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FLAVIUS. Description of Overblog , Qype , TVTrip - WP5 Evaluation and dissemination. FLAVIUS. Description of Overblog , Qype , TVTrip. FLAVIUS. Description. Description of 20 minutes for each partners (content, audience, expected benefits of FLAVIUS platform , ….) Overblog

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FLAVIUS Description of Overblog, Qype, TVTrip - WP5 Evaluation and dissemination

  2. FLAVIUS Description of Overblog, Qype, TVTrip

  3. FLAVIUS Description • Description of 20 minutes for eachpartners (content, audience, expectedbenefits of FLAVIUS platform, ….) • Overblog • Qype • TVTrip

  4. FLAVIUS WP5 Evaluation and dissemination

  5. FLAVIUS • Introduction of WP5 – Evaluation and dissemination • Performance metrics • Evaluation delivrable • About dissemination • Disseminationdelivrable

  6. FLAVIUS WP5: Evaluation and dissemination • Main objectives of WP5: • test the quality of the FLAVIUSplatform • promoteFLAVIUS project • Short term deliverables : • Evaluation plan • definition of performance metrics • What ? Main features to evaluate • How ? Importance ? Criteriaused to evaluate main features and importance of eachcriteria (critical, minor, …) • scheduling and organization of tests • Who? When ? • Dissemination plan • projectwebsite • advertising • …

  7. FLAVIUS Definition of performance metricsWhat ? • FLAVIUSplatform modules to assess : • Text correction automatic/semi-automatic : correction accuracy • Quality of translation : understandability • Translation customization • Workflow : ergonomics • FLAVIUStechnical architecture features to assess : • Availability of platform : stability • Response time

  8. FLAVIUS Definition of performance metrics How ? Importance ? • FLAVIUSplatform : • Text correction • False detection • Impact of ponctuation, of type of contents (SMS, journalistic, …) • Feedback to webmaster • Quality of translation : • Impact of type of contents (SMS, journalistic, …) • Fluency • Translation customization • Impact of customization (use of correct terms, … ) • Workflow : • Minimum number of click throughsreaches a feature • Ergonomics (easy to navigate, help, …)

  9. FLAVIUS Definition of performance metrics How ? Importance ? • FLAVIUStechnical architecture : • Availability of platform : • Automaticdetection of service degradation • Time to restart application • Response time : • impact of massive concurrent user requests • Impact of massive amount of data • Installation : • Easiness

  10. FLAVIUS Definition of performance metricsWho ? When ? • Task sharing : • Partnerswillberesponsible for testingtheir application • Softissimowillberesponsible for testing the overallprocess (technical issue, workflow, …) • Qype, Overblog and TVTripwillberesponsible for testingquality translation, response time, … • Planning and reporting: • Testing phases of FLAVIUS Platform willbeplannedat a regularintervals • A report willbewrittenaftereachtesting phase. • Evaluation plan willdetailstesting phases (agenda, responsability)

  11. FLAVIUS Deliverable • Evaluation plan • This document willcontaindetails about FLAVIUSplatformevaluation : • Metrics • Agenda

  12. FLAVIUS Dissemination • How to promoteFLAVIUSproject ? • Design a logo • Link on partnerwebsite • Display logo (on Reverso.net , …) • Link to projectwebsite • Newsletter • Publish content on website (video, publication, …) • High Trafficwebsite (Youtube, dailymotion,…) • Portal (specialized in translation, linguistic, …) • Participation in conference • Carry out a survey (on internet website) • Showcase

  13. FLAVIUS Deliverable • Dissemination plan • This document willcontaininformation about dissemination : • Planning • Task • Showcase

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