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Craven County Schools AUGUST 6, 2012

Craven County Schools AUGUST 6, 2012. Agenda. Program Overview Data Review Program Adoption Wireless Generation Support Q & A . 2011-12 in North Carolina. There are 892 schools & 184,064 students across North Carolina using mCLASS: Reading 3D

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Craven County Schools AUGUST 6, 2012

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  1. Craven County Schools AUGUST 6, 2012

  2. Agenda Program Overview Data Review Program Adoption Wireless Generation Support Q & A

  3. 2011-12 in North Carolina • There are 892 schools & 184,064 students across North Carolina using mCLASS: Reading 3D • This includes the 480 schools, 137,351 studentsK-5, in the NC Diagnostic Reading Assessment Program • Additionally there are: • 168 schools using mCLASS: DIBELS • 17 schools using mCLASS: IDEL • 39 schools using mCLASS: Math • 29 schools using mCLASS: CIRCLE (pre-K) • 26 schools using mCLASS: Burst Reading (Intervention program) • 1 school using Beacon (PreK-12)

  4. Schools using mCLASS solutionsin North Carolina

  5. Assessment Goal: Implement a developmentally appropriate diagnostic assessment in elementary grades • Determine student learning needs and individualize instruction. • Ensure that students are adequately prepared for the next level of coursework. • Use technology to assess students and record information. • Facilitate more frequent formative assessment for struggling students. • Provide interventions for students in a timely manner.

  6. North CarolinaDiagnostic Assessment Updates Possibilities: • Enhance long-term capacity – “built-in” professional development • Reduce “Specific Learning Disabilities” Special Education referrals • Increase parental involvement in literacy development • Immediately Inform Instruction • Predictability for end of grade assessment • NC Standard Course of Study 79%

  7. Program Overview

  8. Reading 3D Diagnostic Assessment Program Overview For schools NEW to the program • DPI will provide DIBELS Next & Rigby Benchmark kits for each K-3 teacher (based on ADM numbers) • DPI will provide a $400 allocation for devices for those without operational devices for each K-3 teacher (based on ADM numbers) • Training opportunities will be available throughout the year. More info about dates/times will be available shortly.

  9. Reading 3D Diagnostic Assessment Program Overview For schools returning to the program • DPI will provide DIBELS Next kits for each K-3 teacher (based on ADM numbers) • Training opportunities will be available throughout the year. More info about dates/times will be available shortly.

  10. mCLASS: Reading 3D Data Review

  11. Completion by Grade EOY 11/12

  12. Comparing PopulationsGr K-3, 11/12

  13. Comparing PopulationsGr 4-5, 11/12

  14. DIBELS Effectiveness ChartBOY- EOY 11/12, Grades K-3

  15. Growth of Benchmark PopulationK-2, 11/12

  16. Reading 3D Performance11/12 Snapshot

  17. DIBELS and TRC Correlation ChartEOY 11/12 This population has scored at Benchmark in DIBELS, yet there are students who are Intensive/Strategic in TRC. In the Strategic category, the TRC results are more diverse. There is a sliver of the population who, while they scored Intensive on DIBELS, were at Benchmark in TRC.

  18. NC State Program: Comparative DIBELS Performance

  19. NC State Program: Comparative TRC Performance

  20. Program Adoption

  21. Adoption Support – Taking mCLASS to the Next Step in SY 11-12 • Goal: Maintain program momentum and ensure that new and/or returning schools achieve better results from effective use of our products • WGen Account Management will collaborate with DPI to create a universal Adoption Support template for all participating schools • The template will provide actionable best practices covering initial implementation to data-driven instruction • Suggested goals/practices will align with the respective Benchmark testing windows

  22. PA Plan Framework • The PA is a customer-facing reference document intended to provide actionable best practices from implementation to data-driven instruction. • PA practices are divided out into two separate categories • Time of year (BOY>MOY, MOY>EOY, and Post-EOY) • Type of task • Prepare • Assess • Review

  23. Adoption Plan: Proposed MOY Next Steps • Review the MOY online reports to determine student outcomes (i.e., how did students perform and what were the growth trends?) • Facilitate vertical planning conversations with staff to review progress monitoring data and TOY benchmark data in order to set student goals. • Ensure teachers modify instruction based upon benchmark and progress monitoring results (e.g. creating groups, providing intervention). • Check RAS reports regularly between MOY and EOY to determine progress monitoring rates of fidelity • Review Now What? Tools usage reports, if applicable. You may contact Customer Support for this data.

  24. Adoption Plan: Proposed MOY Next Steps (continued) • Use benchmark data to evaluate curricula (i.e., determine if materials are available for all appropriate levels, including students that need intervention, accelerated learners, etc.) • Use benchmark data and progress monitoring to make decisions about ongoing professional development needs. • Look at mCLASS Road Map Rubric to self-evaluate progress. • Review Implementation Plan (e.g., goals, timeline, and related PD) and adjust resources/next steps as appropriate. • Link to full Program Adoption is found on NC Website: www.wirelessgeneration.com/NorthCarolina

  25. Transition to DIBELS NextFor returning schools

  26. DIBELS® Next: What’s New? New Measures • DIBELS Daze • First Sound Fluency • All measures have been updated with: • New directions • New items • New early reader font • New passages • New practice items

  27. DIBELS Next: What’s New? (cont’d) • New research on all measures carried out over 4 years on over 25,000 children in over 90 schools • Use of new readability formula to level passages and decrease variability of DORF scores • New reliability data • New validity data • New research on benchmark goals • New DIBELS Composite score

  28. Overview of DIBELS Next Changes

  29. mCLASS:DIBELS / DIBELS NEXT Solutions Hi-Res Palm Aceeca Windows iPhone iPad New Devices Lo-Res Palm Nokia N810 Lo-Res Palm and Nokia N810 devices will not be supported past the 2011-12 school year for DIBELS or any other product. DIBELS 6.0 is a Windows application. DIBELS NEXT is in a Windows browser.

  30. Where does DIBELS Next fit in?

  31. mCLASS:Reading 3DSupport for the CCSS • mCLASS Reading 3D’s balanced literacy approach to assessment provides excellent support for educators transitioning to the CCSS • The skills-based DIBELS Next assessment provides insight into students’ progress against the Reading Foundational Skills • Educators can use the TRC reading records measure to engage students with rich texts of varying difficulties and to assess their reading comprehension • Both the DIBELS DORF and TRC measures include a mix of informational and narrative texts that support the CCSS’s emphasis on reading a variety of texts

  32. mCLASS:Reading 3DComing Enhancements • mCLASS:Now What? Tools will be available for use with mCLASS:Reading 3D, in addition to mCLASS:DIBELS Next • mCLASS:Small Group Advisor™ uses results from the TRC assessment to help teachers create optimal groups of students with similar needs and to provide targeted instructional activities • mCLASS:Item-Level Advisor™ for TRC automatically highlights important patterns, offers detailed analysis, and suggests next steps for targeted instruction

  33. mCLASS:Reading 3DComing Enhancements • Revised Benchmark Goals • In line with Common Core State Standards and state tests, we are developing more rigorous benchmarks for the TRC assessments that power mCLASS:Reading 3D. • The new benchmark goals will be set based on a research-based approach led by psychometricians and a panel of researchers and expert practitioners.

  34. Wireless Generation Support • Wireless Generation • Debbie Owens – Regional Vice President, Educational Partnerships, dowens@wgen.net • Shauna McLoughlin – Senior Account Manager, smcloughlin@wgen.net • Wireless Generation Customer Support: • Phone: (800) 823-1969, option 3 • Email: help@wgen.net North Carolina web page: www.wirelessgeneration.com/north-carolina

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