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WebSQL: Efficient Search Engine Indexing and Querying

Learn about WebSQL, a SQL-like language for searching the WWW, its dynamic architecture, efficient path expressions, and content refinement queries. Find lecture notes on trees in a data structures course with examples.

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WebSQL: Efficient Search Engine Indexing and Querying

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  1. The WWW as a Database:WWW Query Languages Curtis Dyreson James Cook University (Townsville, Australia) Aalborg University

  2. Outline • searching the WWW • search engines • WWW query languages • WebSQL • WWW graph • cost • Jumping Spider • hybrid

  3. Searching the WWW • search engines • Altavista, Infoseek, 2100 others! • static architecture • robot: periodic, slow, non-uniform coverage • index: keywords to URLs, fast, ranking algorithm • example query Lecture notes on trees in a data structures course.

  4. A Search Engine Index

  5. A Search Engine Index data structures

  6. A Search Engine Index data structures lecture notes

  7. A Search Engine Index trees data structures lecture notes

  8. A Search Engine Index trees data structures lecture notes

  9. A Search Engine Index trees data structures lecture notes

  10. WWW Query Languages • search engines index single pages • multi-page concepts • hunting strategy • search engine to nearby page • manual search • WWW query languages WebSQL, W3QS, WebLog

  11. WWW Graph Structure • large (650K servers, 350M pages) • dynamic, cyclic link = edge page = node

  12. WebSQL • SQL-like • search engine to find pages • path expression (regular expression of links) • text manipulation predicates SELECT <attribute list> FROM <document list> WHERE <predicate>;

  13. WebSQL From Clause • from clause collects a set of documents • unstructured - primitive schema • MENTIONS - retrieve from search engine DOCUMENT x SUCH THAT x MENTIONS ‘data structures’

  14. WebSQL From Clause • from clause collects a set of documents • unstructured - primitive schema Document[URL, text, link to URL, modify date] • MENTIONS - retrieve from search engine SELECT z.URL FROM DOCUMENT x SUCH THAT x MENTIONS ‘data structures’, DOCUMENT y SUCH THAT x -> y, DOCUMENT z SUCH THAT y->* z WHERE y CONTAINS ‘lecture notes’ AND z CONTAINS ‘trees’;

  15. WebSQL From Clause • path expression finds related documents • URL • local link: -> • global link: => DOCUMENT x SUCH THAT “http://www.cs.auc.dk” DOCUMENT y SUCH THAT x -> y DOCUMENT y SUCH THAT x => y

  16. WebSQL From Clause • at most one link: ? • any number of links: * • alternation: | DOCUMENT y SUCH THAT x ->(->)? y DOCUMENT y SUCH THAT x ->* y DOCUMENT y SUCH THAT x (=> | ->*) y

  17. WebSQL From Clause: Example FROM Document X SUCH THAT X MENTIONS ‘Java’, Document Y SUCH THAT X -> | ->-> Y

  18. WebSQL From Clause: Example FROM Document X SUCH THAT X MENTIONS ‘Java’, Document Y SUCH THAT X -> | ->-> Y Java

  19. WebSQL From Clause: Example FROM Document X SUCH THAT X MENTIONS ‘Java’, Document Y SUCH THAT X -> | ->-> Y Java

  20. WebSQL From Clause: Example FROM Document X SUCH THAT X MENTIONS ‘Java’, Document Y SUCH THAT X -> | ->-> Y Java

  21. WebSQL From Clause • path expression limits search space • local link, search limited to local machine • global link, can go anywhere • =>* would search all of WWW • pre-analysis, filtering • even three to four local links infeasible

  22. WebSQL Where Clause • like SQL • CONTAINS, text search of retrieved document • can push CONTAINS into navigation WHERE y CONTAINS ‘lecture notes’ AND y.length < 4000;

  23. WebSQL Query • Find lecture notes on trees in a data structures course. SELECT z. FROM DOCUMENT x SUCH THAT x MENTIONS ‘data structures’, DOCUMENT y SUCH THAT x -> y, DOCUMENT z SUCH THAT y->* z WHERE y CONTAINS ‘lecture notes’ AND z CONTAINS ‘trees’;

  24. data structures -> lecture notes

  25. data structures -> lecture notes data structures

  26. data structures -> lecture notes data structures

  27. data structures -> lecture notes data structures lecture notes

  28. lecture notes ->* trees data structures lecture notes

  29. lecture notes ->* trees data structures lecture notes

  30. lecture notes ->* trees trees data structures lecture notes

  31. Result trees data structures lecture notes

  32. WebSQL Example

  33. WebSQL Architecture • Java implementation

  34. WWW Query Language -Drawbacks • dynamic architecture • O(p**k) - p is length of path expression - k is branching factor • a priori knowledge of topology • back links are a problem

  35. Jumping Spider - a Hybrid • like a search engine - static architecture - keyword searches • like a WWW query language - uses modified WWW graph - one kind of path expression

  36. Kinds of Links • content refinement queries are common • heuristic information in subdirectories is refined • different kinds of links back - subdirectory to parent down - parent directory to subdirectory side - unrelated directories

  37. Re-using the WWW Graph

  38. Directory Trees

  39. Down Links

  40. Back Links

  41. Eliminate Back Links

  42. Transitive Closure of Down Links

  43. Plus a Side Link

  44. data structures -> lecture notes data structures

  45. data structures -> lecture notes data structures

  46. data structures -> lecture notes data structures lecture notes

  47. lecture notes -> trees data structures lecture notes

  48. lecture notes -> trees data structures trees lecture notes

  49. Analysis • search engine index - adds a pertinent index • pertinent index - O(nlogn) to O(n**2) space - all URLs that can reach this URL - tree-like, so should be close to O(nlogn) • more intersections • implemented in Perl 5

  50. Related Work • WWW query languages WebSQL (Arocena et al. - WWW6 ’97) W3QS (Konopnicki and Shmueli - VLDB’95) WebLog (Lakshmanan et al. RIDE ’96) AKIRA (Lacroix et al. - ER ’97) • Indexes that already use directories Infoseek WebGlimpse (Manber et al. - Usenix ’97) • Semi-structured data models - many

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