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Seminar on Regulations of Distance Education in Saudi Higher Education: Issues & Ambitions (Via satellite) Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah. E-L EARNING AND D ISTANCE L EARNING IN S AUDI A RABIA Issues & Implications. B ADRUL H UDA K HAN, P H . D . President.
Seminar on Regulations of Distance Education in Saudi Higher Education: Issues & Ambitions (Via satellite) Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah E-LEARNING AND DISTANCE LEARNING IN SAUDI ARABIA Issues & Implications BADRUL HUDA KHAN, PH.D. President
In the information society, learners require rich learning environments supported by well‑designed resources. They expect flexiblelearning environments with good support services.
Learners want to have more say in • - WHAT they learn • - WHEN they learn • - WHERE they learn • - HOW they learn
FROM TO Wanting to be taught mostly in lectures or direct training sessions Wanting increased flexibility.
Can we provide what learners want? YES, we can! New developments in learning science and technology provide opportunities to develop learning environments that suit learners' needs and interests by offering them the choice of increased flexibility.
However, only openlearning systems such as e-learning can provide the kind of flexibility that learners need. But NOT the closedlearning systems such as instructor-led traditional classroom-based instruction.
As we are accustomed to teaching and learning in a closed system, the openness of an open system such as e-learning is challenging to us. To create effective e-learning environments for diverse learners, we need to jump out of our closed system mentality.
We need a Paradigm Shift! We need to change our mindset!
Digitizing instructor-led classroom materials DOES NOT necessarily mean that you are actually creating meaningful e-learning.
E-learning materials must be designed • with proper instructional design principles and learning theories. • by addressing critical issues encompassing various dimensions of open learning environment.
Considering “Trends in regulation, by-laws, and standards governing distance higher education” as the theme of the conference. I would like to present aFRAMEWORK of E-LEARNING which I believe would serve as a guide to formulate regulation, by-laws, and standards for distance learning in Saudi Arabia.
To develop regulation, by-laws, and standards governing distance higher education, we must investigate the critical issues regarding … • What does it take to create meaningful and quality educational environment for distance learning?
Since 1997, I have communicated with learners, instructors, administrators, and technical and other support services staff involved in e-learning (in both academic and corporate settings) all over the world to learn “What it takes to create a meaningful e-learning environment?” • I found there are a myriad of issues. I clustered these issues into eight critical dimensions to develop the E-Learning Framework. • These issues in the Framework generate many questions that we can ask ourselves when • planning • designing • developing • evaluating • implementing e-learning systems.
A Framework for E-Learning
Academic, administrative & student services Ethical considerations in e-learning On-line and off-line resources & support Physical layout and navigation Learning and teaching issues Infrastructure, hardware and software Content development and maintenance Assessment of learner, evaluation of learning environment Pedagogical Institutional Technological e-Learning Interface Design Ethical Resource Support Evaluation Management
تربوي مؤسسي تقني تصميم الواجهة التعلم الالكتروني أخلاقي التقويم دعم المصادر الإدارة
1. PEDAGOGICAL • 1.1 Content Analysis • 1.2 Audience Analysis • 1.3 Goal Analysis • 1.4 Medium Analysis • 1.5 Design approach • 1.6 Organization • 1.7 Methods and Strategies • 2. TECHNOLOGICAL • 2.1 Infrastructure planning • 2.2 Hardware • 2.3 Software • 3. INTERFACE DESIGN • 3.1 Page and site design • 3.2 Content design • 3.3 Navigation • 3.4 Accessibility • 3.5 Usability testing • 4. EVALUATION • 4.1 Assessment of learners • 4.2 Evaluation of the instruction • & learning environment • 5. MANAGEMENT • 5.1 E‑Learning Content Development • 5.2 E-Learning Maintenance • 6. RESOURCE SUPPORT • 6.1 Online support • 6.2 Resources • 7. ETHICAL • 7.1 Social and Political Influence • 7.2 Cultural Diversity • 7.3 Bias • 7.4 Geographical diversity • 7.5 Learner diversity • 7.6 Digital Divide • 7.7 Etiquette • 7.8 Legal issues • 8. INSTITUTIONAL • 8.1 Administrative Affairs • 8.2 Academic affairs • 8.2 Student services
Pedagogical Content Audience Goals Medium Design Organization Methods What types of content are appropriate to teach via a variety of e-learning approaches?
Pedagogical Content Audience Goals Medium Design Organization Methods Do we use multimedia attributes of the Internet and digital technologies? - text - audio - video - graphics - other (specify)
Pedagogical Content Audience Goals Medium Design Organization Methods • What is the instructor’s role? - more facilitative than didactic - more didactic than facilitative - a combination of both
Pedagogical Content Audience Goals Medium Design Organization Methods • Does your e-learning program promote Inside Collaboration by providing a supportive environment for asking questions, clarifying directions, suggesting or contributing resources and working on joint projects with class members?
Technological Infrastructure Planning Hardware Software Does your institution create learning objects by following the international interoperability standards (such as SCORM, IEEE, etc.) (SCORM - Shareable Content Object Reference Model)
Technological Infrastructure Planning Hardware Software Do you have personnel who can assist learners to set up for starting the course?
Technological Infrastructure Planning Hardware Software Are the hardware & software requirements for the e-learning program clearly stated?
Interface Design Page and Site Design Content Design Navigation Accessibility Usability Testing Do the appearance and functionality of the screenlook good?
Interface Design Page and Site Design Content Design Navigation Accessibility Usability Testing Is the program designed to be accessible by a wider user population? (A common accessibility concern in the USA -- Is the course 508 compliant?)
Evaluation Assessment of Learners Evaluation of Instruction & Learning Environment Does the program have a mechanism in which a learner can be truly measured and not allowed to cheat?
Evaluation Assessment of Learners Evaluation of Instruction & Learning Environment Does the program have a system to accept students evaluation of the following? - content - instructor - learning environment - learning resources - course design - technical support
Management Content Development Maintenance Does the program notify students about any changes in due dates or other course relevant matters (e.g., server down) via following means? - e-mail - announcement page - alert boxes - running footer added to a page - phone call - mail
Resource Support Online Support Resources Does the course provide troubleshooting (or expert technical support from specialized staff) assistance or a help line?
Resource Support Online Support Resources Do students have access to a digital library?
Ethical Social/Political Influence Cultural Diversity Bias Geographical Diversity Learner Diversity Digital Divide Etiquette Legal Issues Does the institution have to get approval from any external entities (who can serve as political barriers) to implement e-learning?
Ethical Social/Political Influence Cultural Diversity Bias Geographical Diversity Learner Diversity Digital Divide Etiquette Legal Issues To improve cross-cultural verbal communication and avoid misunderstanding, does the program make an effort to reduce or avoid the use of jargon, idioms, ambiguous or cute humor, and acronyms?
Ethical Social/Political Influence Cultural Diversity Bias Geographical Diversity Learner Diversity Digital Divide Etiquette Legal Issues Does the program present more than one viewpoint on controversial issues?
Ethical Social/Political Influence Cultural Diversity Bias Geographical Diversity Learner Diversity Digital Divide Etiquette Legal Issues Is the program offered to a geographically diverse population? If yes ... Is the program sensitive about students from different time-zones (e.g. synchronous communications are scheduled at reasonable times for all time zones represented)?
Ethical Social/Political Influence Cultural Diversity Bias Geographical Diversity Learner Diversity Digital Divide Etiquette Legal Issues Is the program designed to have patience for learners who adapt to individualized open and distributed learning environment slower than others?
Ethical Social/Political Influence Cultural Diversity Bias Geographical Diversity Learner Diversity Digital Divide Etiquette Legal Issues Information accessibility issue must be expressed in terms of digital “haves” and “have nots,” a gap expressed in the term “digital divide.” Is the digital divide issue considered in designing the e‑learning content?
Ethical Social/Political Influence Cultural Diversity Bias Geographical Diversity Learner Diversity Digital Divide Etiquette Legal Issues • Does the program provide any guidance to learners on how to behave and post messages in online discussions so that their postings do not hurt others’ feelings?
Ethical Social/Political Influence Cultural Diversity Bias Geographical Diversity Learner Diversity Digital Divide Etiquette Legal Issues Does the program get students’ permission to post any of the following on the Web? - students’ photographs - students’ projects
Institutional Administrative Affairs Academic Affairs Student Services Is the institution ready to offer e-learning?
Institutional Administrative Affairs Academic Affairs Student Services Does the e-learning program provide academic quality such as one would expect in a traditional course?
Institutional Administrative Affairs Academic Affairs Student Services Are instructor/tutor and technical staff available during online orientation (if any)?
Within the scope of today’s presentation, I have presented few learning issues in the form of questions that you can ask yourself when planning, designing, evaluating or implementing meaningful e‑learning.
As the scope of e‑learning design expands, design projects change from one-person operations to complex team efforts. The E-Learning Framework can be used to ensure that no important essential factor is omitted from the design of e‑learning, whatever its scope or complexity.
I strongly believe that the Ministry of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia can benefit from the perspectives of issues covered in the E-Learning Framework.
تربوي مؤسسي تقني تصميم الواجهة التعلم الالكتروني أخلاقي التقويم دعم المصادر الإدارة
The Framework has the potential to guide the Ministry of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia to: Develop A National E-Learning & Distance Learning PLAN Develop E-Learning & Distance Learning FACULTY and STAFF DEVELOPMENT TRAINING Establish Research FUNDING CRITERIA for E-Learning & Distance Learning Projects Develop ACCREDITATION CRITERIA for E-Learning & Distance Learning Programs Develop E-L & Distance Learning INSTRUCTIONAL Standards Formulate E-Learning & Distance Learning POLICIES Review Existing REGULATIONS of Distance education Develop E-L & Distance Learning TECHNICAL Standards Establish NATIONAL CENTER of E-Learning & Distance Learning Establish National DIGITAL LIBRARY Develop E-L & Distance Learning DISABILITIES Standards
The Framework has the potential to guide the Ministry of Higher Education in Saudi Arabiato: - Develop A National E-Learning & Distance Learning (E-L & DL) Plan - Establish National Center of E-Learning & Distance Learning - Analyze Current Regulations of Distance education - Formulate E-Learning & Distance Learning Policies - Formulate E-Learning & Distance Learning Technical Standards - Formulate E-Learning & Distance Learning Instructional Standards - Formulate E-Learning & Distance Learning Disability Standards - Develop Accreditation Criteria E-Learning & Distance Learning Programs - Establish Research Funding Criteria for E-Learning & Distance Learning Projects - Establish National Digital Library - E-Learning Faculty and Staff Training