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< Zurich Julia Users Group

< Zurich Julia Users Group. Meetup 1 @Stamford Consultants – Meeting Room 2nd Floor 22nd May 2014. Agenda. Welcome and Introduction (20’) Who are you ? How are you using Julia ? What do you expect from this group ? Organisation of the group (15’)

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< Zurich Julia Users Group

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  1. <Zurich Julia Users Group Meetup 1 @Stamford Consultants – Meeting Room2ndFloor 22nd May 2014

  2. Agenda • Welcome andIntroduction (20’) • Who areyou? • Howareyouusing Julia? • What do youexpectfromthisgroup? • Organisation of thegroup (15’) • Wheredoes Julia comefrom? (5’) • Short Intro to Julia (30’) • Select thelocation, datesandtopicsforthenextmeetings (15’)

  3. Welcome andIntroduction • Dominik Holenstein • CRM & Reporting Business Analyst @ 3M • VBA (Excel), C#, NLP++ (new), Julia (new), MATLAB (verynew), (R) • Reading, programming, Mathematicalfinance, Natural Language Processing • Why Julia? • A newprogrmaminglanguage, couriosity • «MATLAB-like» syntax / MATLAB istoo expensive • NEW with MATLAB 2014a: Personal Edition availablefor SFr. 160.- • Fasterthan R • Background of the Julia inventors (research, technicalcomputing)

  4. What do youexpectfromthisgroup? • Best practice • Tips & tricks • Whatworks, what not? • Interestingprojects • New projectideas • Freshmindsandideas

  5. Organization of the Group • Meetupfrequency: Bi-weekly, monthly … • Day of theweek: Fix or flexible? • Place • Stamford Consultants • Irchel Campus of the University • Organizers • Dominik • Who else? • Communication in English

  6. Let’sstartwith Julia

  7. The Julia Language http://julialang.org/

  8. Julia Binariesand IDEs • Download andinstallthebinaries • http://julialang.org/downloads/ • Currentstableversion (May 2014): v0.2.1 • Choose an IDE (bothareavailablefor Linux/OSX/WIN) • JuliaStudiobyforio(theone I am using) • http://forio.com/products/julia-studio/download/ • Based on Qt • LightTable • http://www.lighttable.com/ • Based on theClojure (JVM) • A veryinterestingapproach, it’sworthtogiveit a try

  9. Julia Docs The Julia Manual: http://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.2/manual/ The Julia Standard Library: http://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.2/stdlib/ Available Packages: http://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.2/packages/packagelist/

  10. Julia Community Google Groups • julia-users • julia-dev • julia-stats • julia-opt Veryfriendlyandno questionistoobasic . We use GitHub to track our source code and for tracking and discussing issues and commits. There is also a list of packages for Julia, many of which are also hosted on and developed using GitHub.

  11. Wheredoes Julia comefrom?

  12. The Creators of Julia Jeff Bezanson Stefan Karpinski Viral Shah Alan Edelman MIT studentsandresearchers

  13. «Whywecreated Julia» Open Source Easy toinstall Speed of C Macros like Lisp Mathematicalnotation like MATLAB Compiled Dynamism like Ruby Linux / OSX / WIN Easy tolearn Keep hackers happy Interactive Statistics like R String processing like Perl Linear Algebra like in MATLAB Gluingprogramstogether like in a shell Liberal licence (MIT)

  14. Somenoteworthyfeatures

  15. Julia Benchmark (Table) C performance = 1.0, smallerisbetter

  16. Julia Benchmark (Chart)

  17. Fast NumericComputation • Devectorizeespressions – theoppositeto MATLAB • Mergecomputationsinto a singleloop • Write cache-friendlycode • Avoidcreatingarrays in loops • Use BLAS

  18. JuliaCon – June 26 and27 in Chicago http://juliacon.org/ The first-ever Julia conference will take place June 26 and 27 (Thursday and Friday) at the University of Chicago Gleacher Center in Chicago, Illinois. Expect two days of cutting-edge technical talks, a chance to rub shoulders with Julia's creators, and a weekend in a city known for its beautiful lakefront and world-class architecture.

  19. Google Summer of Code 2014 Julia has been accepted as a Google Summer of Code mentoring organization. The following are ideas for student summer projects. Standardizeddatasetpackaging Native Julia solvers for ordinary differential equations Julia wrappers for high performance GPU programming Native Julia implementations of iterative solvers for numerical linear algebra Matrix functions Fixed-size arrays with SIMD support Native Julia implementations of massively parallel dense linear algebra routines Light Table integration

  20. Julia Jump Start

  21. Topics • Vectors, Matrices, Arrays • Simple Calculations • Functions • Devectorization • Types http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/julia/

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