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教学研究心得选讲. 讲课质量. 30.08.2014. 讲清物理本质. 适当分离数学 ( 数学帮助物理 ). 理清思想脉络. 抓住问题要害. 关于集成教学. 提高学生兴趣. 讲清物理本质. 24.4 Potential barrier. In classical case, only particle of energy higher than U 0 can go over the barrier. But for waves,. For microscopic particles,. barrier. well. 适当分离数学.

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  1. 教学研究心得选讲 讲课质量 30.08.2014.

  2. 讲清物理本质 适当分离数学(数学帮助物理) 理清思想脉络 抓住问题要害 关于集成教学 提高学生兴趣

  3. 讲清物理本质

  4. 24.4 Potential barrier In classical case, only particle of energy higher than U0 can go over the barrier.

  5. But for waves,

  6. For microscopic particles, barrier well

  7. 适当分离数学

  8. (for example, ) or Equation of motion is 6.6 Damped harmonic motion

  9. (only damping) For equation Scheme 1

  10. Scheme 2 What function after derivation is itself (apart from a numerical factor)? What function after derivation is an exponent (apart from a numerical factor)?

  11. A trial solution

  12. Substituting into equation of motion yields valid for arbitrary t

  13. 数学帮助物理

  14. Cycloidal motion in crossed electric and magnetic field the stronger B, the more localized the charge, the stronger E, the more mobile the charge.

  15. The charge conducts a UCM in certain reference system S' (and meanwhile moves with S' ). S' moves relative to S with velocity u (we don’t know yet) For v << c , E << cB, Galilean transformation is valid. In S system E + u × B = 0

  16. E + u × B = 0

  17. For same u, we have In the relativistic case

  18. 抓住问题要害

  19. 教学必须抓住本质、揭示本质,只有对事物的本质有深刻的理解才能找到最好的表达方式,才能不误人子弟。教学必须抓住本质、揭示本质,只有对事物的本质有深刻的理解才能找到最好的表达方式,才能不误人子弟。 任何有碍于对本质理解的做法都是不可取的。 热闹的场面,不恰当的比喻,肤浅的形象化,牵强附会不着边际的类比等等往往是对本质的损害。 为了追求生动或课堂气氛不加斟酌随手、随口的举动时有发生。

  20. 物理内容 Rutherford scattering back scattering (10–4 to 10–3) nuclear model statistics

  21. 理清思想脉络

  22. 对于历史上的发现、发明应该讲清其原创性和时代背景。使得学生不但学习了科学内容还能够在科学思维、方法论方面有所收益。对于历史上的发现、发明应该讲清其原创性和时代背景。使得学生不但学习了科学内容还能够在科学思维、方法论方面有所收益。 • 罗列事实与结论的同时,多讲思想脉络 • 强调形象化的同时,注意抽象思维的培养

  23. 关于集成教学

  24. 区分孤立知识点和可整合知识点(其划分很大程度上取决于教师个人的背景) 。可以集成一些知识点使之成为案例,表达一定的思想,这些思想应该是学生难以从书本获得、是当知识点已经遗忘而仍然能够留存下来的东西。

  25. 案 例 4.4 Kepler problem and *scattering Chapter 7 Oscillation 17.3 + Example 18.4+18.4 Relativity of E and B 25.4 (fine structure—Lyman -split) 27.5 Specific heat of solids 27.5 (Drude’s discovery) 29.4 Mössbauer effect

  26. Case 1 Kepler problem simulation to research process 在研究工作中如何获取和处理信息、处理好数学和物理的关系、不断调整研究步骤、深入理解结果的意义、扩大成果等等。 “研究中得到的一系列成果比原始问题更重要是一种普遍现象。哥伦布最初只是想找一条去印度的新路,结果意外的收获是他发现了新大陆。” ——丁肇中

  27. Case 2 Chapter 7 Oscillation Finding essential things out!

  28. Case 2 In simple harmonic oscillation basic In coupled oscillation essential may lead to numerous solutions, but not essential. though different In damped oscillation what is essential?

  29. Case 2 In damped oscillation Qessential Damping causes energy flow to medium In Forced oscillation under friction Resonance phenomena more concerned Nonlinear oscillation ?

  30. Case 3 Case 3 E and B independent?

  31. Case 4 Case 4 25.4 fine structure—Lyman -split

  32. Spin is an intrinsic angular momentum. It is never associated with angular coordinates. How the spin interprets the fine structure?

  33. Case 4 In electron system

  34. Case 4 model experiment The following effects not considered yet: relativistic correction to kinetic energy relativistic transformation of EM field

  35. Case 5 Case 5 Creative work?

  36. Case 5 0 0 0 27.5 Specific heat of solids Dulong-Petit’s law, wE, Einstein, phonon, wD, Cut-off, Debye,

  37. Case 5 Which is creative work? Which is only good work?

  38. Case 5 Electron’s contribution, free electron model Coulomb interaction, many-body effect

  39. Case 6 A great theory includes 3 mistakes

  40. Case 6 27.5 Drude (1900) discovered Wiedemann-Franz law (1853)

  41. Case 6 Exact result is 27.5 Drude (1900) discovered 科学教育不说教,展示事实让学生自行判断、自己得出结论。

  42. Case 7 Order of magnitude is important!

  43. Case 7 29.4 Mössbauer effect resonance absorption the recoil of atom: Resonance can not take place

  44. Case 7 We may estimate that Eg~ eV,mc2 ~ 931MeV×A But the excited states have finite lifetime. the excited statet~ 10 –8s, DE·t ~ h (~ 10 –15eV · s) level width DE ~ 10 –7eV >> 2EA

  45. Case 7 So resonance is still possible.

  46. Case 7 Nuclear level spacing or corresponding gphoton energy MeV, or at least Eg ~ 105eV Similar mass, EA ~ eV Lifetimet~ 10 –10s Width of level DE ~ 10 –5eV

  47. Case 7 So resonance is impossible.

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