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MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - BelgacomHelder Carvalho. 2. NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report. Result of NAVSHP Coordination Group 1 - CG1, DRM, chaired by Leonardo ChiariglioneEight FP6 Projects:IP: MEDIANET ENTHRONE STREP: TIRAMISU DANAE WCAM mCDNSSA:
1. NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report NAVSHP DRM Coordination Group 1 - DRM
2. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 2 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report Result of NAVSHP Coordination Group 1 - CG1, DRM, chaired by Leonardo Chiariglione
Eight FP6 Projects:
FP5 Project Elin
3. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 3 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report Three meetings of CG1 organized during 2004:
Barcelona (7th June 2004)
Palma de Mallorca (24th October 2004)
Nice (2nd December 2004)
Procedure in place to review different DRM requirements that were brought to the meetings as contributions. In the end:
19 active contributors
Comments received and integrated from 6 other persons
Documented edited by Miguel Dias/MEDIANET
Integration of the said contributions, achieved after consensus has been reached as a result of various collaborative sessions over the Internet
First draft:
Published on 10th February 2005 (endorsed by the New Media Council)
Comments from entities not part of the NAVSHP/CG1 process have been received and reviewed at:
Brussels (25th May 2005)
2nd Draft published on 13th September 2005 at IBC05
Toulouse (27th October 2005)
Final version published on 28th October 2005 available at: http://www.ist-avista.org/cg1.php
4. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 4 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report Aim of the document:
Capturing and identifying the DRM requirements that are shared across 8 NAVSHP projects plus 1 FP5 project
Other constituencies involved as authors: European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and INTEL
Comments received and incorporated from other external parties:
International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI)
Motion Picture Association (MPA),
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF),
Bureau Europen des Consommateurs (BEUC)
5. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 5 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report To the authors knowledge this is the first set of DRM requirements developed at the European level with a broad participation and publication after it has been available for comments on the Internet
All efforts have been made to incorporate comments coming from the different sources
However, the authors do not claim to have been able to accommodate them in their entirety because of time constraints and difficulty of interpretation
6. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 6 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report DRM has many dimensions - technical, business, legal - and it is a complex subject
What the document is:
Brings together new knowledge reflecting the common view of the NAVSHP R&D projects and other constituencies on:
the requirements for the future interoperable DRM technologies and toolkits in the European Audio-Visual sector
Understands the need for DRM systems to achieve a certain business goal:
Identifies, for the first time, the list of requirements for the DRM tools that DRM technology developers will use when, designing a targeted DRM system
7. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 7 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report What this document is not:
A universally complete and definitive list of DRM Requirements, that shares the understanding of all the relevant stakeholders in the European Audio-Visual Sector
The official views and position of the European Union with respect to DRM for the European Audio-visual Sector
Document does not discuss policy, but non-technical issues are there to bind the limits of the technical requirements
8. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 8 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report Currently distributed to:
all the experts invited to the New Media Council meetings
all the project representatives involved in the CG1
all the stakeholders of the Audio-visual sector
the general public, upon its availability in the http://www.ist-avista.org/cg1.php (AVISTA) site
The document has been finalised (28 October 2005)
9. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 9 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report Requirements sub-division (I) Total of 97 DRM requirements
Business and Market Requirements:25
Technological Requirements:64
Socio-Economic Requirements: 8
10. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 10 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report Requirements sub-division (II) Business and Market Requirements: 25
Efficient use control: 3
Motivating obedience: 22
11. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 11 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report Requirements sub-division (III) Technological Requirements: 64
Closing loopholes: 7
Security and Integrity: 14
Monitoring: 3
Traceability: 5
Interoperability: 13
Rights Holder Identification: 4
Content and Rights: 4
Versatility: 2
Accessibility: 2
Non-Restrictiveness: 6
Simplicity: 3
Scalability of Content: 1
12. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 12 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report Requirements sub-division (IV) Socio-Economic Requirements: 8
Affordability: 2
Privacy: 5
Legal Requirements according to the EU: 1
13. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 13 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report The actual implementation of the requirements depends in the use case implementation, the business context and the regulatory and legal environment
a particular DRM system is typically built to achieve a business objective that may have little in common with the objectives of another
Requirements are for DRM system tools
Instead of shall/should/must/may, requirements should be expressed as: there is a need to give the DRM system the ability to
14. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 14 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report Example of a Business and Market requirement
Motivating obedience (22)
To motivate users to follow regulation, respect licensed usage rights and pay royalties, DRM tools shall have the following requirements
15. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 15 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report Example of a Technological requirement
Closing loopholes (7)
16. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 16 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report Example of a Socio-Economic requirement
Privacy (5)
17. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 17 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report Restrictions on Requirements Restrictions on Requirements
Unidirectional channels
Non-identifiable end-devices
Non-identifiable customers
Streamed content
18. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 18 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report Restrictions on Requirements Restrictions on non-identifiable end-devices
19. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 19 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements ReportConclusion Report Provides:
Guidelines from the technological point of view and represents the common NAVHSP Know-How on DRM Requirements
A set of requirements that DRM tools should support.
In general it does not provide requirements for DRM systems:
Designed having in mind different requirements for particular businesses and for different value chain stakeholders
20. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 20 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report Comments on this document have been solicited
Report has benefited from the comments and review of a number of individuals from different sectors:
broadcasters association (EBU)
hardware vendors (INTEL)
audio-visual content industry (MPA, IFPI)
user associations (BEUC, EFF)
21. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 21 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements ReportConclusion The authors recommend that this report be brought to the attention of all EU-funded projects related to digital media
More work is needed, e.g. in the areas of social and business requirements, compliance and governance.
The authors hope is that, with further work, this document may reach the status of DRM Requirements reference for all EU-funded projects on digital media
22. MediaNet Workshop and Demo Day November 23rd, 2005 Brussels - Belgacom
Helder Carvalho 22 NAVSHP (FP6) DRM Requirements Report
I want to thank you for your attention
Helder Carvalho