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NUPECC Meeting. Sevilla, October 5th, 2012. Xavier Viñas Gausí University of Barcelona. Nuclear Structure. UCA. USAL. UB. IEM-CSIC. UAM. UIB. UCM. I FIC-UV. UHU. USE. UMU. UGR. NUCLEAR STRUCTURE Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Universidad Complutense. Madrid.
NUPECC Meeting Sevilla, October 5th, 2012 Xavier Viñas Gausí University of Barcelona Nuclear Structure
NUCLEAR STRUCTURE Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Universidad Complutense. Madrid. Instituto de Estructura de la Materia CSIC, Madrid Universidad de Sevilla Universidad de Huelva Universitat de Barcelona Universidad de Cantabria Universidad de Granada
Nuclear Structure RESEARCH TOPICS: • Algebraic models & phase transitions • Chaos in nuclei • Large shell model calculations • RPA & correlations • Relativistic Mean Field • Self-consistent (deformed) mean field and beyond • Few-body systems • Shape coexistence, … • Microscopic calculations in nuclear matter • Symmetry energy • Nuclear Astrophysics • Electron scattering
SUMMARY Nuclear Structure and Reactions: UAM, IEM, UCM, USE, UGR, UCA, UB,… Hadronic/Intermediate Energies: USAL, IFIC-UV, UGR, UB, UCM, USE,… • Close collaboration with experimental facilities and groups: BNL, RHIC, JLAB, KEK, Daphne-Frascati, MAMI-Mainz, ELSA-Bonn, GSI-FAIR, etc. • 12 Research Groups: ~60 staff researchers + ~40-50 (RyC, JdC,…) + PhD students • 9 PhD Thesis (2010/11) [UB, IEM-CSIC, UCM, UGR, USE]
Sistemas de tres cuerpos en el continuo: Estructura y reacciones (E. Garrido, R. de Diego, C. Romero) • Resonancias y modos de desintegración • Resolución de las ecuaciones de Faddeev en el espacio de coordenadas • Aplicación del método de rotación compleja para obtener simultáneamente los estados ligados y las resonancias del sistema • PRC 79 (2009) 054009, PLB 684 (2010) 132, PRC 82 (2010) 034001 • Reacciones a muy baja energía • Desarrollo de relaciones integrales para extraer la matriz S de la reacción a partir de la parte interna de la función de onda • Aplicación a átomos ultrafríos • PRL 103 (2009) 090402, PRC 81 (2010) 034002, PRA 83 (2011) 022705 • Procesos de captura radiativa • Aplicación de las técnicas de tres cuerpos al estudio de reacciones de interés astrofísico • Reacción triple alfa y tasa de producción de 12C en el medio estelar • JPG 37 (2010) 064027, EPL 90 (2010) 52001, JPG 37 (2010) 115105, EPJA 47 (2011) 102
FNT – IEM – CSIC – Madrid (P. Sarriguren) • ElectroweakProcesses in Nuclei • (+ UCM: E. Moya, J.M. Udías, O. Moreno) • JPG37, 064019 (2010); PRC81, 041303(R) (2010); PRC81, 064314 (2011); • PRC83, 025801 (2011); PRC84, 054311 (2011); PRC84, 034316 (2011); • NIMA 637, 60 (2011); PRC85, 064319 (2012) • Electronscatteringfromexoticnuclei • Parityviolatingelectronscattering (Neutrondistributions. Neutronskins) • Beta decay and GT strength (Nuclear Structure: Nuclear deformation; Astrophysics: Weakdecayratesfor r, rpprocesses; ParticlePhysics: Double beta decay) • StructuralevolutionfromGogny-HFB calculations • (+ UAM: L.M. Robledo; + Rice Univ. Texas: R. Rodríguez-Guzmán) • PRC81, 024310 (2010); PLB691, 202 (2010); PRC82, 044318 (2010); PRC82, 061302(R) (2010); PRC83, 014309 (2011); PRC83, 044307 (2011); PRC83, 054303 (2011); PRC84, 054316 (2011); PRL108, 062701 (2012); PRC86, 014321 (2012) • Microscopicjustification of criticalpoint E(5) and X(5) symmetries • Onset of nuclear deformation (Axial and triaxialshapes) • Experimental signatures of shapetransitions • Mappingsto IBM Hamiltonians
Nuclear Physics Group GFN-UCM (Complutense University Madrid) Members: Permanent:JMG Gómez, E. Moya de Guerra, J. Retamosa, J.M. Udías, MC Martínez, E. Faleiro, R. Álvarez-Rodríguez (UPM based) Postdocs: C. Fernández-Ramírez (JdlC), A. Relaño (Lecturer), L. Muñoz (Assistant Lecturer), O. Moreno (Assistant Lecturer), M. Ivanov (Visiting scientist) Main Collaborations: IEM-CSIC, MIT, Torino, JLab, Mainz, Sofia
UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE MADRID • Gamow-Teller strength distributions and beta+ half-lives in the lead region. • Two-neutrino double-beta decay matrix elements. • Parity-violation asymmetry in electron-nucleus scattering and its relation to neutron distribution (PREX exp.). • Analysis of beta-decay electron spectrum in a search for keV sterile neutrinos as dark matter candidates (MARE & KATRIN exp.). • Nuclear structure studies with the (e,e’p) reaction: spectroscopic factors in 16O ,208Pb, 12C, 207Tl. • Nuclear structure effects in neutrino-nucleus reactions
Power spectrum of nuclear levels with missing levels and mixed symmetries Measure fluctuations Obtain Power spectrum RMT result 1/f noise Uncorrelated levels 1/f2 noise If our spectra are incomplete or we mix symmetries we have something in between 1/f and 1/f2 J=3 and J=4 states mixed (full circles) and non-mixed (open circles) 0.8 fraction of all J=0-8 states mixed (full circles) and non-mixed (open circles) Examples with shell model results for 24Mg: We can fit the fraction of missing levels and the number of mixed symmetries R.A. Molina, J. Retamosa, L. Muñoz, A. Relaño,E. Faleiro, Phys. Lett. B 644, 25 (2007)
Theoretical highlights • Collective nuclei motion (superdeformation, superfluidity, etc.) • Structure of exotic nuclei and weak interactions • Neutrinoless double beta decay significant computational advance—involving matrix dimensions reaching ten billion—in shell-model calculations. Island of inversion around 64Cr S. M. Lenzi, F. Nowacki, A. Poves, and K. Sieja Phys. Rev. C 82, 054301 (2010) Self-consistent mean field and beyond • Nuclear properties described with an “universal” density-dependent force and state of the art beyond mean-field calculations • Configuration mixing techniques & symmetry restored wave functions • Applications: subshell closures, shape coexistence, transition probabilities, etc.
GRUPO ESTRUCTURA NUCLEAR Phase transitions in quantum many-body systems within algebraic models: Given two hamiltonians H1 and H2 that describe different system structures, a transitional hamiltonian can be constructed as H = x H1 + (1-x) H2 A QPT occurs at some critical value of the control parameter x that controls the relative weight of H1 and H2 Algebraic models are very well suited to study such hamiltonians since in that case H1 and H2 correspond to different dynamical symmetries. QPT's in boson, fermion and mixed systems can be studied. TOPICS (2011) • Nuclei (collaboration with Padova and Huelva): - odd-even nuclei and critical point symmetries within IBFA. - effect of three-body terms within the IBA. • Molecules (collaboration with Huelva): - finite size N effects in molecular systems within the vibron model. • Lipkin model (collaboration with Huelva and CSIC Madrid): - phase transitions in excited states and its connection with quantum decoherence. • Dicke model (collaboration with CSIC Madrid, Huelva and Prague): - phase transitions in excited states and the connection with quantum chaos. P. Pérez-Fernández et al. Phys. Rev. E 83. 2011, 046208; Phys. Rev. A2011, 062125; J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 284. 2011, 012049. L. Fortunato et al., Int. J. Mod. Phys. 20. 2011, 207;J. Barea Muñoz et al., Phys. Rev. C83. 2011, 024307; L. Fortunato et al., Phys. Rev. C84, 2011, 014326; P. Pérez-Fernández et al., Phys. Rev. A83, 2011, 033802
1. Estudio de la coexistencia de forma en el Pt. J.E. García-Ramos, V. Hellemans y K. Heyde, PRC 84, 014331 (2011). 2. Triaxialidad en el IBM usando una interacción quadupolar bosónica a tres cuerpos L. Fortunato, C.E. Alonso, J.M. Arias, J.E. García-Ramos y A. Vitturi, Phys. Rev. C 84, 014326 (2011) 3. Estudio de caos cuántico y “quantum quentch” en sistemas de interés en óptica cuántica. P. Pérez-Fernández, P. Cejnar, J.M. Arias, J. Dukelsky, J.E. García Ramos y A. Relaño, Phys. Rev. A 83, 033802 (2011). P. Pérez-Fernández, A. Relaño, J.M. Arias, J. Dukelsky, J.E. García Ramos y Phys. Rev. E 83, 046208 (2011). 4. Correcciones de tamaño finito en el punto crítico de un Hamiltoniano del modelo vibrónico U(3). P. Pérez-Fernández, J.M. Arias, J.E. García-Ramos y F. Pérez-Bernal, Phys. Rev. A 83. 062125 (2011). F. Pérez-Bernal, O. Alvarez-Bajo, J.M. Arias, M.Carvajal, J.E.García-Ramos, D.Larese y P. Pérez-Fernández, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 284 (2011) 012049.
Activity in Granada (2011-2012):Theory M. Anguiano, G. Co’, V. De Donno and A.M. Lallena (collaboration Granada-Lecce) Self-consistent Hartree-Fock, continuum RPA and HF+BCS, with finite range interactions including tensor and spin-orbit terms •Self-consistent continuum RPA calculations with finite-range interactions [Phys. Rev. C 83 (2011) 044324] •Tensor effective interaction in self-consistent RPA calculations[Phys. Rev. C 83 (2011) 064306] •Self-consistent continuum RPA calculations of 4He electromagnetic responses [Phys. Rev. C 84 (2011) 037306] •Mean-field calculations of exotic nuclei ground states[Phys. Rev. C 85 (2012) 024322] •Magnetic excitations in nuclei with neutron excess[Phys. Rev. C 85 (2012) 034323] •Nuclear proton and neutron distributions in the detection of weak interacting massive particles [JCAP accepted] •Tensor and tensor–isospin terms in the effective Gogny interaction[submitted to PRC] •Nuclear properties with finite range interactions in HF+BCS [in preparation]
Activity in Granada (2011-2012):Theory Atomic structure and correlations (Buendía, Gálvez, Sarsa, Maldonado) • Relativistic, numerically parameterized, optimized, effective potentials for the ground state of the atoms He through Ra [At. D. Nuc. D. Tab. 97 (2011) 109-133] • Relativistic quantum similarities in atoms in position and momentum spaces [Physics Letters A 375 (2011) 2544-2549] • Jastrow correlated and quantum Monte Carlo calculations for the low lying states of the carbon atom[J. Chem. Phys. 134 (2011) 134102] Quantum Monte Carlo and Fermions (Arias de Saavedra, Kalos, Pederiva) • Cancellation time for correlated random walkers [Mol. Phys. DOI:10.1080/00268976.2011.604647]
Modelos relativistas de estructura nuclear Grupo (3 doctores): M. López-Quelle, R. Niembro y S. Marcos • Aproximaciones utilizadas: • Hartreey Hartree-Fock+Correlaciones de “pairing” en BCS, incluyendo los mesones virtuales , , y. • Temas investigados: • Simetría de Pseudo-Espín [Eur. Phys. J. A 43 (2010) 369] • Radio cuadrático medio de carga [Phys. Atom. Nucl. 75 (2012) 269] • Efecto anómalo de los piones en la estructura de capas • [Phys. Atom. Nucl. ( aceptado)] • Efecto del potencial tensor en la estructura de capas • [Phys. Atom. Nucl. (aceptado)] • Colaboración externa: • L. N. Savushkin(Universidad de St. Petersburgo, Rusia).
Nuclear Physics @ theUniversityof Barcelona Participantes/Investigadores Colaboraciones: Granada,Madrid, Valencia, Bergen,Saclay,Tübingen, Kiev,Torino,Catania, Orsay, Lublin, Milano, Roma, St. Louis, La Plata, NPLQCD-USA Mario Centelles (TU) Joan Martorell (CU) Assumpta Parreño (PA) Artur Polls (CU) Àngels Ramos (CU) Fco Xavier Viñas (CU) Volodymyr Magas (RyC) Emmanuel Chang (PostDoc FIS2008-01661 ) Bruno Juliá-Díaz (PostDoc ICFO) Bharat K. Sharma (Postdoc CPAN) Arianna Carbone (FI DGR 2011, Generalitat Catalunya) Clara Estela Jiménez (Becaria FIS2005-03142) Marina Melé (Becaria FIS2008-01661) Axel Pérez-Obiol (Becario APIF, UB) Líneas de investigación y métodos Estructura Nuclear y Sistemas Nucleares Exóticos núcleos al límite de la estabilidad, extrañeza y charm en el medio nuclear (funcional de la densidad, funciones espectrales, Wigner-Kirkwood, OBE models, EFT) EOS y aplicaciones en Astrofísica Nuclear y Colisiones de Iones Pesados EOS de las estrellas de neutrones, materia nuclear simétrica y asimétrica, RHIC, LHC (funcionales de la densidad, Funciones de Green autoconsistentes, BHF, DBHF, Modelo Multimodular para RHIC) Gases atómicos ultrafríosmezclas bosón-fermión, dinámica de los condensados spinoriales (teoría BCS, uniones Josephson, ecuación de Gross-Pitaevskii)
18Publicaciones en revistas en 2011 + 17 contribuciones a conference proceedings 3Phys. Rev. Lett.4Phys. Rev. D5Phys. Rev. C1Phys. Lett. B1Eur. Phys. Lett. 1Mod. Phys. Lett. A 1New J. Phys1Mol. Phys1Ukrainian J. Phys 2011 highlights Suppression of Superfluidity upon Overflow of Trapped Fermions: Quantal and Thomas-Fermi Studies Neutron Skin of208Pb, Nuclear SymmetryEnergy, andtheParityRadiusExperiment A new Thomas-Fermi approach to inhomogeneus superfluid Fermi systems is discussed. The generic fact that if a fermionic superfluid in BCS regime overflows from a narrow container into a much wider one, pairing is much suppress at the overflow point. P. Schuck and X. Viñas, Phys.Rev. Lett., 107, 205301 (2011) Parity-violating electron scattering is studied at conditions of the PREX experiment of JLab. The consequences for the determination of the neutron skin thickness of 208Pb and for the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy have been analyzed X. Roca-Maza, M. Centelles, X. Viñas, M. Warda Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 252501 (2011) Sponsors:
Quantum Physics Group at Mallorca • We investigate quantum transport at the nanoscale: • Numerical Renormalization Group calculations of strongly correlated quantum dots: J.S. Lim, D. Sanchez, R. Lopez et al., Phys. Rev. B 81, 235309 (2010); Phys. Rev. B 83, 155325 (2011) • Nonequilibrium fluctuation-dissipation theorems: R. Lopez, D. Sanchez et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 076801 (2010) • Majorana fermions in nanostructures: J.S. Lim, R. Lopez and Ll. Serra, in preparation (2011). • Quantum information: A. Borras, M. Casas et al., Phys. Rev. A 79, 022112 (2009)
Awarded EPS PhD Thesis Xavier Roca-Maza Oscar Moreno
1) Gamow-Teller strength distributions Oscar Moreno PhD Gamow-Teller (single beta) strength distributions and b+ half-lives in the lead region (neutron deficient Hg, Pb, Po isotopes, ISOLDE@CERN experiments). Shape coexistence and signatures of deformation in Gamow-Teller patterns, which are robust against changes in details of the nucleon-nucleon force. Gamow-Teller strength distributions of stable and unstableXe isotopes. Signatures of deformation and relation with charge-exchange reactions (EXL@FAIR test of feasibility). Phys. Rev., C73,054302, 2006
2) Two-neutrino double-beta decay Oscar Moreno PhD Two-neutrino double-beta decay matrix elements. Several effects analyzed: nuclear deformation, strength of pairing and Gamow-Teller correlations, active-shells occupations. Dominance hypotheses in beta spectra and running sums of matrix elements (NEMO experiment and others). Closure approximation for two-neutrino and neutrinoless double-beta decay. Effect of pairing and nuclear deformation. Phys. Rev., C81,041303(R), 2010, J.Phys.G: Nuc.Part.Phys. 36, 015106, 2009
3) Parity-violating electron scattering Oscar Moreno PhD Parity-violation asymmetry in polarized electron elastic scattering by nuclei and its relation to neutron distribution and neutron skins (208Pb, PREX experiment; Ca and Sn isotope chains). Analysis of deviations from reference value of the asymmetry to study nuclear isospin mixing and nucleon strangeness content in N=Z nuclei. Nucl.Phys., A828, 306 (2009) u s s d u s s
1) Gamow-Teller strength distributions Oscar Moreno PhD
2) Two-neutrino double-beta decay Oscar Moreno PhD
3) Parity-violating electron scattering Oscar Moreno PhD