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Under GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) expenses must be recorded in the period in which they occurred.
This applies to grants also.
Last check run in June June 26, 2014 Must be physically received Must have a valid invoice Must be received in Banner
Last check run of the fiscal year July 7, 2014. Physically received on or before June 30, 2014 The invoice must be dated June 30, 2014 or before The receiving transaction date must be June 30, 2014 or before
Received date must be June 30, 2014 or before B00800020 Dell
Received date must be June 30, 2014 or before
Order Date 5/7/2014 Ordered 14
Invoice Date 6/27/2014 7 shipped
Order on time, May 7, 2014 Physically received on June 26, 2014 The invoice dated is June 27, 2014 The receiving transaction date in Banner is June 27, 2014 Which year should it be paid from 2013-2014 or the 2014-2015?
Invoice Date July 1, 2014 Second 7 shipped
Order on time, May 7, 2014 Physically received on June 30, 2014 The invoice dated is July 1, 2014 The receiving transaction date in Banner is June 30, 2014 Which year should it be paid from 2013-2014 or the 2014-2015?
Accounts Payable makes twelve payments per year on monthly payments. Examples: Canon and Cintas Example of a standing PO to see the invoices paid is Office Depot
Go to FGIENCDtosee payments on a purchase order.
Items purchased Balance of PO
Balance of PO $25.05
If you go to “Help” Then “Extract Data No Key” Then “Open” You can extract your data into an EXCEL spreadsheet.
You must be setting in the last block to EXTRACT the data.
Drawer & Scanner ICEI means AP took out the invoice and reentered it CNEI means the check had to be void
Type in your index Then next block When you set in the first column you will see Encumbrances, Budget, & Expenses When you set in the YTD column you will see only Expenses
Select “Options” then select “Transaction Detail Information” (FGIFRND)
When you set in the first column you can see encumbrances, budget, & expenses.
When you set in the YTD column you will see only expenses.
To extract data into EXCEL select “Help” & select “Extract Data No Key”
Select “Open”
Travel If the trip is completed please turn in your TR-1’s ASAP. If the trip will cross the fiscal year the expenses up through June 30 must be turn in by July 3, 2014. Under GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) expenses that will cross the fiscal year must be recorded in the period in which they occurred.
For example the trip is from June 27 to July 3. You will need to turn in a TR-1 for June 27 to June 30. Travel Office will accept copies of receipts and the TR-1. When the traveler returns from their trip then they should turn in the original receipts plus a second TR-1 for July 1 to July 3.
Rolling PO’s Must notify Accounts Payable and/or the Travel Office in writing if you want a PO to roll Standing PO’s do not roll Normally when a PO is rolled the budget does NOT roll with it
The credit card logs from June 16 to June 30 are due in to the Travel Office by noon July 3.
Reminder Conference Agendas must be attached to the TR-1
Bad excuses Please roll the PO because there is not enough funds to pay the invoice in this fiscal year Please roll the PO because the traveler is not on campus to complete their TR-1 Please roll the PO because I don’t have time to mess with it, I’m getting ready for …. Please roll the PO because I was on vacation the last week of June and/or the first week in July It was to late to do PO’s (call Marcia and/or Cassandra)
Come the first of July-Bad excuses There wasn’t enough funds in the budget to pay to create a PO I thought that was paid last year I thought since it was a grant it would roll I thought since the date of the travel was in the new fiscal year the PO would roll