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Squad Tactics-Reconnaissance

Squad Tactics-Reconnaissance. Lesson Objectives. Describe the five point contingency plan used during a reconnaissance mission Describe the three types of reconnaissance Describe the various techniques and methods used during reconnaissance Plan a reconnaissance patrol.

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Squad Tactics-Reconnaissance

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  1. Squad Tactics-Reconnaissance

  2. Lesson Objectives • Describe the five point contingency plan used during a reconnaissance mission • Describe the three types of reconnaissance • Describe the various techniques and methods used during reconnaissance • Plan a reconnaissance patrol

  3. Reconnaissance Operations Defined: Reconnaissance operations are undertaken to obtain (by visual observation or other detection methods) information about the activities and resources of an enemy or potential enemy. They are designed to secure data concerning the meteorological, hydrographical, or geographical characteristics and the indigenous population of a particular area (FM 1-02). REF: FM 3-21.8, Chapter 1, Section 1-225, Page 1-42 (Mar 07) Reconnaissance is conducted to provide the commander with information that has tactical value concerning the enemy, terrain, weather, and civil considerations within an AO. FM 3-20.98, Reconnaissance and Scout Platoon, Chapter 3, page 3-1 Introduction.(3 August 2009) Define Recon:

  4. Fundamentals of Reconnaissance • Ensure continuous reconnaissance. • Do not keep reconnaissance assets in reserve. • Orient on the reconnaissance objective. • Report all information rapidly and accurately. • Retain freedom of maneuver. • Gain and maintain threat contact. • Develop the situation rapidly.

  5. Common Reconnaissance Terms • PIR-Priority Information Requirements • IR- Information Requirements- Terrain, Enemy, Civil • CCIR- Commander’s Critical Information Requirements • ORP- Objective Rally Point • OP- Observation Post

  6. Types of Reconnaissance • Area • Zone • Route • *Reconnaissance in Force * NOTE: Although the FM 3-21.8 The Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad, lists a fourth type of reconnaissance, Reconnaissance in Force, Cadets will concentrate on the three listed above (area, zone, and route)

  7. Area Recon • “Area reconnaissance is a directed effort to obtain detailed information concerning the terrain or enemy activity within a prescribed area” • Common Steps • Establish and secure ORP • Employ Security and Surveillance Teams to observe objective/observation plan • Deploy Recon Team(s) • Reassembling Teams at ORP • Disseminate information to all team members • Reporting • Return to friendly lines

  8. Area Recon (2) 12 • Cloverleaf method: Starting from 6 o’clock position • Team A moves clockwise 6-12 o’clock • Team B moves counter-clockwise 6-12 • Both teams meet at 12 distribute PIR/IR • Then continues clock direction • Meet at 6, distribute PIR/IR return to ORP Team B Team A Team B Team A 6

  9. Area Recon (3)

  10. Zone Reconnaissance • Conducted to obtain information on all the enemy, terrain, and routes within a specific zone defined by set boundaries • Three Methods • Moving Elements • Fan • Box • Converging routes • Successive sector • Stationary Teams • Multiple Area Recon

  11. Zone Recon- Moving Elements-Fan Method

  12. Zone Recon- Moving Elements- Box Method

  13. Zone Recon- Moving Elements- Converging Routes Method

  14. Zone Recon- Moving Elements- Successive Sector Method

  15. Route Reconnaissance • A route reconnaissance is conducted to obtain detailed information on one route, a route recon provides: • Detailed information about trafficability on the route and all adjacent terrain • Detailed information about an enemy activity or enemy force moving along a route • Sites for emplacing hasty obstacles to slow enemy movement • Obstacles, CBRN contamination, and so forth

  16. Route Recon Considerations • Preferred method is fan; intersecting routes must be reconnoitered for a distance greater than enemy direct fire weapons • Conditions likely to affect friendly movement: • Presence of the enemy. • Terrain information. • Location and condition of bypasses, fords, and obstacles. • Choke points. • Route and bridge conditions. • Platoon should use a different return route. • Roads should be treated as a danger area. • Patrol report submitted in overlay format.

  17. Fan Method of Route Recon

  18. Reconnaissance Commonalities • Movement • Avoid paralleling the objective • Maintain stealth • Don’t cross the LOA • Use cover + concealment • Dissemination of Information • Reconnaissance Log • Panoramic sketch • Terrain sketch • SALUTE Report

  19. Reconnaissance Commonalities (cont) Five Point Contingency Plan

  20. Reconnaissance Commonalities (cont) What to Report

  21. Closing • Summary • Review • Questions???

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