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Recommendations from “RT/NRT user requirements”

E-GVAP recommends IGS to support PPP strategy with high quality adequate products. The 'real-time' clocks will be interesting future product for using in GPS meteorology. NRT clocks for current needs. NRT GPS ZTD product for NWP Requirements for “Costal real-time GPS network” (next slide)

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Recommendations from “RT/NRT user requirements”

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  1. E-GVAP recommends IGS to support PPP strategy with high quality adequate products. The 'real-time' clocks will be interesting future product for using in GPS meteorology. NRT clocks for current needs. NRT GPS ZTD product for NWP Requirements for “Costal real-time GPS network” (next slide) For climate applications, no need for RT/NRT, but to produce the ZTD product with long-term stability, high quality, and reduced diurnal bias, to increase the temporal coverage, to co-locate with radiosonde stations, to increase the sfc met data. Desirable product additions: NRT TEC with short term prediction (Grid or spherical harmonic coefficients and user algorithm), Sub daily EOP, Reference frame with periodical term included Possible improvements: Clocks without discontinuities and to Supply satellite DCB in SP3 Recommendations from “RT/NRT user requirements”

  2. Coastal Real-Time GPS Network NASA Decision Project: GPS-aided Real-Time Earthquake and Tsunami (GREAT) Alert System Technical Requirements: • Network design (~10 km spacing) • Signal frequency (1 Hz) • Data accuracy (< 1 cm) • R/T GPS obits and clocks (10 sec) • Data processing ( 2 min) • GPS-inversion seafloor displacement & tsunami energy estimation (2 min) Logistical Requirements: • International collaboration • Systems integration Existing GDGPS (JPL/NASA) Add into GDGPS

  3. From Historical Tsunamis to GPS Requirements

  4. E-GVAP is very thankful for the services that IGS provides the geodetic community. They are vital to the NRT GPS ZTD product that we use in meteorology. For weather forecasting the GPS ZTD data must be available fast, and of a quality which is both good and does not fluctuate strongly in time. The timeliness issue is important and clearly influences ZTD data quality. E-GVAP and IGS

  5. Conclusions/Recommendations • GPS derived ZTDs are used operationally in Europe • Due to steadily increasing number of operational GPS sites PPP strategy presents a promising outlook for future efficient GPS-meteorology. E-GVAP recommends IGS to support PPP strategy with high quality adequate products. • The 'real-time' clocks will be interesting future product for using in GPS meteorology. • For current needs E-GVAP encourages IGS to deliver clock products in ‘near-real’ time (hourly) till the ‘real-time’ IGS clocks will be available as products with sufficient quality

  6. Summary – quality of IGU prediction • after decommission of satellite G29 (October, 2008) there is no more significant difference in the standard orbit prediction performance. • different pattern of the prediction can be seen during the eclipsing periods. We have to distinguish between satellites of old Block-IIA (fastly degrading) and new Block-IIR (modestly degrading) types. • there are still 14 [15] of old-type satellites active (45%): G01, G03, G04, G05, G06, G08, G09, G10, G24, G25, G26, G27, G30, [G32]. • accuracy codes are in most cases relevant for the prediction, but usually underestimated for Block-IIA during eclipsing periods and at the start of the maintenance periods. • currently 1-9h prediction are at least necessary for NRT/RT usage • shorter prediction will be appreciated especially due to old Block-IIA satellites, but mainly for the NRT/RT (global) PPP applications. • Relevant question to AC’s:how simply they can provide the orbits upgraded every 3h (+2h delay ?) with the same quality as of today ? • (Even higher update rate could be requested for the PPP solutions).

  7. Future Needs Recommendations on improving future IGS products • To continuously produce the ZTD product and maintain its long-term stability and high quality • To reduce diurnal biases in the ZTD product • To improve and increase sfc-met data • To co-locate with radiosonde stations • To increase the spatial and temporal coverage

  8. Desirable Product Addition/Upgrade Possible Improvements • Clocks without discontinuities (done already?) • Supply satellite DCB in SP3 • NRT TEC with short term prediction in form of grid or spherical harmonic coefficients with a good user algorithm recovering correction values at arbitrary points • Sub daily EOP will improve single epoch or short session (seconds to hours) applications • Reference frame with well known periodical term included

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