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Struktur Internal Bumi , Pergerakan lempeng Tektonik dan Vulkanik. Selasa 8 September 2009 Geografi Lingkungan Kelompok 3. Kelompok 3. Riki Oktapiana 15106049 Boy Dwitama 15106038 Mochtar 15107015 Yanes David 15107029 Okxy Isdityo 15107047 Syarif Hidayat 15107079
Struktur Internal Bumi, PergerakanlempengTektonikdanVulkanik Selasa 8 September 2009 GeografiLingkungan Kelompok 3
Kelompok 3 RikiOktapiana 15106049 Boy Dwitama 15106038 Mochtar 15107015 Yanes David 15107029 OkxyIsdityo 15107047 SyarifHidayat 15107079 NiksonNadeak 15107083
Content Struktur Internal Bumi TeoriPergerakanLempengTektonik SejarahPergerakanLempeng Vulkanik Peran-peranilmukebumian Studikasus :GempaTasik 2 September 2009
Struktur Internal Bumi • Strukturbumiadalahsebagaiberikut • Intibumi • Inner Core • Outer Core • Mantel Bumi • Asthenosphere (hot but stronger than due to high preassure) • Lithosphere (cool, rigid, brittle) • Mesosphere(hot,weak ,plastik) • KerakBumi
GelombangSeismik Gelombangseismikadalahrambatanenergi yang disebabkankarenaadanyagangguandidalamkerakbumi, misalnyaadanyapatahanatauadanyaledakan. Energiiniakanmerambatkeseluruhbagianbumidandapatterekamolehseismometer.
Perbandingan Model Bumi Bullen, 1942 danDziewonski, 1981
Conditions in the mantle • Heat is flowing into the mantle from the core • Hotter mantle material is less dense (because of temperature) and circulates upward • Cooler mantle material is more dense (b/c of temp) and circulates downward. • This circulation is called CONVECTION
Convection Currents Cool Cool HOT Heat Source
TeoriPergerakanLempeng • Teoriinipertama kali dikemukakanoleh Alfred Lothar Wegener (1880-1930) • Berdasarkan • Kesamaan fossil di America Selatan dan Africa • Apparently contiguous mountain ranges • KesamaanbentukgarispantaiantaraAmerika Selatan dengan Africa
BatasanLempeng • TipeBatasanLempeng • Divergent Boundary – moving apart • Convergent Boundary – moving together • Transform Fault Boundary – moving sideaways past each other
CONVERGENT BOUNDARY In a convergent boundary , the plates are coming together.
DIVERGENT BOUNDARY • In a divergent boundary , the plates are moving apart.
TRANSFORM BOUNDARY • A transform boundary occurs when two plates slide past each other.
How does the internal structure of the Earth and plate tectonics effect how we live? • Hazards – Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanoes, Landslides • Climate – atmospheric/ocean circulation • Natural Resources • Landscape • River Systems- Drainage Patterns
Earthquake Terjadikarenapelepasanenergiantara 2 benda( lempengbumi) StudikasusGempaTasik : 2 September 2009 D:\Office\semester 7 2009\geolink\onePAGER.pdf
PerananIlmuilmuKebumianTerhadapPergerakanlempengtersebut Geodesy Geology->kesamaanfosil Volcanology-> tentanggunung-gunungberapi Seismology
Geodetic observation. To all the traditional lines of evidence, we must now add direct measurement of plate velocities by geodesy (VLBI and GPS).
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