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Enhancing Security With STEVE. Larry Nielsen, MHS Program Manager, Vital Statistics Improvement NAPHSIS/NCHS Joint Annual Meeting June 2-6, 2013. Security Topics. Transmission of records Birth-Death matching Sharing data with partner programs.
Enhancing Security With STEVE Larry Nielsen, MHS Program Manager, Vital Statistics Improvement NAPHSIS/NCHS Joint Annual Meeting June 2-6, 2013
Security Topics • Transmission of records • Birth-Death matching • Sharing data with partner programs Extending Our Reach Through PartnershipsJune 2-6, 2013 Phoenix, Arizona
State and Territorial Exchange of Vital Events Point-to-Point messaging system developed by NAPHSIS Implementation in all jurisdictions by 2014 Allows secure exchange of vital record data between jurisdictions Provides for a “mailboxes” for data partners to receive in-state and out-of-state files Introducing STEVE
Transmission of Vital Records
STEVE provides point-to-point exchange of vital record data between jurisdictions using a standard flat file format and the CDC’s PHINMS secure messaging pipeline. Death Records Death Data Files Internet TM TM PHINMS STEVE Installation in Jurisdiction A STEVE Installation in Jurisdiction B
Exchange rules configured by each jurisdiction will reside in its TM and will “filter” data transmitted to other jurisdictions. NCHS NCHS HI Electronic Records of Death MD PA IJE Mortality File GM Filter configured to jurisdiction’s specifications for data exchange
Alaska State and Territorial Exchange of Vital Events (STEVE) Installations Updated May, 2013 Washington BDR Montana BDR Maine North Dakota BDR Minnesota BDRF Oregon BDR VT Wisconsin B NH South Dakota BDR Idaho BDRF MA New York Michigan CT Wyoming RI Pennsylvania Iowa BR Nebraska BDRF NJ BD Nevada Ohio BDR Indiana BDR NYC DE Utah BDR Illinois WV BDR MD BDR Colorado Kansas BDRF Missouri BDF Virginia DC BDF California BDR Kentucky N. Carolina BDR Tennessee Arizona B Northern Mariana Islands BDF Oklahoma BD Arkansas BDR New Mexico BDRI S. Carolina Georgia MS Alabama BDRFI Guam LA Texas Hawaii Florida BDRF American Samoa Installed Exchanging Birth (B), Death (D), Fetal Death (F), Roster (R), ITOP (I) files * Exchanging non-revised files Puerto Rico Planning/In Progress U.S. Virgin Islands
State and Territorial Exchange of Vital Events (STEVE) Installations Updated May, 2013 Washington BDR Montana BDR Maine North Dakota BDR Minnesota BDRF Oregon BDR VT Alaska Wisconsin B NH South Dakota BDR Idaho BDRF MA New York Michigan CT Wyoming RI Pennsylvania Iowa BR Nebraska BDRF NJ BD Nevada Ohio BDR Indiana BDR NYC DE Utah BDR Illinois WV BDR MD BDR Colorado Kansas BDRF Missouri BDF Virginia DC BDF California BDR Kentucky N. Carolina BDR Tennessee Arizona B Northern Mariana Islands BDF Oklahoma BD Arkansas BDR New Mexico BDRI S. Carolina Georgia MS Alabama BDRFI Guam LA Texas Hawaii Florida BDRF American Samoa Installed Exchanging Birth (B), Death (D), Fetal Death (F), Roster (R), ITOP (I) files * Exchanging non-revised files Puerto Rico Planning/In Progress U.S. Virgin Islands
Authorized Data Partner Programs • Child Health Registries/Surveillance • Infant/Child Death Reviews • Child Support Enforcement • Healthy Start Programs • Disease Registries • State Eligibility Programs • PRAMS • NVDRS • Voter Registration Extending Our Reach Through PartnershipsJune 2-6, 2013 Phoenix, Arizona
Authorized Data Partner Programs • Other federally-funded surveillance programs operated by the jurisdiction • Health research per IJE agreement • Private sector organizations operating on behalf of jurisdiction Extending Our Reach Through PartnershipsJune 2-6, 2013 Phoenix, Arizona
I don’t always use PowerPoint, but when I do … I like to put entire spreadsheets on one slide.
Interjurisdictional Exchange Rules Extending Our Reach Through PartnershipsJune 2-6, 2013 Phoenix, Arizona
Jurisdictions will also configure exchange rules for sending vital record data to approved programs at home and in other jurisdictions. Disease Registry Electronic Records of Death Voter Registration IJE Mortality File NVDRS Filter configured to jurisdiction’s specifications for data exchange with public health and other approved programs State Eligibility Program
Vital Records agency able to satisfy multiple requests with a single extract Data will be more timely Data partner programs will receive resident’s deaths that occurred in other jurisdictions Jurisdiction controls what data partners in other jurisdictions may receive Advantages of STEVE
Contact STEVE implementation manager Work with your NCHS project manager to get certified to transmit to NHCS Examine current and best methods of transmitting data to partners Extract data from STEVE mailbox files instead of production database Decide whether to give mailbox access to partners or to pull data for them Planning for STEVE
Questions? Extending Our Reach Through PartnershipsJune 2-6, 2013 Phoenix, Arizona Larry Nielsen Program Manager, Vital Statistics Improvement lnielsen@naphsis.org