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America. The seven natural wonders of America. Death Valley – California
Theseven natural wonders of America Death Valley – California Death Valley is a 250 km valleybetweentwoCalifornianmountainranges. Itisthehottest and thelowest place i the USA, and at one famous point – BadwaterBasin – youarriveatthelowest place inthe western hemisphere (86 metersbelowsealevel). SummertemperaturesinDeath Valley canreach 54˚C, and for severalmonths of yeartheaveragenoght – time temperatureisover 27˚C.
2. Giant Redwood and BristleconePineTrees - California General Sherman, a giantredwoodtreeinthesequoia National Park measuring 84 metres tall, isthelargest plant intheworld. Itisalso 3000 years old, but itisn’ttheoldesttreeintheworld! That’salsoin California. Thebristleconepinegrowsinthe White Mountainns, and itistheoldestlivingthing on earth. The most famous, namedMethuselah, isover 4000 years old.
3. The Grand Canyon – Arizona The Grand Canyon, erodedoverthousands of years by the Colorado River and itstributaries, is 400km long. Itis 2000 metres deepatitsdeepest point and 30 km wideat point.. Itis one of the most importantgeologicalsitesintheworld (some of therocksareover 1,800 milion years old) and itishome to a great diversity of wildlife
4. The Great Lakes – Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Ontario, Canada The Great Lakes (Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario) form thelargest system of freshwater on earth, containing 18% of theworld’ssupply. Lake Superior isthelargest and thedeepest. Ithasthelargestsurfacearea of anyfreshwaterlakeintheworld (81,000 sq. Km) and holdsenoughwater to covertheentirecontonents of North and South America with a third of a metre of water.
5. Old Faithful - Idaho Much of the Yellowstone National Park (whichextendsinto Idaho, Montana and Wyominig) isvolcanic rock, and thereareover 10,000 geysers and hot springsinthepark – thebiggestconcentrationintheworld. The most famousgeyser, called Old Faithful, eruptsaboutevery 75 Minutes. Theeruptionslast for 1-5 minutes, and soot hot waterup to 50 metersinthe air.
6. Glacier Bay – Alaska Glacier Bay is a wilderness of mountain, glaciers, wstuaries, beaches and lakeswhitch was covered by iceonly 200 years ago. Theglaciers of Glacier Bay arestillretreating, revealingnewlandscapeseveryfewyears. Glacier Bay isnow a naturereserve and isusedextensively for scientific research
7. Niagara Falls – New York state and Ontario, Canada. • The Niagara Falls areformedwherethe Niagara River flowsbetween Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Therearetwomainwaterfalls: theHorseshoe Falls in Canada and the American Falls inthe USA. Thefallsare 55 metres high, and 160,000 cubic metres of waterflowsoverthemeveryminute.