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Task 6.1 Installing and testing components of the LCG infrastructure to achieve full-scale functionality. V.A. Ilyin. CERN-INTAS 03-52-4297, 25 June, 2006, Dubna. RuTier2 Cluster. Conception: Cluster of institutional computing centers with Tier2 functionality
Task 6.1Installing and testing components of the LCG infrastructure to achieve full-scale functionality V.A. Ilyin CERN-INTAS 03-52-4297, 25 June, 2006, Dubna
RuTier2 Cluster • Conception: • Cluster of institutional computing centers with Tier2 functionality • operating for all four experiments - ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb • Basic functions:analysis; simulations; users data support • plus some Tier1 functions Participating institutes: Moscow ITEP, SINP MSU, RRC KI, LPI, MEPhI… Moscow region JINR, IHEP, INR RAS St.Petersburg PNPI, SPbSU Novosibirsk BINP …
RuTier2 status – WLCG MoU Financing Agencies: Federal Agency on Science and Innovations (FASI) Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) Tier2 Facilities to install in Russia for ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Russia and JINR representatives in C-RRB: Yu.F. Kozlov (FASI) and V.I. Savrin (SINP MSU) for Russia A.N. Sisakian for JINR Representatives in WLCG Collaboration Board: V.A. Ilyin (SINP MSU), alternative V.V. Korenkov (JINR) • WLCG MoU has been delivered to FASI in February 2006. • official approval in Russia in progress (now to agree with Ministry of Finance) • relevant Annexes are prepared (for 2006 corrections are coming) • A6.4 (Computing Capacities – CPU, Disk, Tape, WAN), • A6.5 (Russia as one of the WLCG Operations Centers), • A6.6 (manpower contribution to common WLCG software)
Preliminary summary computing capacities year by year for computing facilities (worked out in the beginning 2005): RuTier2 planning To be corrected
Time milestones for the equipment installation: RuTier2 to the LCG start Understanding to the spring 2006: • 2006: • FASI budget for equipment about 1.7 MEuro (not confirmed yet) about 30% smaller than requested; • JINR budget is not known yet; • plus additional money from internal sources of participating institutes (SINP MSU, RRC KI, PNPI, ITEP and IHEP, …) The equipment status for this year: • the budget to be fixed/known to July-August 2006; • to install in autumn 2006, available for experiments in the end of 2006 • already clear that: no tapes, 1500 KSI2K CPU and 600 TB Disk (25% reduction) • could be further reduction … 2007-2011: budget planning – about 2 MEuro per year for equipment
RuTier2 in the World-Wide Grid RuTier2 Computing Facilities is operated by Russian Data-Intensive Grid (RDIG), we are creating as Russian segment of the European grid infrastructure EGEE http://www.egee-rdig.ru Final draft of WLCG MoU: • RuTier2 sites (institutes) are RDIG-EGEE Resource Centers • Basic grid services are provided by RRC KI, SINP MSU, and JINR • Operational functions are provided by IHEP, ITEP, PNPI and JINR • Regional Certificate Authority and security are supported by RRC KI • User support (Call Center, link to GGUS in FZK) - ITEP RDIG budget (about 1 MEuro per year) 2005-2006: by EU FP6 EGEE (EGEE-II) ~ 50% by FASI (two grid technological projects) and by Rosatom ~ 50% 2007-2008: EGEE-II Contract has been signed recently by EU FP6 FASI and Rosatom budget is under constructive approval
RuTier2: contribution to LCG common software Contribution to the development of grid middleware and application software for common use by WLCG and Experiments. LCG 1st Phase contribution by Russia and JINR: 3 FTE WLCG MoU: Russia 2 FTE, JINR 1 FTE. • Tasks: • Contributions of Experiments to ARDA • Testing of new MW (SA3 activity, partly by CERN-INTAS) • Development of new MW (basically within new CERN-INTAS) • CASTOR - development of massive data storage software • PH/GENSER – library of MC event generators grid enabled • PH/MCDB – MC events data bases grid enabled Visiting budget on 2006-…: Russia 2 FTE approved, JINR 1 FTE approved.
International Connectivity International connectivity for Russian science are based today on 622 Mbps link to GEANT2 (2.5 Gbps from autumn 2006) Moscow (RASNet) – Frankfurt (GEANT2) 5~10~20 Mbyte/s achieved for LCG data transfer in first experiments within Service Challenge activity (SINP, JINR, ITEP) Another channel, within link 2.5 Gigabit/s Moscow - St-Perersburg – Stockholm operated by RUNNet and then to Amsterdam (SURFNet) operated by RBNet (GLORIAD) is available for us too. Now – to test these links for SC4 needs (started with Kors Bos) Connectivity with USA, China, Japan and Korea LCG partners through the GLORIAD: 622 Mbps Chicago-Amsterdam-St-Petersburg-Moscow 155 Mbps Moscow – Novosibirsk – Khabarovsk – Beijing Plans: 2006 622 Mbps – 1 Gbps, 2007 1-2.5-10 Gbps
GÉANT2 Topology (Oct. 2005) November 2005: GEANT2 Point-of-Presence opened in Moscow 2x622++ Mbps
Moscow 1 Gbps (ITEP, RRC KI, SINP MSU, …LPI, MEPhI), IHEP (Protvino) 100 Mbps fiber-optic (plans to have 1 Gigabit/s) JINR (Dubna) 1 Gbps f/o (from December 2005) PNPI (Gatchina) 1 Gbps f/o for LCG (2 Mbps commodity Internet) BINP (Novosibirsk) 45-100 Mbps (GLORIAD++) INR RAS (Troitsk) 10 Mbps commodity Internet, new f/o project to start! SPbSU (S-Peterburg) 1 Gbps (?) REGIONAL CONNECTIVITY 1 Gbps f/o • Our pragmatic goal to 2007: • all RuTier2 sites to have at least 100 Mbps f/o dedicated for network provision of RDIG users, • 1 Gbps dedicated connectivity between basic RDIG sites and 1 Gbps connectivity to EGEE via GEANT2/GLORIAD.
Today Russia LHC experiments work (or planning) with T1s: ALICE - FZK ATLAS - SARA CMS - FZK (CERN?) LHCb - CERN
ARDA+ALICE in 2006 (Russia) At this time we have : VO boxes Appl. software at VO boxes ITEP (Moscow) + IHEP (Protvino) INR (Troitsk) JINR (Dubna) + KI (Moscow) SPtSU (S.Petersburg) Under installation: at PNPI (Gatchina) and SINP (Moscow)
Site CPU (MKSI2K) Disk (TB) Tape (TB) BW to CERN/T1 (Gb/s) USA 513 (285%) 21 (54%) 25 (100%) FZU Prague 60 (100%) 14 (100%) 0 1 RDIG 240 (48%) 10 (6%) 0 1 French T2 130 (146%) 28 (184%) 0 0.6 GSI 100 (100%) 30 (100%) 0 1 U. Muenster 132 (100%) 10 (100%) 0 1 Polish T2* 198 (100%) 7.1 (100%) 0 0.6 Slovakia 25 (100%) 5 (100%) 0 0.6 Total 4232 (134%) 913 (105%) 689 (100%) Tier2s resources available in 2006 Russia ~ 5%
Number of events Number of jobs CPU work [CPU/days] Duration [days] Data [TB] BW [MB/s] 100 M pp 2 M 59,500 18 28 RAW 3 ESD 33 1 M PbPb 1 M 172,000 51 210 RAW 2 ESD 33 Total 3 M 231,500 68 238 RAW 5 ESD 33 What we can do Assuming 85% CPU efficiency Russia ~ 5%
ATLAS in Russia • 8 institutes: ITEP, LPI, MEPhI, SINP (all Moscow), BINP (Novosibirsk), IHEP (Protvino), PNPI (Gatchina) • 5 of them have LCG2 farms with about 340 CPUs in total • At the computing/physics meeting in Protvino (17.01.06) all 8 institutes expressed interest in deploying Russia/ATLAS Tier2 resources
CMS sw installed at RuTier2 LCG-2 sites IHEP:VO-cms-slc3_ia32_gcc323 INR:VO-cms-OSCAR_3_6_5_SLC3_dar, VO-cms-ORCA_8_7_1_SLC3_dar, VO-cms-slc3_ia32_gcc323, VO-cms-ORCA_8_10_1 ; VO-cms-CMKIN_4_4_0_dar ITEP: VO-cms-CMKIN_4_1_0_dar;VO-cms-CMKIN_4_2_0_dar; VO-cms-CMKIN_4_4_0_dar; VO-cms-PU-mu_Hit3653_g133,VO-cms-OSCAR_3_6_5_SLC3_dar; VO-cms-ORCA_8_7_1_SLC3_dar; VO-cms-slc3_ia32_gcc323; VO-cms-ORCA_8_7_5; VO-cms-COBRA_8_5_0 JINR: VO-cms-CMKIN_4_1_0_dar;VO-cms-CMKIN_4_2_0_dar; ; VO-cms-CMKIN_4_4_0_dar; VO-cms-OSCAR_3_6_5_SLC3_dar, VO-cms-ORCA_8_7_1_SLC3_dar; VO-cms-CMKIN_4_4_0_dar; VO-cms-ORCA_8_4_0; VO-cms-COBRA_8_5_0; VO-cms-ORCA_8_7_5;VO-cms-slc3_ia32_gcc323 RRC KI:VO-cms-CMKIN_4_2_0_dar; VO-cms-OSCAR_3_6_5_SLC3_dar; VO-cms-ORCA_8_7_1_SLC3_dar ; VO-cms-slc3_ia32_gcc323; VO-cms-ORCA_8_7_4 SINP MSU: VO-cms-CMKIN_4_4_0_dar;VO-cms-OSCAR_3_6_5_SLC3_dar, VO-cms-ORCA_8_7_1_SLC3_dar, VO-cms-PU-mu_Hit3653_g133; VO-cms-ORCA_8_7_5; VO-cms-slc3_ia32_gcc323;VO-cms-COBRA_8_5_0;
Usage of CPU resources at Russian Tier2 during October, 2005 – March, 2006 CMS jobs at Russian Tier2 sites (October, 2005 – March, 2006): PNPI – 30%, ITEP – 27%, JINR - 15%, SINP MSU – 13 %, INR – 9%, IHEP – 5%, RRC KI - 1%
Current status of LHCb in Russia Russian distributed Tier-2 cluster permanently participates in LHCb activities (~35% of CPU in Russia) Computing centers: IHEP (Protvino), INR (Troitsk), ITEP (Moscow), PNPI (St.Petersburg), SINP MSU (Moscow), JINR (Dubna) Massive MC production (Data Challenges) – became a routine task, going on with a minimal intervention from site managers (via LCG resources or in pure DIRAC mode)