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Considerations for NASA’s TGIR Meeting: Revolutionizing Aviation. (A very personal View!) Capt. Tom Imrich Chief Pilot, Research Boeing Commercial Airplanes May 16, 2001. The NEED is real. System Capacity/Delay (e.g., see the media!) Capability/Efficiency (e.g. MDY; GA / MIL access)
Considerations for NASA’s TGIR Meeting:Revolutionizing Aviation (A very personal View!) Capt. Tom Imrich Chief Pilot, Research Boeing Commercial Airplanes May 16, 2001
The NEED is real... • System Capacity/Delay (e.g., see the media!) • Capability/Efficiency (e.g. MDY; GA / MIL access) • Safety (e.g., Approach/Landing, CFIT, RCOs…) • Forces: ...Growth, Events, Markets, Globalization New Aircraft Capability, Mil Reqts, $,...
Moving Forward… …With Major Complex Systems Authorities/MassPort Cost / Service Competition Interest Groups ATA, ALPA, AOPA,... System Performance The Vehicles Press/Media Propulsion Aerodynamics Unions Public Support Control Congress; Law ICAO, JAA,... The INAS Structures Funding, Capital, AIR-20 Airline/GA/Military Technology Opportunities 2040 Both New and Legacy Aircraft New Operations / Globalization Existing and New Infrastructure New Flight Deck/ATS Methods 2001 Aircraft/Operators Infrastructure ATS Methods
A Key Example … The INAS: Critical Need and Opportunity • Capacity/Access (e.g., Incentives, measures) • Efficiency (e.g., equivalent DOC) • Safety (e.g, concepts, redundancy, simplification)
Contract Probe Plan Smart Aircraft RTA(1) RTA(2) ELCT “AIR - GROUND - AIR” Transactions “GROUND - AIR - GROUND” Transactions ATS FACILITY Smart Ground Facilities “Air-Ground” and “Air-Air” 4-D Path Coordination(Conflict Probe Negotiation)
Access to Airspace(Conflict Probe Negotiation) Washington National (KDCA) Airspace Constraints (e.g., Class B) Baltimore/Wash (KBWI) Philadelphia (KPHL) ATS Facilities
Examples of what NASA could do? • Architectures / Trade studies(e.g., Central vs. Distributed elements; key role of rare and non-norm performance; fail soft characteristics and robustness; similar vs. dissimilar redundancy) • Models / Tools(e.g., the atmosphere,... turbulence...; conflict probe resolution cost index) • Unique Aviation Applications(e.g., Best human roles; Hardware/software lessons from other industries) • Key conceptual “Demonstrations”(e.g., Smart Aircraft linking to Smart Ground Systems; R.O.T. management) • High risk/high payoff Conceptual Studies(e.g., managing flow via new ATS capabilities at an airport)
What could be Possible…the limits? (e.g., What do the “Laws of Physics” allow) • VTOL… Operate nearly anywhere... • ATS - Food fed “Kalman Filter”... weighs a microgram… 1x10E-13 reliability • Normalized angular rates and closing velocities... Vastly greater than ATS • Fully Distributed Architecture... Fail Soft… Zero Collisions?… Near Zero Cost?
Background andBackup Slides (For Q&A and discussion)
Turning Goals into Reality • Today... • The Future... • How do we get there?
Aircraft / International Airspace System (the INAS) Licenses RTCA AEEC ITU Standards... ...91.205(d) 91.105, Annex 6... Airborne Systems Radios FMS AP’s XPDR’s Operating Rules …Directives (e.g., FAA 7110.65) FAR/JAR 25 TC / STCs CNS/ATM ATS / Airports Ground System Navaid/WX Specs & Orders
RNAV Rwy 26 RNAV (RNP) Applications (Cat I) Juneau, AK: RNAV Rwy 26 RNP .10 to RNP .30 • Lower Minima • Parallel Rwys • Converging/Crossing Rwys • Obstructions • Terrain • Safe Missed Approach RNP .15 DA(H) 268’ (250’) RVR 30
GLS 161o CH2233 GSZI LS Rwy 16R Cat II & III xLS (e.g., ILS or GLS) Cat I, II, and III LS Rwy 16R Cat II & Cat III • xLS = ILS, GLS, (or MLS) • xLS/LAAS supports • Cat II and Cat III • xLS Minima Credit • xLS Takeoff Guidance • I-RNAV RNP Based Initial & • Missed Approach & Takeoff RVR 12 RVR 3 RVR 7
Where are we going with IAPs? …(Current IAPs, to long term IAP Goal… the Big Picture) Mid Term IAP Goal (~5 Yrs) Long Term IAP Goal (~30+ Yrs) Current IAPs ILS LOC BCRS VOR/DME NDB, ASR Circling RNAV 3-D path to/from every Rwy end xLS (ILS,GLS) xLS? RNAV (RNP) ~ 18+ Types PA and NPA Classic Approaches RNAV (RNP) ~ 2 Types xLS and RNAV (phase out of NPA) ~ 1Type : RNAV (RNP) (phase out of xLS?)
Moving Forward… …With Major Complex Systems Authorities/MassPort Cost / Service Competition Interest Groups ATA, ALPA, AOPA,... System Performance Press/Media Technical Economic INAS Unions Public Support Accidents Social/Cultural Congress; Law ICAO, JAA,... Political Funding, Capital, AIR-20 Airline/GA/Military Technology Opportunities 2020 Aircraft/Operators Infrastructure ATS 2001 Aircraft/Operators Infrastructure ATS
( ) A B A Get from A to B, or back to A B A Miss Terrain/Obstacles/WX A/C#2 A/C#1 Safe Aircraft to Aircraft Separation What Operators/Pilots Do With Aircraft… (Back to the Fundamentals)
Risk Management Space PersonalAssumptionof Risk • Opportunities to make appropriate transitions Level of Risk to Others Government / PrivateRole or Involvement
Concept of Operations - Year 2020 • Aircraft/Aircraft Separation • Conflict Probe Based (2D, 3D, and 4D) • Use of 3D/4D RNAV coordinated paths • Separation Stds based on each Aircraft’s Capability - RNP/RCP/RMP • Reqd. System Performance (RSP) (e.g. /E..) • Direct or Optimum Route (M.T.T./Crz Clb) • Airspace/Airspace Separation • Flight Phase Seamless /Globally Seamless
Concept of Operations (Cont.) • Coordination of 3D RNAV Departure and Arrival Paths (RNP based) • 3D RNAV (RNP) and xLS Approaches • Runway Use: Time of Arrival (RTAs) - for Metering Fixes/Landing Runway Threshold • Runway Occupancy (R.O.T. Managed) • EDCTs - Except Special Cases (e.g. de-ice) • NPAs - (Particular special cases - 2D RNAV) • Collaborative Decisions with Users
Aircraft Separation Scenarios(A Key Global Constraint) ATS2 ATS1 ATS “One Aircraft”, must work with many different ATS’s (many different systems!) “Many Aircraft” must work with each necessary ATS
Aircraft (n) Aircraft Processing (e.g., FMS) Mental Processing Aircraft Pilot Aircraft Processing (e.g., FMS) Mental Processing Crew Aircraft / Human / INAS Interfaces A Conceptual Model Stimulus Response Environment(s) (INAS: Aprts; NAVAIDs;Rules;ATS;WX; AOC) ATS Processing (e.g., Flt Plns, RdrVctrs, COM) Stimulus Response Desired State Aircraft Response/Actual State PilotResponse AircraftStimulus Responseto ATS/INAS ATS/INAS Stimulus Inter-crew Communication
J a p a n T a i w a n Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands Oceanic ADS Service Areas I n i t i a l D e p l o y m e n t A r e a M a j o r T r a f f i c F l o w s 33% U n i t e d S t a t e s 11% P h i l l i p i n e s 33% 11% H o n g K o n g H a w a i i 6% S i n g a p o r e Guam Malaysia 1% I n d o n e s i a 1% Nauru 3% 1% F i j i T a h i t i A u s t r a l i a N e w Z e a l a n d
NPA Instrument Approach Procedure “Classification” xLS (ILS, GLS, MLS) RNAV (GNSS, Navaid Based) RNP VNAV Classic (VOR, NDB, LOC, BCrs)
Major INAS Challenges: • Systems Approach (First principles; Tech/Econ/Social) • Fundamental Tradeoffs (Role of Acft vs. ATS; Facilities?; Central vs. Distrib; Human vs. Auto; 6000 vs. 60K ATS; Acft Perf) • New Technologies… (Cptrs, GNSS, LCDs, COM, Info Age) • Models/Tools… (CRM; Reich Model; LaPlace xfer Fctns) • New Criteria/Policies (Incentives; Linear TERPS; Trng...) • Stakeholder “Buy-in”; Coordinated Efforts W002W.25