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Cults : THE METHODOLOGY OF CONTROL. by Matthew James Sonday. What is a cult?. According to dictionary.com, the word “cult” can refer to: “1. a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
Cults:THE METHODOLOGY OF CONTROL by Matthew James Sonday
What is a cult? • According to dictionary.com, the word “cult” can refer to: • “1. a particular system of religious worship, especiallywithreferenceto its rites and ceremonies. • 2. an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult. • 3. the object of such devotion. • 4. a group or sect bound together by veneration of thesamething, person, ideal, etc. • 5. Sociology . a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacredsymbols. “ • (Source: dictionary.com definitions for “cult”) • To most people, the term “cult” carries a connotation of deception, manipulation, and control.
Types of Cults • Cults can come in several types, including: • Religious • Commercial • Self-Help/Counseling • Political
How do cults recruit members? • They frequently appear as neutral or benign organizations, often working through front groups which do not set off as much suspicion. • The process generally is centered on befriending, and then mentoring, newcomers, allowing them to develop an affinity for the cult’s system. • Cult recruiters are likely to see themselves as altruistic – doing this for the future recruits’ own good. • Some warning signs of a cult are hyped meetings, insane pressure (e.g. calling repeatedly), and informing the would-be recruit that they are not a cult.
SOME IMPORTANT POINTS • Cults do not force people to join, but they are not above pressuring people into signing up voluntarily. • The cult’s recruitment processes are carried out in such a way that onlookers would be none the wiser. • Generally, the would-be recruit is not aware of the cult’s true intentions. • (Source: http://www.ex-cult.org/fwbo/CofC.htm#market)
How do cults control their members? • Cults make use of many methods to control their members. Among these methods: • Exclusivism – Cults will often convince members that they can only obtain salvation/financial success by staying with the cult. • Guilt/Character Assassinations/Breaking Sessions – These are used to coerce obedience, declaring that the member targeted is not doing what he is supposed to or has other character flaws. • “The walls have ears” – Members are frequently encouraged to keep an eye on, and report on, one another. • Information control – Cults may try to filter out any information that contradicts their system or criticizes them. • “Love bombing” – Cults often arrange for recruits to meet apparently friendly people, with the idea that the recruit will stay to avoid losing his new friends, while at the same time cutting him off from old friends or family. • Source: http://www.howcultswork.com/
WARNING SIGNS • Cults will often exhibit one or more of the following characteristics: • Led by a single, charismatic individual. • Members constantly seem positive or optimistic. • They are deceptive or evasive about their teachings. • They declare their system to be the only true way to improve yourself/achieve financial success/go to Heaven. • Focus on experience rather than on reason. • Members are told who they can or cannot associate with.
Sources(Sites I Used) • http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cult • http://www.rickross.com/reference/general/general431.html • http://www.howcultswork.com/ • http://www.ex-cult.org/fwbo/CofC.htm#market