immediately curious about the helmets and incorperated them into their playtime with the bikes. Our class concluded that the subliminal messages from the computer games were effective in changing behavior. This encouraged us that our public awareness campaign was an effective method to encourage people in our community to wear bicycle helmets
Kids Board Game • We thought that a board game would also help kids understand the importance of wearing a helmet. This game was meant to be vey hands on to keep the children interested in the game.