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Induction Programme for Secondary NQTs – MFL ( NT001F) 13 th March 2012 (session 2) Winchester

Induction Programme for Secondary NQTs – MFL ( NT001F) 13 th March 2012 (session 2) Winchester. Ben Shaw AST Oaklands Catholic Comprehensive School; Lisa Travers, Leading MFL Teacher, Portchester Community School; Jo Rhys-Jones County Inspector/Adviser for Languages.

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Induction Programme for Secondary NQTs – MFL ( NT001F) 13 th March 2012 (session 2) Winchester

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  1. Induction Programme for Secondary NQTs – MFL(NT001F) 13th March 2012 (session 2)Winchester Ben Shaw AST Oaklands Catholic Comprehensive School; Lisa Travers, Leading MFL Teacher, Portchester Community School; Jo Rhys-Jones County Inspector/Adviser for Languages

  2. Jo Rhys-Jones: Flipped Learning …and a bit of behaviour management!

  3. Has teaching really changed? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHzTUYAOkPM&feature=related

  4. So what’s the real secret? • The lesson starts BEFORE you get in. • You can be autocratic or democratic – but always be consistent. • The devil makes work for idle hands... • Care – and SHOW you care. • Mark work & give feedback. • Expect the best. Insist on the best. Follow-up on the best. • Teaching is an ACT

  5. David Starkey on Jamie’s Dream School http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWuCmygvJa0&feature=related • Engagement? • Challenge? • Personalisation? • Motivation? • Child Psychology?

  6. The Flipped or Investigative Approach to Language Learning

  7. means....getting THEM to do the work!

  8. Personal Learning & Thinking Skills in the Languages Classroom • Isabelle Jones, Head of Languages, The Radclyffe School, Oldham • Twitter: @icpjones http://twitter.com/icpjones • My Languages Blog http://isabellejones.blogspot.com • PLTS in MFL Wiki http://pltsinmfl.wikispaces.com

  9. Lesson Objectives How are these examples of the word ‘objectives’ different? Which do your school use? • Look at the specific skills required to do well the Speaking Controlled Assessment • Identify and use “interesting” phrases to improve the range of the language used • SEAL objectives: Motivation (red) • I will monitor and evaluate my own work • I will set challenges and targets for myself and celebrate when I achieve them

  10. But ‘Flipped’ Learning is even more than that: Sugata Mitra http://www.ted.com/talks/sugata_mitra_the_child_driven_education.html

  11. How can a teacher be more like a ‘grandmother’? RACE: First group to find 3 ways to do this...

  12. Zoo Keeper Challenge.... You have been given a summer holiday job in a zoo.... The zoo keeper has asked you to put the Latin labels on the animals’ enclosures. The English labels are already in place, so all you have to do is match them up..... Easy!

  13. camelus dromedarius felis tigris hippopotamus amphibius panthera leo falco aesalon canis lupus ursus americanus erethizon dorsatum (This means, “I have a back that irritates”)

  14. Now for an animal of your own... • Choose two of the animals you have just learned the names of in Latin. • Your job is to invent a long Latin name for each animal, and also a common name in English, which is easy to remember. Here is an example: Scientific name:Feles Ruber Cauda Brevis Common name:Short-tailed red cat You will need to use the correct word order:animal-adjective- body part - adjective. Don’t forget to draw a picture of each animal!

  15. Flippedstrategies for developing PLTS through MFL • Use mystery pictures • Use links between pictures: and, but • Compare pictures : use comparative, because • Say what happened before • Say what might happen afterwards/next/later • Read/Listen to clues to identify one specific • picture

  16. Slide from Isabelle Jones Points forts et Points faibles L’alcool: C’est relaxant mais c’est cher Le jeu Le tabac Plus … que (more … than) Moins … que (less … than) Aussi … que (as… as) La drogue L’alcool: C’est plusrelaxantque le jeu mais c’est aussicher que le tabac

  17. http://classtools.net/ - slide from Isabelle Jones Diamond nine cards.doc

  18. Pourquoi pas?  Choose and write one on a post-it 1. Parcequeça sent mauvais 2. Parcequec’estdégoûtant 3. Parcequeçadonne le cancer 4. Parcequeça cause des crises cardiaques 5. Parcequec’est facile de devenirdépendant 6. Parcequec’esttropcher 7. Parcequec’est du gaspillage 8. Parcequec’estdifficiled’arrêter 9. Parcequec’estillégal 10.Parce quec’estdangereux 11.Parce quec’estmauvais pour le foie 12.Parce queça fait grossir/ ça coupe l’appétit 13.Parce cequec’estmauvais pour la santé

  19. L’alcool, le tabacou les drogues? Le tabac L’alcool Les drogues

  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LXaSFgVxGs Je viens de làoù... (or Oldelaf le cafe or etc...)

  21. What our students are learning…. Enthusiasm Collaboration Cooperation Planning Patience Team work Problem Solving Confidence Sharing Success Group work Negotiation Leadership Tolerance Creativity Exploration Trust Research Presentation Imagination Resilience Aesthetics Focus Detail Flexibility Acceptance Reflection Synthesis Enjoyment Relationships Interpersonal skills Problem Solving Connectedness Visual literacy Critical literacy Information literacy Higher order thinking Commitment Time management Goal setting Respect Dealing with adults Learning community New language Enquiry Lifelong learning Expression Being adaptable Understanding audience Understanding purpose Relevance Technology skills Initiative Risk taking A love of learning These are valid objectives too!

  22. How can we make the best use of ICT? • Flickrhttp://www.flickr.com • Tag galaxy http://taggalaxy.de/ • French Google http://www.google.fr • Spanish Google http://www.google.es

  23. Why use ICT? To develop cultural awareness, we need to give pupils the opportunity to: ‘work with authentic materials in the target language, including some from ICT-based sources (for example … books, video, satellite TV, texts from the Internet)’

  24. https://hampshirelanguages.wikispaces.com/(cross-phase)http://mflhampshire.wikispaces.com/(brand new for KS3/4/5)wikispaces to disseminate information, courses, latest news and eventsand can be edited by you!We also have a moodle and a traditional website for use by Hampshire teachers

  25. Online support for teachers: • http://teacher.scholastic.com/newteacher/ free, resources, lesson plans, helpline specifically for new teachers • http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/professionaldevelopment/induction/ statutory guidance for induction • http://www.teachersupport.info/england/ individualised support & advice from bullying to debt to work/life balance • http://www.mflresources.org.uk/ invaluable sources of free teacher made lessons & resources with forum for requests

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