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Combining Energy from Waste and Concentrated Solar Power: New Solutions for Sustainable Energy Generation. H. SPLIETHOFF, N. KAEDING, M.J. MURER Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme E. ALONSO-HERRANZ, O. GOHLKE Martin GmbH. Basic concept. +. =. higher efficiency economical savings
Combining Energy from Waste and Concentrated Solar Power: New Solutions for Sustainable Energy Generation H. SPLIETHOFF, N. KAEDING, M.J. MURER Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme E. ALONSO-HERRANZ, O. GOHLKE Martin GmbH
Basic concept + = • higher efficiency • economical savings • increased power production • more clean, CO2-free power
Contents Introduction Option 1: EfW + solar water and air preheating Option 2: EfW + solar superheating Option 3: EfW + solar combined power Conclusions
Overview CSP technologies • CSP = Concentrated Solar Power parabolic trough fresnel collector solar tower dish-Stirling system
Typical parabolic trough plant (SEGS VI) G 380°C 100 bar 380°C 20 bar • Electrical efficiency ~ 20% • Live steam temperature limited by thermooil stability • Thermal storage up to 7 hours • 6 steam extractions for feed water preheating collector field
State of the art EfW G G new generation EfW 60 MWth(HRC Amsterdam) standard EfW 60 MWth 380°C 40 bar 440°C 130 bar 320°C 14 bar EfW EfW • Electrical efficiency ~ 20% • Live steam temperature limited by corrosion • Electrical efficiency ~ 30%
Approximate costs [ million €/MWel] Combined cycle natural gas: 0.4 Coal: 1 EfW: 3-10 Concentrated solar power (CSP): 5
Methods G Solar radiation over the year Source: NREL Matlab programme losses a Waste input collector Heat transferred to steam over the year Simulation power plant (IpsePro) Power output over the year
I: Regenerative feed water and air preheating G EfW 130°C
I: Regenerative feed water and air preheating G EfW 130°C low temperature solar support by means of standard flat plate collectors (Tmax~150°C)?
I: Sunny day G EfW 130°C
I: Operation at night G EfW 130°C
Produced electrical energy 100% solar preheating on the sunniest day
A ~ 7500 m2 A ~ 7500 m2 EfW + flat plate collector preheating + solar preheating to 130°C with standard flat plate collectors Location South Spain
Gate fee for rentability without solar subsidies 27 ct/kWh solar subsidies
G EfW + solar superheating EfW high temperature solar support by means of solar direct superheating (Tmax~420°C)?
Gate fee for rentability without solar subsidies 27 ct/kWh solar subsidies
A ~ 7500 m2 EfW + solar superheating + turbine
Variant 1: Standard EfW plant + combined solar power 380°C 40 bar G G 380°C 100 bar 380°C 20 bar EfW collector field
Variant 1: Standard EfW plant + combined solar power 380°C 40 bar 380°C 40 bar 380°C 100 bar G G EfW collector field
Variant 1: „Electrical efficiency“ and electrical yield solar field overdimensioned
G G Variant 2: new generation EfW solar combined power 380°C 100 bar 380°C 20 bar 440°C 100 bar 440°C 40 bar EfW collector field
G Variant 2: new generation EfW solar combined power 380°C 100 bar 380°C 20 bar 440°C 130 bar 320 °C 14 bar G EfW collector field Combination of new generation EfW with a solar power plant (common power block HP and LP-turbine)
EfW + combined solar power A ~ 7500 m2 +
Conclusions (1) EfW + solar preheating with flat plate collectors: A ~15000 m2; electrical yield + 10 kWh/t waste retrofiting of existing EfW plants possible it is only cost-effective in case of high solar subsidies EfW + solar superheating with CSP technology to 420°C: A ~7.500 m2; „electrical efficency“ +0.3 points; electrical yield +15 kWh/t waste turbine operation limits must be considered
Conclusions (1) EfW + solar combined power with CSP technology: the combination with a new generation EfW plant with reheating shows a bigger potential due to the similar steam cycles. In this case the whole power block can be combined. for a 50-50 combination a collector area of ~ 80.000 m2 would be necessary. „Electrical efficiency“ ~ +2 points; electrical yield +200 kWh/t waste; Cost reduction by combination Further studies: Compensate load changes Thermal storage
state of the art of CSP 8000 MW Installed and planned solar thermal plants worldwide
USA commercial planned ^SEGS = Solar Electric Generating System
Spain commercial planned contract
definitions Produced electrical energy „Electrical efficiency“ of the plant Electrical yield of the plant
energy recovery According to the Directive of the European Parlament and of the Council on Waste Energy efficiency definition R1 > 0.65 recovery plant Ep: annual energy produced = 2.6 x electricity + 1.1 x heat (GJ/year) Ef: annual energy input from fuels contributing to the production of steam (GJ/year) Ew: annual energy in waste calculated using the lower net calorific value of the waste (GJ/year) (0.97 factor for bottom ash and radiation losses) Ei: annual energy imported excluding Ew and Ef (GJ/year)
R1 calculation R1 (solar Q is Ei): in the current equation the solar heat input is included in Ei and reduces the R1 R1 (solar Q is not Ei): if the solar heat input is not considered the R1 can be increased by means of solar support
Location dependence California Egypt Spain Saudi Arabia