Chinese Kites by Molly Gladstone
History • Chinese kites were made first in Wei Fang. Wei Fang is a modern city with many traditions. The city has about a million inhabitants, and is situated in Shandong, the most easterly province of China. Wei Fang is known from ancient times, and has a rich history and culture of over a 1,000 years. Kites from Wei Fang are amongst the best ones in China.
First Kite • During the Spring-Autumn-Period and the period of the Warring Empires (475-221 v.u.Z), 2,300 years ago, the first kite was developed in the providence of Shandong. The book of Hong Shu tells us, that sometime later the master of joinery named Lu Ban, had been building another Wooden-Black-Eard-Kite that had been used as reconnaissance device above the ancient city of Song Cheng.
How Kites Were Made • The first description of kites made of bamboo frames covered by paper and silk, originate from Tang Dynasty (618-907 o.o.t). Today’s quality kites sometimes constructed according to these historic patterns mimicking a living bird when landing.