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MSU as an International University: Communicating Across Cultures. Peter Briggs, Director Office for International Students and Scholars. You will have daily encounters with cultural differences at MSU How are your communication skills? What takes place during any encounter across cultures?
MSU as an International University: Communicating Across Cultures Peter Briggs, Director Office for International Students and Scholars
You will have daily encounters with cultural differences at MSU • How are your communication skills? • What takes place during any encounter across cultures? • Are you comfortable in all settings?
How can we be a healthy international university when we face so many cultural differences every day? • We love hearing your cross cultural encounters • What went well? • What caused any confusion?
The Concept of Culture • Big C ….objective culture is made by humans…..art, theater, legal systems, economics, cooking, fashion • Little c ….subjective culture is language, behavior, patterns of thinking and values • Little c is like the iceberg; much is hidden and only a little bit is on the surface
What happens when people from different cultures meet? • Contrasting nonverbal signaling • For example: greeting rituals -Kiss? Bow? Shake hands? • Contrasting values and beliefs • Attitudes, ethnocentrism and stereotypes
Non Verbal Communication • Culture is in our muscles • Space bubbles • Tone of voice • Touching and contact • Gestures
Beliefs and Assumptions • Culture is a learned way to see the world common to your group • We take our ways for granted as true and are often out of our awareness • What is obvious to you may not be obvious to others • People often perceive the same things differently
Perceptual Worlds • How do you perceive nature? • How do you perceive gender roles? • How do you perceive time? • How do you perceive friendship? • What do all these perceptions tell you about the lenses you use to see the world?
These are fun pictures, but culture can create a lens to shape your perceptions of what you see • We live in a world of perceptions
Understanding Ethnocentrism • Humans create cultures that determine “right” ways to do things • The “right” way to do things in one culture might be different in a different culture • There is no problem if one never leaves his or her own culture; everyone knows
Intercultural Encounters • Problems only come up when one encounters someone who is not from their own culture and there is no longer a shared assumption about the “right” way. • Intercultural communication is needed to judge others from a different point of view and not hold people from different cultures to the same expectation
Assumptions that are Often in Contrast between Cultures • Individualism contrasted with collectivism? • Direct communication contrasted with more indirect style • Change contrasted with tradition? • Materialism contrasted with spiritualism? • Informality contrasted with formality? • The concepts of face and harmony
More Cultural Contrasts • Cultures that are doing or being? • Proud contrasted with humble? • Egalitarianism or social hierarchy? • There are many more
Contrasting Communication Styles • Linear or circular • Direct or indirect • Attached or detached • Procedural or personal
How Does This Play Out Every Day? • Most people are unaware of their culture; can fish see water? • Do we really understand why we react to others and how others react to us? • We evaluate others based on our own perceptions of what is “right” • These can engage our emotions • When we tolerate ambiguity, we have less certitude on right and wrong
Stumbling Blocks to Communication Across Cultures • Assuming similarities • Not anticipating differences • Misinterpreting non verbal signals • Stereotyping • Judging and evaluating • Stress
Intercultural Competencies • Tolerance for ambiguity • Being flexible • Display empathy • Active listening • Turn taking • Withholding judgments